
Fri, 12/08/2022 - 03:53

The Real Motive Behind the GOP’s “Culture War”

Why do Putin and the Republican Party sound so much alike? Simple: Their culture wars have similar agendas.

Both are trying to distract attention from the economic looting by their respective oligarchies.

Vladimir Putin has been blasting so-called "cancel culture.”

This was his third “cancel culture” rant in recent months. It’s the same imaginary crisis that Trump and the GOP have been ranting about for several years.

Tucker Carlson, one of Fox News’s most infamous personalities, accuses liberals of trying to cancel all sorts of things. 

Fri, 12/08/2022 - 03:49

How Corporations are Using Inflation to Take Your Money

Inflation is a cover corporations are using to squeeze more money out of you. But as I’ll explain, there are five things we can do to fight back.

Corporations are using inflation as an excuse to raise their prices, hurting workers and consumers while they enjoy record profits. 

Prices are surging – but let’s be clear: corporations are not raising prices simply because of the increasing costs of supplies and labor. They could easily absorb these higher costs, but instead they are passing them on to consumers and even raising prices higher than those cost increases.

Corporations are getting away with this because they face little or no competition. 

Fri, 12/08/2022 - 03:18
By Eoin Higgins -- Salon In 2022, Pride month — June — gave way to an explosion of invective against LGBTQ rights, helped along by allies in right-wing media, particularly Fox News. But there's also rising anti-trans sentiment in the liberal-left sphere, and it's being driven by some elements of what might be called the "post-left," onetime champions of progressive outlooks who have now tilted to the right. Former Intercept writer (and Salon columnist) Glenn Greenwald is one of those leading the charge, turning his audience on to fringe elements of a growing hate movement.
Thu, 11/08/2022 - 03:22

Howdy folks! Pardon my July hiatus, as I was uhhhh covering the Tour de France. Anyway, before I get started, I’m back now and have some good news, which is that the McMansion Hell Patreon tiers have been updated – it’s never been such a good time to support McMansion Hell.

For $1/month you can get access to the Good House posts (McMansion Eyebleach) and the wonderful McMansion Hell Discord, a great, friendly community which is where many houses on here now come from. $3/month tiers will now receive an entire bonus MMH post in addition to the Good House posts that follow every edition of MMH. $5/month tiers still get a monthly house roasting livestream complete with bingo. $10/month tiers now get a bonus livestream that’s much more intimate and also includes voice chat participation. All in all, it’s more of what you want from McMansion Hell. Tiers above $10/month get a selection of exclusive merch along with other benefits.

Ok, awkward marketing moment over. Let’s get down to business. Big business.

Thu, 11/08/2022 - 00:44
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods transform people’s lives and rebuild community. Resist the angry men trying to destroy them. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 3rd August 2022 It reminds me of the school board controversies in the United States. A small group of furious men, whipped up by the media and opportunist politicians, are seeking […]
Wed, 10/08/2022 - 23:59

I’ve spent a lot of time on this blog debunking economists’ claims about productivity. Usually, I come at the problem from a fairly technical angle, meaning I break down the contradictions involved in economists’ methods. Today, I want to try a more philosophical approach. I’m going to talk about dualism — the idea that something […]

The post Dualism in Science, Theology, and Economics appeared first on Economics from the Top Down.

Wed, 10/08/2022 - 11:01
This fall, I’m teaching an undergraduate seminar, “Politics Through Literature,” at Brooklyn College. Space is still open. Our syllabus runs from Aeschylus to Alison Bechdel, concentrating on the politics of the family, beauty, money, and sex. Along the way, we’ll read Vivian Gornick, Ralph Ellison, Bertolt Brecht, Plato, Marx, James Baldwin, Anton Chekhov, Barbara Fields, Euripides, Edward P. Jones, Jane Austen, Nietzsche, Wollstonecraft, Adam Smith, Franz Kafka, Toni Morrison, and more. If you’re looking for a three-credit class on Monday and Wednesday mornings, from 11 to 12:15, feel free to reach out to me ( or sign up for POLS 3440. Feel free to share this post with any and all CUNY students or students who want to sign up […]
Wed, 10/08/2022 - 06:45

RT, 8 Aug, 2022 05:05, HomeBusiness News Western sanctions are good for Moscow – US economist A former Wall Street analyst says the Russian economy is being made self-sufficient The economic war unleashed by the West against Russia has backfired and may bring the country much good, former Wall Street financier Michael Hudson has told Continue Reading

The post Moscow’s New Found Independence first appeared on Michael Hudson.
Tue, 09/08/2022 - 15:25

Filming a band practice and editing the video into a song

I wanted to show the process of how we filmed the band working on an idea for a song during a two-hour practice session and chopped up that video footage into a working song.

Run a click track the whole time

The key thing about this idea is that we had a click track running the entire night. 

We had headphones placed around the studio and the click track was constantly running, whether we were talking or actually playing it was always running.

That way no matter what ideas we played throughout the video recording, whatever parts that we came up with they would still work with each other in the video editor when I placed them side by side.