The conservative megadonor’s network is plowing money into the Republican primary to support Will Scharf, Trump’s personal attorney.
The post Missouri’s Attorney General Isn’t MAGA Enough for Leonard Leo appeared first on The Intercept.
Those who define themselves by the thing they are not eventually find themselves more and more like their imagined opposite. To be someone’s antithesis is also to be their alter ego. Watching the disintegration of Joe Biden in his CNN debate with Donald Trump, I was reminded of Hans Christian Andersen’s chilling story “The Shadow,” […]
The post Savior Complex appeared first on The New York Review of Books.
Hey, so great to see you! Sorry, the bar’s so crowded tonight; it’s not normally like this. Usually, you can grab a booth, no problem, but it looks like we’ll have to share a single barstool. Hope that’s all right.
Normally, there’s live bluegrass on Sundays too. That’s why I picked this place, because I know you like the mandolin. But I guess Fiddle Creek isn’t coming tonight, and also, there’s no music playing at all, just the Lolita audiobook.
But it’s great to see you regardless. It’s been forever! It’s weird, though; I was just here last week, and the vibes were totally different. For one thing, they were serving alcohol, which it doesn’t look like they’re doing tonight. We could find somewhere else, or I’m okay with just having milk if you are.
In mid-June, the Associated Press announced that the U.S. Navy had been engaged in the most intense naval combat since the end of World War II, which surely would come as a surprise to most Americans. This time, the fighting isn’t taking place in the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans but in the Red Sea and the adversary is Yemen’s — yes, Yemen’s! — Shiite party-militia, the Helpers of God (Ansar Allah), often known, thanks to their leading clan, as the Houthis. They are supporting the Palestinians of Gaza against the Israeli campaign of total war on that small enclave, while, in recent months, they have faced repeated air strikes from American planes and have responded by, among other things, attacking... Read more
Source: Turning the Red Sea Redder appeared first on
Have a cookout
The Fourth of July is a great opportunity to gather your friends and family outside and eat some burgers and hot dogs. On the land that you own, of course. Not on any other land, especially not any public spaces like parks or sidewalks, because it’s clear you didn’t spend money to purchase a deed, so what are you doing there? Being outside and eating at a place you haven’t given up your life savings to a bank for so that it’s momentarily okay for you to exist there? Wait, you do have a home, right? Oh no, you don’t own a home? How do you even exist?
- by Céline Leboeuf
- by Stephen Case
The Labour Party recently unveiled a new political apostate from the capitalist class, the billionaire mobile phones and property magnate, John Caudwell, who announced that he would be voting Labour for the first time in his life this general election. This was apparently big news. A billionaire who gave £500,000 to Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party […]