The FBI visits took on a new urgency after Canada alleged Indian government involvement in the assassination of a Sikh separatist on Canadian soil.
The post FBI Warned Sikhs in the U.S. About Death Threats After Killing of Canadian Activist appeared first on The Intercept.
EDUCATION WEEK September 27, 2023 The Sneaky Conservatism of Ed Tech By Alfie Kohn Have you ever noticed that people in positions of power who earnestly exhort us to “think outside the box” are likely to resist any effort to change the box itself? Take the folks in Silicon Valley. Their basic mission, as technology critic Evgeny Morozov argued recently, ... Read More
The post The Sneaky Conservativism of Ed Tech appeared first on Alfie Kohn.
The post The Sneaky Conservativism of Ed Tech appeared first on Alfie Kohn.
This week, Rishi Sunak made headlines by renouncing his party’s previous commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050. Much like Sunak’s previous pledges, the announcement doesn’t amount to much of substance. As many environmentalist groups have already pointed out, the government’s net zero target was flawed from the start — especially considering the UK […]
Tim Gurner, the viral Australian multimillionaire who wants more workers to be unemployed, was debunked by an economist in 1943.
The post The Secret History of How the Super-Rich Have Kept the Working Class Out of Work appeared first on The Intercept.
Read our roadmap to understand how this work falls into priorities set by the Drupal Association with direction and collaboration from the Board and community. You can also review the Drupal project roadmap.
Editor's note from Tim Lehnen(hestenet): A Q1 update in September? What's the deal?