
Sat, 14/01/2023 - 06:29
Influential Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, well-known for his work on philosophical questions related to ethics, the future, and technology (existential risk, artificial intelligence, simulation), posted an apology for a blatantly racist email he sent to a listserv 26 years ago. You can read his apology, which includes the text of the original message, here. In the original message, which appeared in a thread concerning offensiveness, Bostrom complains that the statement “Blacks are more stupid than whites” (about which he says in the message “I like that sentence and think it is true”) would be mistakenly interpreted as racist. He then, in the same message, conveys that the reason he thinks that it would be interpreted as racist is that it would be seen as “synonynous” with using a racial slur to declare one’s hate for black people. To put things in an understated way, one thing to conclude about this is that in 1997, Nick Bostrom did not have a good understanding of racism. Nor of good communication norms. What about the Nick Bostrom of today? In his apology, he writes: I completely repudiate this disgusting email from 26 years ago.
Sat, 14/01/2023 - 06:00
David Chalian on CNN said this morning: You seem to want points from the American people that you immediately notified the archives and in turn notified the justice department when these document were found at the beginning of November, but why didn’t you notify the American people? We don’t have an answer to that question. They have no answer to the question of why they chose not to be transparent with the American people at that time. You see, they’re not accusing him of anything they’re just asking questions. It’s all about transparency, nothing more. Watching the feeding frenzy over Joe Biden’s documents super-scandal, I was reminded of how the media reacted when Hillary Clinton fainted on the campaign trail after months of conditioning by the right wing media that she was brain damaged. This is how it works: right wing media pounds on a story for months that the mainstream media eagerly devours but only reports around the edges. Then when an opening presents itself they burst forth with accusations that the official or candidate was engaged in a cover-up. It happens all the time.
Sat, 14/01/2023 - 05:06
Todd attracted attention in 1976 when, at age 25, he predicted the fall of the Soviet Union, based on indicators such as increasing infant mortality rates: La chute finale: Essais sur la décomposition de la sphère Soviétique (The Final Fall: An Essay on the Decomposition of the Soviet Sphere). — Wikipedia

Emmanuel Todd is the author of After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order (2001). 

Sat, 14/01/2023 - 05:00

A thirty-seven-year-old woman

She’s old enough to be president but keeping it tight enough to be a president’s fifth wife. It may be genetics, or it may be expensive products, an exhaustively fitness-focused lifestyle, and a potent combination of Botox, fillers, and laser skin treatments, but this gal’s aging like a fine wine (deliciously for ten to fifteen years before rapidly turning sour and bitter). When younger women meet this mature lady, they always assume she’s their age but a very heavy drinker. The joke’s on them—she hasn’t had a sip of booze in a decade, not because she’s an alcoholic, but because if abstaining from alcohol has worked for Jennifer Lopez, it won’t work as well for this woman but is worth a try anyway. Stay snatched, mom!

Sat, 14/01/2023 - 04:58
The Japanese are hanging out for some Quad which has us, the Americans and the Indians in it. I mean, this is the kind of hopeless environment we’re in. China is simply too big and too central to be ostracised. Let’s take Japan. Here they are, the Bourbon LDP, Liberal Democratic Party, the Bourbons of Continue reading »
Sat, 14/01/2023 - 04:57
The media reaction to the death of Cardinal George Pell is extraordinary. But his contribution to Australian Catholicism is very much a mixed blessing. Australian Catholicism has had its fair share of controversial figures. Melbourne Archbishop Daniel Mannix and Bob Santamaria come to mind immediately. But outstripping them all is Cardinal George Pell, a man Continue reading »
Sat, 14/01/2023 - 04:56
It is difficult to reconcile the public documents and statements relating to the AUKUS nuclear-power submarine project. Unlike the usual procurement process the defence policy justification is opaque, the schedule and costs are unclear, and the implications for Australian industry vague. Industry considerations arise in relation to both existing US and future Australian capacity and Continue reading »
Sat, 14/01/2023 - 04:55
We must modify our sluggish democracy to act urgently, transform our economy, and save our life support systems. The alternative is for economic change to be delivered brutally by nature. This article continues the highly relevant discussion on the environment and the economy in the articles by Mark Diesendorf, Stephen Williams, Roger Beale and John Continue reading »
Sat, 14/01/2023 - 04:51
It’s been a year since I last visited Russia. Back then, most people I met thought the prospects of a war with Ukraine were very remote, despite the massive troops build-up on the border. So I was curious to see how attitudes had changed since then. Equally important was to see for myself how the war has Continue reading »
Sat, 14/01/2023 - 04:50
Soledar has fallen to Russian troops. Bakhmut (Artymovsk) will follow soon. This constitutes the breach of Ukraine’s second defence line within the Donetzk and Lysichansk oblasts. I will discuss those lines with the maps below. The first map shows the range of land taken by Russian forces by April 1 2022 (Kiev region not shown). Continue reading »
Sat, 14/01/2023 - 04:18
Prime Minister Modi opened up the virtual Voice Of Global South Summit on Thursday by introducing India’s official approach to the emerging Multipolar World Order to those representatives of the over 120 developing countries who were invited to participate in this historic event. It can be summarized as the 4R global agenda since the four operative terms begin with that letter and involve ways in which to make International Relations more democratic, equal, just, and predictable. Here’s what he proposed:
Sat, 14/01/2023 - 04:00
But it does have a historical parallel During the George W. Bush years, as the nation waged the “global war on terror,” there was massive concern among civil libertarians about the government’s indifference, if not hostility, to human rights and civil liberties. While the “Bush Doctrine” held that “either you’re with us or you’re with the terrorists” and professed a commitment to spreading democracy (at the point of a gun) around the globe to defeat them, Vice President Dick Cheney articulated an even darker vision in a “Meet the Press” interview five days after the 9/11 attacks: We have to work the dark side, if you will. Spend time in the shadows of the intelligence world. A lot of what needs to be done here will have to be done quietly, without any discussion. It wasn’t long before it became clear what he meant. Eventually, the press and other investigators uncovered evidence that the government had gone very dark indeed.
Sat, 14/01/2023 - 03:39

While the numbers of Israeli atrocities and crimes are far too many to count, from time to time we come across something that stands out. This time it is the decision of Israel’s outgoing Minister of Interior to deny asylum to a woman facing female genital mutilation.

The post Some Africans Can’t Get Asylum in Israel Because Persecution Is Normal There appeared first on MintPress News.