
Sat, 25/03/2023 - 04:51
Why the Coalition likes wrecking proposals for constitutional reform; a politicised and enfeebled public service; and people versus poker machines in the NSW election. Read on for the Weekly Roundup of links to articles, reports, podcasts and other media on current political and economic issues in public policy. Our submissive public service The Robodebt commission Continue reading »
Sat, 25/03/2023 - 04:50
ABC’s Media Watch backs down, following complaint from Australian Strategic Policy Institute, after it aired a segment of Channel Nine political reporter Chris O’Keefe berating both ASPI and Nine Newspaper over the Red Alert series. Two weeks ago, ABC’s Media Watch carried the banner “Hysterical reporting stokes fears of war with China” aimed at Nine Continue reading »
Sat, 25/03/2023 - 04:00
In August of 1980, Ronald Reagan decided to campaign for president at the Neshoba County fair in rural Mississippi, where he gave a speech announcing his support for “states’ rights”, the rallying cry of segregationists for decades. The choice of location was hardly a coincidence. It was right outside the town of Philadelphia, site of the horrific murder of civil rights workers James Chaney, Mickey Schwerner and Andrew Goodman, who were abducted and killed by the Ku Klux Klan in 1964. Oh, the Republicans swore they didn’t mean anything by this, but everyone understood what they were signaling. It wasn’t exactly subtle. This was a dog whistle to rural Southerners, part of the GOP’s years-long effort to convert the racists among them to the Republican party. And it worked. Donald Trump adopted the GOP’s cultivation of racists but parted ways with the party on many other issues. Aside from stealing Reagan’s slogan “Make America Great,” Trump has never said much about him either. He seems to be taking a page from that 1980 playbook, however, with his plans for the first big Trump campaign rally of 2023.
Sat, 25/03/2023 - 04:00

You’re none of them.

Why did you click this link? You already knew that. You know who you are, and it’s not one of the fictional characters on HBO’s drama sensation Succession. You still are who you have always been and who you will forever remain: you. For better or for worse. Breathe. Accept this.

You are not Logan. You are not Shiv. You are not even that guy that Fisher Stevens plays who just sort of showed up at one point and then never left. You are the one who watches them, their silent witness, laughing and holding your breath and shaking your head in wonderment at their cruelty. And then, when the end credits roll, you must turn off the television, shut your laptop, and live your life. Because you are you. You are no one but you.

I don’t even need to ask you any questions to know. You don’t need to pick a dream house, or a vacation destination, or a favorite color, because the fact that you’re here, in our universe, reading this, means that you are not one of the imaginary Roys or one of their imaginary associates or adversaries. You’re you.

Sat, 25/03/2023 - 01:30
HAPPY CRIME-FRAUD EXCEPTION DAY, FOR THOSE WHO CELEBRATE The headline above from Marcy at emptywheel made me smile. The subjects of her post have less reason to. For the US political world … today marks crime-fraud exception day, the day that at least one of Trump’s attorneys will be obliged to testify about how Trump lied to his lawyers to try to get away with hoarding stolen classified documents. Because Evan Corcoran (and possibly Georgia attorney Jennifer Little) will testify today, I thought it a good day to update the list of attorneys who were or have been witnesses or who may be subjects in one or more investigations into Trump. Since the Stormy Daniels payment may lead to Trump’s first indictment, Michael Cohen gets pride of place at number one on this list, a reminder that for seven years, Trump lawyers have been exposing themselves to legal jeopardy to help him cover things up.
Sat, 25/03/2023 - 00:41
Starmer and Evans ignored whistleblower’s repeated warnings of ‘sadistic’ and ‘criminal’ abuse of vulnerable domestic violence victims – and still has at least two alleged sex pests on his front bench Keir Starmer has promised to halve domestic violence against women and girls if Labour gets into government. He has a long track record of […]
Sat, 25/03/2023 - 00:36

Iran International: Alan Macleod reveals how a network of Western and Saudi interests converged to create the ultimate propaganda tool in a failed bid to overthrow the government of Iran.

The post Iran International: Inside the “Saudi-Funded” Network Promoting Regime Change in Iran appeared first on MintPress News.

Sat, 25/03/2023 - 00:00
Consent of the governed? Bah! Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper has seen it in North Carolina (2016). And Gov. Tony Evers in Wisconsin (2018). Voters’ choices pitted both Democrats against hostile Republican-dominated state legislatures. Before even taking office, Republicans in lame duck sessions, with support from outgoing Republican Govs. Pat McCrory and Scott Walker, stripped powers from the incoming Democratic governors. If Jan. 6 and GOP election-denying in its aftermath did not clue you in, political niceties such as respecting the will of voters is not part of the Republican playbook. Raw power is. Richard Nixon torpedoed the Paris Peace Talks in 1968 to win his. Operatives for Gov. Ronald Reagan in 1980 delayed for months the release of Americans held hostage in Iran ahead of his election and inauguration. Power mattered more. Neither paid a personal price for the resulting deaths and extended captivity of Americans. Sherrilyn Ifill, president of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, reminds Slate readers that Republican power stripping of the sort deployed against Cooper and Evers has not stopped. After disturbing photos appeared in 2020 of Sen.
Sat, 25/03/2023 - 00:00


Still from a video by rapper Izo, leader of 5 Segonn, a well-known gang in Port-Au-Prince.

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Jean Marseille recorded these dispatches on his phone while surviving on the streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, from October through December 2022. As the chaos that followed the assassination of Haitian president Jovenel Moïse in July 2021 devolved into further lawlessness, Jean witnessed firsthand a city in free fall.

Fri, 24/03/2023 - 23:50

Facing hundreds of renters at a meeting in parliament earlier this week, the new government housing minister Rachel Maclean promised a ban on Section 21 ‘no-fault’ evictions would become law by Autumn. ‘My civil servants will probably kill me for this—but yes,’ she said, in answer to housing journalist Vicky Spratt. Maclean, who in February […]

Fri, 24/03/2023 - 23:29

Co-authors: Vladimir Roudakov, Lisa McCray

The industry summits at DrupalCon are a great way to get the most out of your conference experience if you’re a government or higher education professional. Summits are full day sessions scheduled when there are no general conference sessions happening, so you won’t miss anything from the main event. 

What are the registration details?

Although the Summits are part of the DrupalCon program, they are separate events and require a separate registration. There is also an additional cost associated with Summit registration. It’s an additional $250, and you can add a summit package to regular registration all through one convenient platform. 

Register now

Fri, 24/03/2023 - 23:12
Yes, Putin and his henchmen should be prosecuted for war crimes. So should those who led the invasion of Iraq. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 20th March 2023 It goes beyond hypocrisy. It’s an assault on memory. Gordon Brown, calling for a special tribunal to punish the Russian government, correctly states that an […]
Fri, 24/03/2023 - 22:57


Even if they go to the Fed to borrow reserves at par of their USTs they don’t have the capital to support the increase in reserve assets they borrow from the Fed…iow if they are sitting there in compliance with SLR of 0.10 …. A-L=C…. Use the SVB reported numbers….  200-180=20… (A-L)/A = 0.10 ….. ok everything is fine.. somebody comes in and tries to withdraw 20… they don’t have any reserves as RRR is 0%…   they pledge UST assets at par to borrow 20 reserves from Fed… now 220-200=20 … (A-L)/A = 20/220 = 0.09 …. ie SLR drops below threshold due to the Fed transaction and they have to be shut down and everybody there gets wiped out with all the chaos… 🤔

Fri, 24/03/2023 - 22:17



MAGA take on the current crises….