
Wed, 24/04/2024 - 23:00
The popularizer of “fake news” conspired to create it Projection. Long has the left used that term to describe conservative accusations against the left. When Republicans allege the left commits some infraction against, what — Decency? Patriotism? Rule of law? Election integrity? — then likely they themselves are secretly or more subtly doing the same. Inoculation is the underlying purpose. Loudly and often accuse your opponent of misbehavior in which you engage so that if ever caught in the act you can both-sides the affair. “Well, they do it too.” Fake news is another Donald Trump effort at inverting reality. Trump, authoritarian-in-training, has long attempted bending reality to his will. His inauguration crowd was not more bigly than Barack Obama’s? Photographs prove it? Fake news! His team would present “alternative facts” they knew were untrue but were the Trump-approved version of history. Period! Now on trial on criminal charges in Manhattan, Trump has summoned the MAGA cult, as he did on Jan. 6, 2021, to come by the thousands to protest unfairness like you’ve never seen.
Wed, 24/04/2024 - 22:00

A mistaken vocal inflection produced by the waitress when you mentioned you have a boat.

Often produced involuntarily when you realize you are much kinkier than you thought you were.

Your drunk uncle describing the impact of his 2018 Dodge Ram during his first DUI.

A combination of traditional values and piss water boycotts.

Often heard in repetition and completed between three and five minutes with a lackluster partner.

An internal reaction to your mom’s curfew rule (you’re thirty-two).

A cool maneuver performed by a single nostril; occasionally from a mirror, more commonly from a urinal.


Da Duh Duh
Let the boys be boys!

Wed, 24/04/2024 - 21:46

Last week, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak set out plans to tackle what he called the country’s ‘sick note culture’. In a major speech, he declared that welfare had become a ‘lifestyle choice for too many in our country’, arguing that a tougher approach was needed. It’s a reprise of an all too familiar frame. David […]

Wed, 24/04/2024 - 21:00
Peaceful protesters are facing extreme and multiple punishments for the same offence: the offence of trying to defend Earth systems. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 19th April 2024 When the traditional ruling class was obliged to concede to demands for democracy, it gave away as little as possible. We could vote, but it […]
Wed, 24/04/2024 - 18:00
Julian Reynolds Policymakers and market participants consistently cite geopolitical developments as a key risk to the global economy and financial system. But how can one quantify the potential macroeconomic effects of these developments? Applying local projections to a popular metric of geopolitical risk, I show that geopolitical risk weighs on GDP in the central case … Continue reading Quantifying the macroeconomic impact of geopolitical risk
Wed, 24/04/2024 - 17:00
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April 24th, 2024next

April 24th, 2024: He did, too!

Wed, 24/04/2024 - 12:01
It was only a matter of time I suppose but the IMF is now focusing its nonsensical ‘growth friendly austerity’ mantra on Japan. In a recent interview, the former Portuguese Finance Minister now in charge of the IMF’s so-called ‘Fiscal Affairs Department’, Vitor Gaspar claimed that Japan is now in a precarious position and must…