
Tue, 19/07/2022 - 09:39

Transcript of Interview on The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong May 25th, 2022 DANNY HAIPHONG: Good afternoon, everyone. Happy Wednesday, May 25th, welcome to the stream, to another left lens. Today we have a very special guest so as you’re coming in make sure you are liking the stream sharing it, make sure that you Continue Reading

The post Finance Capitalism’s Self-Destructive Nature first appeared on Michael Hudson.
Tue, 19/07/2022 - 04:20
In my first column in this series, I gave Hyman Minsky’s explanation of what caused the stagflation of the 1970s—a credit bubble bursting when the economy was absolutely at its peak caused the stagnation, while high wage and oil price rises caused the inflation. I finished with the essence of Milton Friedman’s very different explanation: … Continue reading "This Ain’t Your Daddy’s Inflation Part Two"
Mon, 18/07/2022 - 22:00

The joy of receiving each Tom Tomorrow ahead of everyone, and at the same time supporting a great commentator in his endeavor to speak the truth with humor and justice, and getting insights into him as a person, is worth far more than the little it costs to subscribe.” — Testimonial from an actual Sparky’s List subscriber. If you’d like to help keep this work sustainable, please consider joining! You can read it on Patreon or get it delivered to your inbox every week, the content is the same either way.

Sat, 16/07/2022 - 18:39
As part of my recent fascination with competitive and ‘de-competitive’ merit selection, I’ve been looking at the origins of both parliamentary and presidential elections. Intriguingly though we now associate elections with competition between candidates, in both the British parliamentary system … Continue reading
Thu, 14/07/2022 - 22:33

Macro and Cheese pod, July 9 2022.  Michael Hudson A central tenet of the World Bank from the beginning is to convince countries not to grow their own food, but to create plantation agriculture to prevent family-owned farming of food, to grow plantation export crops and they become dependent on the United States for their Continue Reading

The post International Trade and MMT with Keen, Hudson first appeared on Michael Hudson.
Thu, 14/07/2022 - 03:01
Author and law professor Maurice Stucke warns that as fundamental privacy rights vanish, your personal data can and will be used against you.

University of Tennessee law professor Maurice Stucke, author of “Breaking Away: How to Regain Control Over Our Data, Privacy, and Autonomy” has been critical as tech firms have grown into giant “data-opolies” profiting from surveillance and manipulation. In a conversation with the Institute for New Economic Thinking, he warns that legislative inaction and wider government complicity in this surveillance are eroding fundamental rights to privacy along with the ability of federal agencies to regulate Big Tech.

Lynn Parramore: Concern over privacy is increasing right now, with people worrying about different aspects of the concept. Can you say a bit about what privacy means in a legal context? With the digital revolution, privacy obviously means something different than it did 50 years ago.

Wed, 13/07/2022 - 22:21

Why it lacks resilience, and What will take its place Paper presented on July 11, 2022 to The Ninth South-South Forum on Sustainability. THE COLLAPSE OF MODERN CIVILIZATION AND THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY. The greatest challenge facing societies has always been how to conduct trade and credit without letting merchants and creditors make money by Continue Reading

The post The End of Western Civilization first appeared on Michael Hudson.
Wed, 13/07/2022 - 02:28
Central banks can encourage climate-friendly investments by offering financial institutions favorable haircuts on green collateral

Few dispute that there can be no green transition without a greening of finance. Yet, the greening of finance drags on and on. In fact, estimates suggest that current practices in the financial sector have us headed for temperature increases two-fold larger in magnitude than those aimed for with the Paris agreement. In this predicament, might a way forward be to engage central banks in fostering the much-needed greening of finance?

Mon, 11/07/2022 - 03:22
In The New Yorker, I take on Clarence Thomas’s contributions to this last term of the Supreme Court: The most powerful Black man in America, Thomas is also our most symptomatic public intellectual, setting out a terrifying vision of race, rights, and violence that’s fast becoming a description of everyday life. It’s no longer a matter of Clarence Thomas’s Court. Increasingly, it’s Clarence Thomas’s America. I focus on the abortion and gun rights decisions, and try to limn their meaning for our moment. In the face of a state that won’t do anything about climate change, economic inequality, personal debt, voting rights, and women’s rights, it’s no wonder that an increasing portion of the population, across all races, genders, and beliefs, have […]