
Tue, 09/05/2023 - 02:45

“When asked by CNN to respond to critics who argue that ‘thoughts and prayers’ are not enough to prevent mass shootings, Republican Rep. Keith Self, who represents Allen [Texas], said … that he wanted to know what the motive of the gunman was and whether he had mental health issues.” — NBC News

I actually know what the shooter’s motive was.

It was to kill people.

Using a gun.

Tue, 09/05/2023 - 02:00
The man of the people who panics over stock prices An interesting article in Politico this weekend about recent events in which some left writers and thinkers extolled the virtues of Tucker Carlson because he claims to be a populist, anti-globalist. In my view, even if one were to overlook his blatant racism, misogyny and general adherence to batshit far right nonsense, you really shouldn’t overlook this when you’re taking the position that he’s a populist: “Please get her fired. It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It’s measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down. Not a joke.” That was in response to a reporter acknowledging the results of the 2020 election. His concerns were not about the working people of America. Or this. After he was fired by MSNBC: Mr. Carlson eventually snagged a pundit contract at Fox and an unpaid fellowship at the Cato Institute, the libertarian think tank. But his days as a TV star seemed at an end. With four school-age children, the Carlsons sold their $4 million Washington home, and he had what he later described as a kind of meltdown.
Tue, 09/05/2023 - 00:30
No, buying another gun won’t help When is today’s mass murder scheduled? Is there an online calendar of coming tragedies for those wishing to be elsewhere when the shooting starts? This article from the Miami Herald is a week old, but These countries have issued travel advisories for their citizens towards the United States is timely nonetheless: Due to a rise in crime and fatalities, travel advisories are not uncommon. Travel advisories are the most efficient way for officials to provide safety information to their citizens about potential risks when visiting other countries. Despite the media portrayal and opinions of others, the U.S. is not immune to travelers questioning their safety. Several countries have advised citizens to take standard safety precautions when entering the U.S., but some have increased the level of alarm. Increased hate crimes, violence, sexual assault and other forms of criminality, have countries warning their citizens about travel to the United States. Travel Noire revealed why New Zealand, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Venezuela and Uruguay encourage their citizens to stay diligent when visiting America.
Mon, 08/05/2023 - 23:00
Q: When is an abortion ban not a ban? A: When it’s dressed up as a 12-week limit. “They’ve dressed this up as a 12-week ban, but it’s really not,” North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (D) told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday. The GOP-controlled legislature, suddenly with supermajorities in both houses can, with no defections, pass SB 20 over Cooper’s expected veto. “It will effectively ban many abortions altogether because of the obstacles they have created for women, for clinics, and for doctors,” Cooper told host Margaret Brennan. “This bill has nothing to do with making women safer.” No more than Republican-sponsored “election integrity” measures are about safeguarding elections. Politico: “North Carolina has become an access point in the Southeast,” he told Brennan. “And what this legislation is going to do is going to prevent many women from getting abortions at any time during their pregnancy, because of the obstructions that they had put here.
Mon, 08/05/2023 - 22:00

Everyone wants to know how I started my very successful business, and I’m honored to share my path to greatness with you. The answer to how I got where I am today is simple. It took blood, sweat, and tears, and a lot of money that I already had from my previous super-successful business.

Don’t get me wrong. When I started my previous business, I did it out of a garage like everyone else. Only my garage was located in the headquarters of my previous, previous company. It was private access in a heated high-rise with twenty-four-hour security. From there, I packed and shipped all the items myself. And “by myself” I mean with the help of the employees of my previous, previous company who did all the work without any overtime wages.

I scrimped and saved and pinched and banked every last million.

I survived on just eight-dollar lattes and pasta flown in from my favorite restaurant in Italy. On the days my private driver was out doing deliveries, I rode my Vespa to work. If it rained, I would order an Uber, where all my rides were comped because I was an angel investor.

Mon, 08/05/2023 - 21:52

Israeli activist Miko Peled argues that Leo Dee, father of two Jewish settlers killed by a Palestinian fighter, chose to participate in a bloody project of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine and therefore has no right to speak of right and wrong. 

The post Settler Leo Dee and the Blood-Stained Israeli Consensus appeared first on MintPress News.

Mon, 08/05/2023 - 20:15

For six months towards the end of the Second World War, Maadi—a large, dusty British Army base on the outskirts of Cairo—was the unlikely setting for one of the most interesting experiments in military democracy this country has seen. Britain’s armed forces established their own parliament—the Cairo Forces Parliament (CFP), a troops’ parliament—where they stood […]

Mon, 08/05/2023 - 15:51
Cooking time: 40-50 mins.Preparation time: 15 mins.Main cooking utensils: skilled, 8-to9-in. plain ring mold, shallow pan or dish for water, 2 saucepansOven temperature: 325-350°F.Oven position: center For 4-6 people you need:1 red sweet pepper1½ cups cooked rice½ cup butter or margarine2 medium onions½ green sweet pepper1 small clove garlic1 cup ground beef6-oz. can concentrated tomato […]
Mon, 08/05/2023 - 12:15
Last Friday (May 5, 2023), the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their latest labour market data – Employment Situation Summary – April 2023 – which revealed continuing employment growth and and modest declines in unemployment. While the US Federal Reserve is deliberately trying to undermine the labour market, even though the inflation rate…