
Fri, 26/05/2023 - 23:00
Not necessarily a bad thing Like many of you, I’m still catching up with people and places not visited since the pandemic hit in early 2020. Daily rituals have filled the gap, pecking along here on a schedule being one of them. Daily walks being another. The expression “even keel” comes to mind. Memorial Day rituals are back on in full, finally, and perusing all the local events this weekend, I may when finished here scratch out a list of events to stop by. “Keep Asheville Weird,” the bumper sticker says, but even normal weird feels good. Brian Klaas argues that rituals contribute to social, not just personal, stability. They are “a potent force, sometimes enlisted for good, other times not,” but for that not to be ignored: How about some pro-democracy rituals? Here’s the problem: the political right and authoritarian movements have perfected the art of the ritual. They have tapped into this ancient wisdom, harnessed it, used it to mobilize their members and fasten them together. And it works.
Fri, 26/05/2023 - 22:00

We recently learned that Bluestar Sleepaway Camp+ Experience, Waystar Royco’s newest venture in premium edutainment catering to our most precious audience members, has run into a few minor hiccups. We want to assure you that we take these allegations as seriously as we take the welfare of your speculative heirs, and we are actively investigating all incidents that supposedly transpired at our campuses in Maine, New Mexico, or Hungary.

Before we comment on our revolutionary curriculum, which has been unjustly described as “scrotum-tightening,” let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Social Darwinism.

The reality is that there have always been winners and losers. We can trot out experts who assure us this is the case. “Controlling the narrative.” “Emotional blackmail.” “The art of the subtle takedown.” These are all ivory tower terms for practices inextricably linked to childhood. Surely no organization can be held responsible for coming-of-age rituals dating back to the Stone Age. We simply combined them with swimming, canoeing, and hyper-decanting wine.

Fri, 26/05/2023 - 21:44

A year since his election, it’s clear Anthony Albanese wants to avoid serious change. Instead he is appeasing the rich and powerful to keep Labor in power for as long as possible.

The post Editorial: Albanese avoids the change that’s needed through pandering to business and the rich appeared first on Solidarity Online.

Fri, 26/05/2023 - 20:37

There was uproar earlier this month when the Metropolitan Police pre-emptively arrested several people planning to protest the coronation of Charles Windsor. Those arrested and held in custody for as long as sixteen hours included Graham Smith, chief executive of anti-monarchy pressure group Republic, which nevertheless successfully mounted a protest with a turnout estimated at […]

Fri, 26/05/2023 - 19:45
May 25, 2023 ROBERT SKIDELSKY Amid the growing excitement about generative AI, there are also mounting concerns about its potential contribution to the erosion of civil liberties. The convergence of state intelligence agencies and surveillance capitalism underscores the threat that artificial intelligence poses to the future of democracy. LONDON – With investors pouring billions of dollars into … Continue reading Creeping Toward Dystopia