
Tue, 07/03/2023 - 01:00
“New infrastructure projects still threaten communities today, critics say” An occasional hiccup in canvassing neighborhoods near the interstate is having political software direct volunteers to street numbers that don’t exist. The list says to knock at 372 on a block that dead ends at 310. That’s because when planners put through the interstate decades ago, they cut the neighborhood in two. The street numbers pick up on the other side of the interstate. It’s most likely a Black neighborhood. It seems there are plans to “remedy” some of that, Axios reports: In an attempt to reverse the socioeconomic harm of planning decisions made decades ago, the federal government is doling out $1 billion over five years to remove highways that divide communities. Yes, but: That’s a modest sum compared to the billions the government is pumping into new highway expansion projects that critics fear will repeat the same mistakes. Why it matters: Highways and rail lines are supposed to help people get to where they want to go. Yet infrastructure can also be a barrier that divides neighborhoods and cuts residents off from economic opportunity.
Tue, 07/03/2023 - 00:38
There’s been a lot of grumpy commentary about this recent NYT op-ed by Adam S. Hoffman, a Princeton senior claiming that conservatives are being driven off campus. Its basic claims: In the not-so-distant past, the Typical College Republican idolized Ronald Reagan, fretted about the national debt and read Edmund Burke. Political sophistication, to that person, […]
Tue, 07/03/2023 - 00:00

“Michael Knowles—right-wing political commentator associated with the Daily Wire—said ‘for the good of society… transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely’ at the Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday afternoon.” – The Daily Beast, 3/5/23

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I, Jay Ludlow Martin, previously known as Laura Jayne Martin, until a legal name change, which likely still has not been corrected on my insurance card because of incompetence on the part of the insurance company—however, they did manage to pay for my top surgery, so fine, whatever—of New York, New York, revoke my former Wills and Codicils and declare this to be my last will and testament.

Mon, 06/03/2023 - 23:00

By Unicorn Riot Atlanta, GA – Atlanta-area forest defenders, community activists and their allies from around the country and the world are initiating a ‘week of action’ against a proposed ‘Cop City’ urban warfare campus and a movie industry facility that would demolish much of the largest urban forest in the country.  The upcoming week […]

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Mon, 06/03/2023 - 22:43
Kendall’s attack on Tory killing of over 40,000 care home residents in the pandemic doesn’t go far enough – and it ignores Labour’s cheerleader role as Johnson-Hancock policies caused even more deaths Right-wing Labour MP Liz Kendall has tweeted a video of herself pointing out the Tories’ lie about throwing a ‘protect ring’ around care […]
Mon, 06/03/2023 - 22:15

Despite decades of Indigenous activism and resistance, UC Berkeley has failed to return the remains of thousands of Native Americans to tribes. The university is still discovering more human remains.

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