FROM: Gouldsboro College Admissions Team
SUBJECT: Apply today!
Hi Katherine,
As college deadlines roll around, we at Gouldsboro College encourage you to take a chance on our supportive learning community. Since our founding in 1923, Gouldsboro has given scholars from all over the country (and the world, probably) the skills they need to survive in this cold, hard world. We’ve reviewed your profile, Katherine, and think you’d be a fantastic fit. Start your application using the link below, and we’ll see you in September!
Best wishes,
Mark Doyle
Gouldsboro College Dean of Admissions
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FROM: Gouldsboro College Admissions Team
SUBJECT: Only six more days left!
Hi again, Katherine,
Gouldsboro misses you! There are only a few days left to make an impression on our admissions team, and we’d love for you to step up to the plate. You don’t even need to try that hard because we accept everyone. Just give it a go, Katherine. We promise you’ll love us.