
Thu, 12/01/2023 - 09:30
But still, nobody knows nothin’ That’s just depressing. People really are clueless. A couple more results: It’s going to take a lot to wring this out of the polity. People get hooked on beliefs that the economy is in the dirt and continue to believe it long after it’s not. The media doesn’t help. On another topic, I found this interesting: The partisan breakdown isn’t all that surprising. We know the white, right wingers won’t wear masks. But I was surprised to see so many young people saying they do wear them. It makes sense that old people wouldn’t because so many of us are Republicans. But young people doing it is pure altruism for most of them. They are not in great danger personally. They’re protecting others. Nice.
Thu, 12/01/2023 - 07:30
This piece by Jill Filipovic on the latest “cancel culture” flap hits on a number of important issues that I think are worthy of airing. I don’t weigh in on this stuff a whole lot because we’re in a period of rapid social transformation that I may not be the best person to interpret. I’m old, I have lived my life in a period of free-wheeling discourse that has had both good and bad effect and I’m frankly not entirely sure of myself. The very definition of academic freedom is being re-defined on a daily basis, for good and ill. My instincts may not be reliable in this area. I’m taking all that in, trying to balance the new information and attitude with my reflexive opposition to restrictions on thought and speech. Having said that, I am not in the least bit insecure about saying that liberals must stand up to religious authoritarianism. If not that, then what? Filipovic gets to that and more. It’s a very thought-provoking read: There’s been a viral story making the rounds over the past week about a truly egregious incident at Hamline University, a small liberal arts college in Minnesota.
Thu, 12/01/2023 - 06:56
America Will Lose Its Scientific Ascendance To China & When Disruptive Science Will Recover

And thinking otherwise is tiresome and delusional. From Nature:

Young Chinese scientists who got their PhDs overseas and returned to China as part of a state-run talent drive published more papers after their return than did their peers who stayed abroad. The productivity bump can be explained by returnees’ access to greater funding and an abundant research workforce, according to the authors of an analysis published in Science1. The findings come as geopolitical competition between the United States and China mounts.

Thu, 12/01/2023 - 06:25

The Truth About Corporate Subsidies

Why won’t big American corporations do what’s right for America unless the government practically bribes them?

And why is the government so reluctant to regulate them?

Prior to the 1980’s, the U.S. government demanded that corporations act in the public interest.

For example, the Clean Air Act of 1970 stopped companies from polluting our air by regulating them.

Thu, 12/01/2023 - 06:00
CNN reports: Rep. James Comer, in one of his first moves as House Oversight Chairman, is seeking information from the Treasury Department about the Biden family’s financial transactions and calling on a handful of former Twitter executives to testify at a public hearing. The new round of letters from the committee come as House Republicans are looking to flex their investigative might and make good on promises to delve into the Biden family finances and alleged political influence over technology companies after Twitter temporarily suppressed a 2020 story about Hunter Biden and his laptop. “Now that Democrats no longer have one-party rule in Washington, oversight and accountability are coming,” Comer said of his panel’s investigation into Hunter Biden and the Biden family’s business dealings. “This investigation is a top priority for House Republicans during the 118th Congress.” They had zero concerns about this: Donald Trump Jr. arrived in India on Tuesday for a week-long visit, and his trip has already revealed a couple of things.
Thu, 12/01/2023 - 05:40
Extra resources put in to cope halved waits, showing again that NHS crisis is Tory-created Statistics gathered during strike action by paramedics have made a mockery of the Tories’ transparently ideological attack on workers’ right to strike. While Rishi Sunak and his partners in crime claim their plan to force unions to maintain services during […]
Thu, 12/01/2023 - 05:00

When Elon Musk suggested that he would step down as CEO of Twitter due to widespread dissatisfaction with his leadership within and outside the company, many hoped for a seasoned executive to replace him to steady the ship. Now, due to a series of tweets from Mr. Musk that included a photograph of himself next to a floating orb, an artist rendering of cranes hatching inside the orb, a string of indecipherable glyphs, and the sentence, “You will obey Them,” we know that isn’t the case. Our advice:

Don’t panic

If you are like many Twitter users, you are asking yourself several questions. What does the orb want from me? When will the cranes be born, and when they are born, what will they know? How many Orb Units must I acquire to advance in my profession? These are all important questions, but until we know more about what dimension the orb came from, and the true identity of the crane lord, we won’t have answers. So sit tight and try not to catastrophize simply based on the horrifying events of Cranecon 2019.

Thu, 12/01/2023 - 04:59
And the Japanese Embassy in Canberra is leading the anti China campaign in Australia. Penny Wong should have a serious discussion with the Ambassador. With QUAD and maybe JAUKUS, Japan is anxious to recruit us and others as spear carriers against China. As Michael Auslin in the AFR put it, ‘A new QUAD is coalescing Continue reading »
Thu, 12/01/2023 - 04:58
Just in time, the fundamental faults of AUKUS are being exposed in Canberra and Washington. This development is not only due to the mounting concern among Australian civil society groups. The Australian mainstream media are now discussing the hitherto unmentionable drawbacks of AUKUS. But it’s because two US Senators, Democrat Jack Reed and Republican James Continue reading »
Thu, 12/01/2023 - 04:56
For those of us focused on sustainability, we wonder what it would take for a progressive government to wake up and smell the evidence. In other words, how close to collapse does Australia and the world need to be before the government (including its public service) decides it should take the issue seriously? Would you Continue reading »
Thu, 12/01/2023 - 04:55
Recent commentary has suggested politics in 2022 witnessed a “progressive wave” – a global trend towards parties of the Left. While this is legitimate if you are content to look at just the UK and USA, the global picture is much more complex. I noticed George Megalogenis’ recent article about the possibility of a “progressive Continue reading »