
Tue, 04/06/2024 - 05:00
Hey kids… By the way, Nate Cohn, DC’s polling god, put this little tid bit out this morning: While Mr. Trump has survived many controversies, he has also suffered a political penalty for his conduct. He did lose re-election, after all. And this cycle, there is one reason to wonder whether Mr. Trump might now be more vulnerable: He depends on the support of many young and nonwhite voters who haven’t voted for him in the past, and who might not prove as loyal as those who have stood by his side from the start. Huh. You’d think this odd fact would be more salient in the coverage but I see little evidence that many in the mainstream media have noticed. But maybe that’s a good thing. Anyway: Mr. Trump doesn’t just count on the support of Republicans and MAGA loyalists in the conservative information ecosystem. His strength in the polls increasingly depends on surprising strength among voters from traditionally Democratic constituencies, like young, nonwhite and irregular voters. Many of these voters are registered as Democrats, back Democrats in races for U.S. Senate and may have even backed Mr. Biden in the last election. This is not Mr.
Tue, 04/06/2024 - 04:58
The Prime Ministers of China, Japan and South Korea met in Seoul on 27 May to resume regular annual meetings which began in 2008 and were held annually until 2019, when they were interrupted by COVID and “aspects of the international situation”. The PMs issued a joint statement after their meeting which was strong on Continue reading »
Tue, 04/06/2024 - 04:57
On 28 May, a Defending Australia Summit was held in Sydney by “The Australian Newspaper” which showcased three former Australian defence officials who seemed confused by their old age and indulged in ignorant and historically romantic group think. Kim Beazley is a former Australian Minister of Defence and Ambassador to the US, Denis Richardson is Continue reading »
Tue, 04/06/2024 - 04:54
Labor’s $4 billion for Indigenous housing in the Northern Territory is set for failure unless it incorporates Aboriginal expertise. Bob Hawke famously was told the jig was up when Gareth Evans told him to “pull out, digger. The dogs are pissing on your swag.” I got the message when I was told by a Department Continue reading »
Tue, 04/06/2024 - 04:51
John Menadue recently asked Pearls and Irritations (P&I) readers to suggest how to go about raising the bar in relation to content and relevance. My response would be to suggest that P&I facilitate a means to achieve a true democracy here in Australia; by harnessing all of the intelligence, observation, nous, wit and political awareness Continue reading »
Tue, 04/06/2024 - 04:50
The almost total lack of any positive coverage of China in the British media further closes off the scope even for making arguments that policy should reflect opportunities from dealing with China. Foreword by Gemma Cheng’er Deng, PhD student, Lau China Institute: By the end of 2022, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the end Continue reading »
Tue, 04/06/2024 - 04:30

To celebrate Pride Month 2024, the Drupal Association is sharing information to uplift international organizations that support the LGBTQ+ community and donating our proceeds of themed apparel from the Drupal Swag Shop! Pride Month is celebrated in June each year to acknowledge the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising (1969), which was a tipping point for the gay liberation movement and spurred the growth of LGBTQ+ support. The movement has since spread across the globe. Read more on the history of Pride Month.

Tue, 04/06/2024 - 03:30
Trump and the Republicans must be shocked that he didn’t attack the judge (Trump appointed) and the prosecutor (Republican) Doesn’t he understand how this is done? By the way, Jill and Hallie Biden are in court today. Weird.
Tue, 04/06/2024 - 03:00

Hey man, we’re having a little get-together in the park this weekend. I would love it if you could make it. We’ll have snacks, and you can bring a six-pack or something if you want. We’ll probably throw some tunes on the portable speaker, catch up, and just enjoy the afternoon.

Oh, one other thing, almost slipped my mind: Could you bring your massive, poorly trained dog?

No sweat either way, but if it’s not too much trouble, do you think your hulking, ill-mannered ogre of a pooch could join us?

It’s looking like it’s going to be a perfect day, and we were just saying, you know who would love this? That scowling, near-feral beast you keep pent up in your studio apartment twenty-three hours a day. You think you could bring him?

As soon as you arrive, could you immediately take his leash off and then, after the fact, ask us if we’re cool with it?

Could you reassure us that—despite his size and general demeanor—he’s actually very friendly?

Tue, 04/06/2024 - 02:00
We are seeing a lot of press lately about Donald Trump’s promises to wreak revenge on his enemies should he get back into power next year. Some of us have been focusing on this for years because Trump made “vengeance is mine” his credo going back decades. He’s never made a secret of it. He even gave a speech at the Christian right’s flagship Liberty University before he ever ran for president and gave them two pieces of advice: always get a pre-nup and: I always say don’t let people take advantage — this goes for a country, too, by the way — don’t let people take advantage. Get even. And you know, if nothing else, others will see that and they’re going to say, You know, I’m going to let Jim Smith or Sarah Malone, I’m going to let them alone because they’re tough customers. Years before that he told an audience in Colorado, “If someone screws you, screw them back 10 times harder. At least they’re going to leave you alone, and at least you’ll feel good.