
Thu, 06/04/2023 - 18:00
Natalie Burr The challenge of measuring financial conditions Imagine you were tasked with thinking about how financial conditions have changed over a policy tightening cycle. Different economists would come to very different conclusions, and none would necessarily be wrong. Why? Because measuring financial conditions is challenging – for a variety of reasons. A financial conditions … Continue reading The challenges of measuring financial conditions
Thu, 06/04/2023 - 15:55
Yves here. This post confirms something Lambert has highlighted in the context of elections: that nurses are one of the most effective union groups. Here they are combatting abusively low hospital staffing levels. Not only will this campaign help slow the decline of the quality of care, it should help slow the exodus of nurses, […]
Thu, 06/04/2023 - 09:33
Broadcaster slammed for falsely implicating immigrants The BBC has been hammered for feeding into racist stereotypes in its report of the conviction of twenty-one people in the West Midlands on child sex abuse charges. All those convicted are white Britons – yet the BBC illustrated the article with a headline image showing Palestinian flags: After […]
Thu, 06/04/2023 - 09:30
Republicans are suddenly concerned about their anti-abortion zealots ruining everything. And in the process they are proving that abortion politics were always about winning and not about any “principle” that life begins at conception. Now that they are losing and they don’t like it:
Thu, 06/04/2023 - 08:00
Dan Pfeiffer with an analysis of what went right in Wisconsin: It’s a model for the country. Hopefully people elsewhere are paying attention. (I’d put Florida at the top of that list…) By the way, get a load of the jackass who lost that Supreme Court seat:
Thu, 06/04/2023 - 06:30
Philip Bump breaks it down: 1. The 34 charges center on how payments to attorney Michael Cohen were recorded — at 34 different times. The indictment centers on the previously reported effort in 2016 to bury a story alleging an extramarital relationship between Trump and adult-film actress Stormy Daniels. That effort involved a payment of $130,000 to Daniels paid by Michael Cohen, then Trump’s attorney. A statement of facts released by the office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg details the prosecutors’ case. Cohen, it alleges, agreed in consultation with Trump and Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg that the attorney should receive $420,000 in reimbursement, a sum including enough for Cohen to offset the increase in federal income tax he would need to pay. According to the statement, this total was allegedly recorded on a bank statement (suggesting documentary evidence) and agreed to by Trump himself in an Oval Office meeting with Cohen. The sum was then repaid in a series of monthly checks that were allegedly recorded by the Trump Organization as being a monthly retainer for Cohen. That’s where the 34 charges accrue.
Thu, 06/04/2023 - 06:02
12 artichoke bottoms½ cup lemon juice1 cup beef broth1 cup tomato juice1 package unflavored gelatin½ cup heavy cream½ teaspoon dillweed1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce1 dash hot sauce If using fresh artichokes, cook whole in large kettle(s) in lightly salted water 30-35 minutes or until leaves pull easily away from body of artichoke; remove water and drain; […]