
Sat, 24/12/2022 - 07:39
The Decline Of Facebook (Meta)

Back in August of this year Cheryl Sandberg stepped down as Chief Operating Officer of Meta, . I’d been keeping a lazy eye of Facebook and Meta for a while: the organization felt sick to me, not in terms of ethics, but in terms of health. Sandberg jumping was a sign: the most important insider other than the founder and CEO leaving.

Then, this week:

Sat, 24/12/2022 - 06:30

While US attorneys twisted the Vienna Conventions to fit their case against Alex Saab, a bizarre exchange highlighted the judge’s apparent bias and confusion about U.S. Venezuela policy. MIAMI, FLORIDA – The trial of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab continued on December 20, when U.S. District Judge Robert Scola heard closing arguments in an evidentiary hearing concerned with whether or not the concept of diplomatic immunity applied to his case. The diplomat was arrested on June 12, 2020, while en route […]

The post Prosecution in Saab case threatens to undermine the principle of diplomatic immunity appeared first on The Grayzone.

Sat, 24/12/2022 - 06:21

The Grayzone intercepted Volodymyr Zelensky’s Ukrainian diaspora delegation outside the US Capitol and encountered Natalie Jaresko, the corporate operative who helped guide Wall Street’s pillaging from Kiev to Puerto Rico. Jaresko indignantly justified Zelensky’s banning of his political rivals as a necessary wartime measure. Steel fencing and police barricades ringed the perimeter of the US Capitol Building hours ahead of the arrival of Volodymyr Zelensky. The Ukrainian president appeared in Washington DC in the early afternoon on December 21, 2022, […]

The post Zelensky’s diaspora delegation led by economic hit-woman who led plunder of Ukraine appeared first on The Grayzone.

Sat, 24/12/2022 - 04:10
The return of Lula and the challenges facing the Brazilian economy post-Bolsonaro, both domestically and in relation to geopolitics and geoeconomics with the heavy hand of the US in the background. In the larger picture, US hegemony means control of the world's resources, which means subjugating the large resources holders, Russia, China, Brazil, Indonesia, India, and the African continent — that is, most of the Global South and east — while keeping Europe in state of vassalage. This is the principal dynamic of this ear. The rest is just details, e.g., hybrid warfare as a means to this end. This dynamic is the prism through all else on the world stage must be viewed in terms of the present state of the world system, which is now in flux. Lula is cast in the role of a major player in "the Great Game" being played on the global chessboard. Pepe Escobar elaborates.

Pepe Escobar is always upbeat about this views. But the world situation and the specific events he describes are gritty and outcomes uncertain for epistemological reasons (known unknowns) and ontological reasons (unknown and unknowable unknowns).

Asia Times
Sat, 24/12/2022 - 03:06

One not so good item in the package of retirement fund provisions in the omnibus funding bill raises the age for mandatory distributions from retirement accounts from 72 to 75. This is phased in over a decade, but it does go up immediately to 73 in 2023. It had already been raised from 70.5 years […]

The post Quick Note on Minimum Age for Mandatory Retirement Fund Distributions appeared first on Center for Economic and Policy Research.

Sat, 24/12/2022 - 01:33

Prolific academic Vijay Prashad joins "The Most Censored News With Lee Camp" to discuss empire, coups, censorship and his latest book co-written with Noam Chomsky, “The Withdrawal: Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and the Fragility of U.S.”

The post Gaining Power in the Struggle for a Better World, with Vijay Prashad appeared first on MintPress News.

Fri, 23/12/2022 - 23:37

This year’s Christmas arrives amid freezing weather and widespread hardship. For many, the cost of living crisis that’s been a fundamental part of our national landscape for almost a year means scaled-down festivities, perhaps dependent on what’s been donated to the local foodbank recently. Years of stagnant pay and growing inequality that go beyond that […]