
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 09:14
Shearer, Wright and Jenas shame Starmer by refusing to appear on MotD after Lineker removed for comparing Tories to 1930s fascists – and commenters shred BBC and Tories for further fascism Yesterday – and it would be near-impossible to argue they hadn’t been told to – a string of Labour MPs attacked Match of the […]
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 09:00
Senator Jim Risch, R-Id. MSNBC reports: Two years ago, a mob of rioters who believed former President Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election viciously assaulted police, smashed out windows, stormed into an office, flipped over a giant conference table and barricaded themselves inside the U.S. Capitol, readying themselves for a fight with police inside a suite of “hideaway” offices for senators. One of the offices, federal prosecutors recently disclosed, belonged to Republican Jim Risch, the 79-year-old junior senator from Idaho, where Trump is tremendously popular. Video shows a rioter — who has pleaded guilty to driving a stun gun into a police officer’s neck, nearly killing him — smashing out Risch’s window overlooking the Washington Monument and the national mall in an attempt to let more rioters into the building. Additional video released this week shows Risch’s trashed desk, including what looks like a framed campaign image bearing his last name. A review of Risch’s public statements on the Jan. 6, 2021, riot show no indication that he has ever mentioned what happened to his office that day.
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 05:47
Starmer welcomed Bermondsey and Old Southwark MP back into party this week – but well-known racist comments toward British-Chinese journalist were not Coyle’s only transgression There was widespread outrage among Labour members this week after the the Starmer-led party’s decision to readmit him as a Labour MP, just a few days after Coyle was suspended […]
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 05:30
Murdoch has made a market and he’s selling to it. That’s all there is. I have always been skeptical of the economic deterministic view that you can reduce all human motivation to money. People are complicated and are motivated by many things, including ego, fear, love, status, etc. Economic motives are certainly part of the equation but I’ve never bought the idea that you can always explain everything if you just “follow the money.” Businesses, however, can usually be put in the “money is everything” category and many make the argument that that’s how it should be, fiduciary duty and all that. There are certain wealthy actors who are motivated by both ideology and money. These are people who use their power and their businesses to advance personal causes while also chasing a profit. The right-wingers among them (the majority of the bunch) have the felicitous advantage of their ideology working to their economic imperative so no doubt some of their alleged ideals are simply in service of that goal. Over the years it’s been assumed that Rupert Murdoch has been one of those businessmen.
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 05:18

We have an exciting opportunity with a vacancy for our new Celestial Toyroom (CT) Editor. This is initially a 12 month voluntary role working with the DWAS executive team on CT between July 2023 and June 2024.

The job includes the following:

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Sat, 11/03/2023 - 04:58
We are in a desperate race to avoid locking in a pathway to human extinction. This requires brutal honesty on the threats we face. Climate change, not China, Russia or the US, is the greatest threat the world faces; it will only be overcome with unprecedented global co-operation. Negotiating with the laws of physics is Continue reading »
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 04:57
It seems that poor old Albanese has been sold a very greedy—though only virtual—pup. Think of the comparison with another Labor PM, Ben Chifley. Albanese doesn’t come out of it very well. In 1948, at a time when energy was a major issue, Chifley launched the expensive Snowy Hydro Scheme to provide the country with Continue reading »
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 04:55
Over many months now, when talking to relatives, friends, acquaintances and strangers about the current, parlous state of geo-politics and how the world is moving ever closer to world war, and a possible, uncontrolled nuclear conflagration, the retort I often receive develops something along the following lines: “Yes, we know the U.S. is a war-like Continue reading »
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 04:54
In Asian media this week: War talk means uphill battle to mend ties with China. Plus: US avoids a truthful narrative; South Korea to pay for Japan’s wartime abuse; rich countries, energy giants throttle poor nations; new terms – active non-alignment and coalition of unwilling; ‘sorry’ now the easy word. The Nine newspapers’ avowedly independent Continue reading »