
Mon, 20/02/2023 - 20:56

A new cold war is upon us, but only China is in a position to push it beyond the point of no return. That moment will come when China’s policymakers cross the Rubicon and decide to wean Chinese economic growth off the US trade deficit. ATHENS – True hegemons prevail not by force but by […]

The post Will China Dump Its Dark Deal with America? – Project Syndicate appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.

Mon, 20/02/2023 - 10:57
Last Monday, I wrote about the global need for us to abandon meat production for food, and, instead take up plant-based diets. Many people interpreted that argument as a personal attack on their dietary freedom, which indicates they fell into a fallacy of composition trap and declined to see the global issue. As part of my series on the Degrowth agenda, the other aspect about food which is important is that we have a propensity to produce too much food and distribute what we produce unfairly. I will deal with the distributional issues in another post. Today, I want to talk about the over-abundance of food in nations which means too much land, water and other resources is devoted to its production with commensurate negative environmental consequences. One manifestation of that phenomenon is food loss and food waste, which are different terms for the segment of the food supply chain where wastage occurs. If we are serious about dealing with the environmental disaster then we have to eliminate or dramatically reduce wastage.
Mon, 20/02/2023 - 10:25
Last week, Fed Chair Jerome Powell said, “the disinflationary process has begun.” Many breathed a sigh of relief even as Powell told us that the process of getting all the way back down to 2 percent would likely “take quite a bit of time.” To get inflation all the way back down to target, Powell told us to expect a series of