Too much sodium is bad, but so is too little—no wonder the body has two sensing mechanisms.
The post Salt Taste Is Surprisingly Mysterious appeared first on Nautilus.
The hidden logic behind what pops into your head.
The post Why Did That Come to Mind? appeared first on Nautilus.
One of the most irritating things about writing this blog is making statements that are obviously correct which people, especially those with power and large platforms dispute, then later being proven correct.
Covid has been a masterclass:
First, Covid is not over. It will not be over till we either get very lucky and it mutates massively to be less dangerous, or we do what is necessary to end it. Remember that Covid is a pandemic. It moves in waves.
Second, Covid damages immunity.
Third, Covid damages a wide variety of organs, including the heart, lungs, circulatory system and your brain. This damage can be non-symptomatic, or it can be bad enough to be Long Covid.
Fourth, every time you get Covid, it has a chance of doing more damage.
Son, you’re eight years old now, and you’ll probably hear this soon enough from the other kids on the playground anyway, so I might as well tell you. Santa isn’t real, the Tooth Fairy is imaginary, and there’s no such thing as the “invisible hand of the market.”
Why did your mother and I lie to you? Well, we didn’t so much lie to you as tell you stories that were untrue, stories that we hoped would add magic to your childhood and also reassure you that capitalism is a good and fair system for everyone, instead of one in which some people can’t afford insulin while other people are Jeff Bezos.
And the thing is, back when Mom and I first told you about the invisible hand, we actually believed in it ourselves—not as a real hand, of course, but as a metaphor for a fundamental principle of economics. The principle I naively thought would save us when I got laid off, but then our mortgage went underwater, and it turned out that not one of Mom’s 223 Facebook friends wanted to get in on that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity she was pursuing at LuLaRoe.
Some 13,000 members of the United Auto Workers are participating in what they’re calling their Stand Up Strike.
The post UAW Temporarily Loses Twitter Verification as Union Strikes Against Big Three appeared first on The Intercept.