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BBC Books has announced another five new additions to the Target novelisation range due for release in July 2023. BBC Books is delighted to announce that it will be expanding the Doctor Who Target range with five new titles in Summer 2023, all publishing on 13th July, each with newly commissioned cover artwork by Anthony […]
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Growing consolidation in localized hospital markets appears to restrict nurse wage growth
Rolling waves of consolidation have significantly decreased the number of hospital systems in the U.S., leading to dominant regional systems. Increased concentration potentially affects industry quality, prices, efficiency, wages, and more. Much of the consolidation research is focused on merger events and estimating effects on the merged entities. In contrast, our new working paper is not based simply on merger data but takes account of the overall increase in consolidation across the country without respect to cause.
Zionists, whether ‘political’ like Hertzl or ‘Spiritual ’ Ha’am’ - and now Netanyahu and Ben Gvir - have all used the Jewish religion to achieve the same end, colonizing all historic Palestine and ethnically cleansing its native population.
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Increased hospital system consolidation in small Metropolitan Statistical Areas is adversely related to nurse wage growth.
by Brian Czech
On a scale of one to ten, COP15—the UN Biodiversity Conference in Montreal last month—was a solid five. That may not sound like a ringing endorsement, but it represents significant progress from prior COPs, which dabbled along in the one or two range for the better part of three decades. The progress was evident from the start, when UN Secretary General António Guterres kicked off the conference by noting,
The post COP15: The Good, the Bad, and the Smugly appeared first on Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.
Bonus audiobook downloads narrated by Doctor Who stars will join brand-new box sets in the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Doctor ranges from Big Finish Productions in 2023. Interludes are hour-long audiobook adventures with special music and effects, bundled exclusively as download extras with selected new Doctor Who box sets. Big Finish listeners who purchase any […]
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I like to sing and what I like best is to do so at the top of my lungs when I’m all alone. Last summer, taking a walk through the corn fields in New York’s Hudson River Valley with no one around but the barn swallows, I found myself belting out a medley of tunes about peace from my long-ago, summer-camp years. That was the late 1950s, when the miseries of World War II were still relatively fresh, the U.N. looked like a promising development, and folk music was just oh-so-cool. At my well-meaning, often self-righteous, always melodious camp, 110 children used to warble with such sweet promise: It seemed such a sensible, grown-up way to think — like, duh!... Read more
Source: Give Peace a Chance appeared first on
Rowley gives us an insider’s view of the FBI and how the dark and violent history of COINTELPRO and her personal struggle to free Leonard Peltier.
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Presos disseram à Polícia Civil que buscaram proteção com os militares quando a polícia chegou – e houve embate entre as forças de segurança.
The post Exército fez ‘casinha’ para terroristas se protegerem, mostram depoimentos de presos em flagrante appeared first on The Intercept.
By Caitlin Johnstone / Substack In a new article titled “U.S. Warms to Helping Ukraine Target Crimea,” the New York Times reports that the Biden administration now believes Kyiv may need to launch an offensive on the territory that Moscow has considered a part of the Russian Federation since 2014, “even if such a move […]
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Now that the season of good cheer is behind us, I feel I can bring up a serious and painful issue that unfortunately became a reality for me this year during Christmas. I received whiskey stones.
Whiskey stones affect a huge percentage of men and, to a lesser extent, women every year, especially around the holidays. To those unfamiliar with the painful condition, these soapstone cubes manifest in relatives and friends who do not know what to give as gifts and want to preserve their perception of being the cool gift-giver and not at all sentimental.
Contrary to popular belief and what the salespeople at Brookstone and ad copy in Skymall will tell you, nobody in history has ever used a whiskey stone. Yes, there is some truth that they will not water down your whiskey, but just the same, putting a goddamn handful of cold rocks in your glass of whiskey is insane and completely unnecessary.