
Thu, 05/01/2023 - 20:58
In September 2022, Open Rights Group convened a discussion between privacy and data protection experts and other civil society professionals exploring the nexus between privacy, protection from online abuse and freedom of expression. THE ONLINE SAFETY BILL –SECTOR SUPPORTROUNDTABLESummary ReportOctober 2022 1. On 27 September 2022, Open Rights Group convened a roundtable to discuss how […]
Thu, 05/01/2023 - 20:30

The Second Doctor, Ben and Polly face a world-destroying black hole in a brand-new seven-hour enhanced Doctor Who audiobook The Dead Star, released today by Big Finish Productions. Michael Troughton, son of Patrick Troughton and the new voice of the Second Doctor, brilliantly performs the 1960s audio novel, written by prolific sci-fi author, Kate Orman. […]

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Thu, 05/01/2023 - 20:00
Gerardo Ferrara, Gerardo Martinez, Pelagia Neocleous, Pierre Ortlieb and Manesh Powar The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and subsequent sanctions led to unprecedented increases in key commodity prices. While prices briefly abated in late spring and early summer, these surged again over late July and August, with EU and UK gas prices reaching … Continue reading ‘There is all the difference in the world between paying and being paid’: margin calls and liquidity demand in volatile commodity markets
Thu, 05/01/2023 - 19:31
Like many other academics, it seems, I spent part of Winter break playing around with ChatGPT, a neural network “which interacts in a conversational way.” It has been trained up on a vast database, to recognize and (thereby) predict patterns, and its output is conversational in character. You can try it by signing up. Somewhat […]
Thu, 05/01/2023 - 13:07
Dept of Defence briefing document insists facilities are non-military A briefing released by the US Department of Defence admits that the US military has been maintaining forty-six bio-facilities in Ukraine, while insisting that they and other laboratories it ‘supports’ in that country are purely for peaceful purposes. The presence of US-run bio-facilities in Ukraine formed […]
Thu, 05/01/2023 - 12:00

2022 saw the greatest number of strike days in Britain since the early 1980s. This wave of resistance has inspired millions – but it has also led to a fierce backlash from the government. In addition to another round of austerity, their response now involves a new round of anti-union laws designed to impede the growing […]

Thu, 05/01/2023 - 12:00
As we watch the GOP’s far right rabble destroy their party from within, I would like to draw your attention to a Representative who is commonly seen as the equivalent on the Democratic side. As you will see, the wingnuts are all immature jackasses by comparison. AOC, the avatar of the left wing of the Democratic party, is very, very good. The Democrats are the adults in the room who see what’s happening with the Republican Party and understand the stakes. And if you look at what they accomplished in the last congress, it’s a testament to how much you can do if you keep your eyes on the prize. “Conservatives in chaos” supplanted “Democrats in disarray” some time ago. It would be very nice if the media could at least acknowledge this from time to time.