
Mon, 30/01/2023 - 06:05
Another Message Board Post comments on any topic. Civil discussion and no coarse language please. Side discussions and idees fixes to the sandpits, please. I’ve moved my irregular email news from Mailchimp to Substack. You can read it here. You can also follow me on Mastodon here I’m also trying out Substack as a blogging […]
Mon, 30/01/2023 - 04:56
A break away from Australia can do much to restore one’s hope that growing militarism and the militarisation of society does not have to be the way of things. Writing from Costa Rica, I’ve enjoyed the absence of news featuring blatant China-bashing, grandiose but ill-suited plans for nuclear-powered submarines, proud announcements about new military hardware Continue reading »
Mon, 30/01/2023 - 04:56
A re-energised peace movement is urgently required. To date, at least $100 billion dollars in armaments has been committed by the US and its NATO allies to press for the continuation of the war in Ukraine. A war initiated through an illegal Russian invasion in February 2022, but a war whose fires are being stoked, Continue reading »
Mon, 30/01/2023 - 04:55
Australia has a racist constitution. It gives the Federal Parliament power to make laws for ‘The people of any race, for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws’. Deemed necessary, that is, by the Parliament itself. The argument for including such a provision in the Constitution was provided at the conventions that drafted Continue reading »
Mon, 30/01/2023 - 04:50
On Dec. 20, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced the appointment of former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as his country’s next ambassador to the U.S. I have known Rudd for about 25 years in different contexts and our paths have crossed in various parts of the world. We’ve been fellow panelists at seminars and conferences Continue reading »
Mon, 30/01/2023 - 02:54
I dessa tider — när ljudrummet dränks i den kommersiella radions pubertalflams — har man nästan gett upp. Men det finns ljus i mörkret. I programmet Text och musik med Eric Schüldt — som sänds på söndagsförmiddagarna i P2 mellan klockan 11 och 12 — kan man lyssna på seriös musik och en programledare som […]
Mon, 30/01/2023 - 02:38
The problem with conventional economics is that it requires that the "settled methodology" define both the questions and how they are answered, insuring that their mathematical models will be tractable. That is inappropriate for complex adaptive systems. All life systems and especially social systems are complex adaptive systems that are appropriately modeled using organic models rather than mechanistic models suitable for the natural sciences.

While MMT does not use organic modeling based on the life sciences, neither does it use mechanistic modeling based on the assumption that economics is comparable to the natural sciences and can be modeled on similar principles. But this assume non-existent conditions such as homogeneity and ergodicity, which do not apply to social systems that are historical and influenced by culture and institutions.
Mon, 30/01/2023 - 02:30
Sunday morning grazing This chart is old, but it’s still good. Narcissists gonna narcissist. On that note, Kirschner told The Legal Breakdown (via Newsweek): “I think prosecutors who are investigating Donald Trump are going to need all the support they can find both legally and atmospherically, and that’s why I think once one indictment drops, and the others begin to drop, that’s when you’re going to see Donald Trump fold like a house of cards. And I think he’s going to be desperate to strike whatever kind of deals he can strike to minimize his exposure, ultimately, to prison,” the former federal prosecutor added. When do tickets go on sale?
Mon, 30/01/2023 - 01:00
NATO sends tanks NATO reached a turning point last week both in its relationship with Ukraine and in its posture toward Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Tanks are on the way to Ukraine (Der Spiegel): In just a few months, 14 Leopard 2A6 tanks from Germany are to be at the front in the war against Russia. Berlin has also granted Poland permission to send its own Leopards. The United States is sending battle tanks, as is Britain. Western support for Ukraine has thus reached yet another new level, both militarily and politically. Pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin will rise, but so too, perhaps, will the chance of pushing Russia completely out of Ukraine. The move, though, also comes with a higher level of risk – that the West will become even more deeply involved in this war. That the situation could spin out of control. For Ukraine, such risks are secondary to its ongoing existential struggle. From Kyiv’s perspective, the decision to send Leopard battle tanks was long overdue, particularly given Russia’s apparent preparations for a spring offensive. Ukraine has been demanding the tanks for months, and now, the first of them will soon arrive.
Mon, 30/01/2023 - 00:00

Ex-ministro da Justiça, preso por não conter atos terroristas em Brasília, é entendido como personagem central em uma série de movimentos antidemocráticos no país.

The post Não foi só omissão: Anderson Torres é peça-chave em vários atos golpistas, aponta PF appeared first on The Intercept.

Sun, 29/01/2023 - 23:59
At least one more MP said not to have paid tax due – four hours after Zahawi sacked over tax affairs, Labour leader’s social media remain silent This morning, Tory PM Rishi Sunak sacked Nadhim Zahawi as chair of the Conservative party after an ethics adviser’s investigation confirmed what the rest of us already knew […]