
Sun, 14/04/2024 - 00:53
Since my book Limitarianism: The Case Against Extreme Wealth came out, first in Dutch at the end of November, and then in the US and in the UK a few weeks later, I’ve given more than 60 media interviews and talks. Among them was a long interview in The Observer, a summary of the argument […]
Sun, 14/04/2024 - 00:30
V.P. Kamala Harris goes on the attack “Overturning Roe was just the opening act of a larger strategy to take womens’ rights and freddoms,” Vice President Kamala Harris told supporters in Arizona on Friday. Arizona is challenging other swing states for the designation of “Ground Zero” in the 2024 presidential race. The Arizona Supreme Court’s reanimating the territory’s 1864 abortion ban this week drew Vice President Kamala Harris to the state on Friday. She brought the heat and she named names. Well, just one (CNN): Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday placed the blame squarely on Donald Trump as she went on the offensive over abortion rights in Arizona and across the country. In the wake of an Arizona Supreme Court ruling this week banning abortions in almost all cases, Harris headed to Arizona to mobilize voters who see November’s election as a referendum on women’s rights, one of the Biden campaign’s key issues in the upcoming election. The vice president has become a go-to voice for the campaign on abortion rights and quickly announced a trip to Tucson after Tuesday’s ruling.
Sun, 14/04/2024 - 00:07

Το γερμανικό Υπ. Εσωτερικών εξέδωσε “Betätigungsverbot” εναντίον μου: απαγόρευση κάθε πολιτικής δραστηριότητας. Όχι μόνο απαγόρευση εισόδου στη Γερμανία, αλλά και απαγόρευση συμμετοχής μέσω Zoom. Εδώ η ομιλία που τους ενόχλησε. Κρίνετε μόνοι σας. Φίλες, φίλοι, Συγχαρητήρια και θερμές ευχαριστίες που βρίσκεστε εδώ, παρά τις απειλές, παρά τη σιδερόφρακτη αστυνομία έξω από αυτόν τον χώρο, παρά […]

The post Η ομιλία μου που προσπάθησε να ακυρώσει η γερμανική αστυνομία, και για την οποία μου απαγορεύτηκε η είσοδος στη Γερμανία! appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.

Sun, 14/04/2024 - 00:03

Watch/read the speech that I could not deliver because German police burst into our Berlin venue to disband our Palestine Congress (1930s style) before I could address the meeting. Today, because I dared publish this speech here, the Ministry of Interior issued a “Betätigungsverbot” against me, a ban on any political activity. Not just a […]

The post My Berlin speech on Palestine that German police entered the venue to ban – and whose publication here led to my being banned from Germany! appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.

Sat, 13/04/2024 - 23:00
Suppressing the vote by any means necessary Another GOP non-solution to a non-problem from frightened men who can’t govern except by making it harder for U.S. citizens to choose their leaders. TFG Donald Trump and House Speaker Mike Johnson announced an “election integrity” bill at their Mar-a-Lago meeting on Friday. Their bill would make voting by non-citizens illegaler than it is already. It doesn’t matter if it’s a bluff that has no chance to get past the U.S. Senate if Republicans even introduce it. Trump and Johnson got the publicity. They stoked the MAGA base’s xenophobia. They fed the voter fraud conspiracy theory. These guardians of the republic further undermined confidence in government of the people in which they themselves no longer believe. It’s a win-win-win-win. How will they make the illegal illegaler? We don’t know, not having seen the bill (if it exists). People already must swear on penalty of a fine of “not more than $10,000″ or imprisonment of “not more than five years, or both” that they are U.S. citizens when they register to vote (to be verified by boards of elections).
Sat, 13/04/2024 - 20:32

Liverpool is, in many ways, an archetypal ‘post-industrial’ city. Following the decline of its historic docks and manufacturing industries at the end of the twentieth century, the city’s ‘regeneration’ was led by the growth of its tourism and culture industry. Now, the Merseyside area boasts seven museums and galleries under the banner of National Museums […]

Sat, 13/04/2024 - 09:30
Bats! Statler, an Indian flying fox, was born at a zoo in 1987. Since then, he’s moved from facility to facility. For many years, he was kept in a small space and used for “education.” When he arrived at Bat World Sanctuary in 2018, his caretakers made sure he’d have a happy and peaceful retirement. To help save more bats like Statler, you can support Bat World Sanctuary here:, and check them out on Facebook:
Sat, 13/04/2024 - 08:00
I’ve heard of kitchen table issues but this is ridiculous I have to assume that Republicans think these are the issues people really care about and are demanding the GOP House of Representatives deal with immediately. It’s that important…
Sat, 13/04/2024 - 06:30
I wrote yesterday about the Steve Bannon plot to activate young environmentalists against Biden over the huge increase in American oil production during his administration (even as they lie to the MAGA cultists, telling them that Biden has shut off the spigot and Trump will come in an drill, baby, drill.) They figure they can get the young vote to turn on the Democrats and vote 3rd Party, whether it’s RFK or Jill Stein. Biden just put a monkey wrench in that plan: The US set aside 23 million acres of Alaska’s North Slope to serve as an emergency oil supply a century ago. Now, President Joe Biden is moving to block oil and gas development across roughly half of it. The initiative, set to be finalized within days, marks one of the most sweeping efforts yet by Biden to limit oil and gas exploration on federal lands. It comes as he seeks to boost land conservation and fight climate change — and is campaigning for a second term on promises to do more of it. The changes wouldn’t affect ConocoPhillips’s controversial 600-million-barrel Willow oil project in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.
Sat, 13/04/2024 - 05:00
It’s been reported that he doesn’t like his voters. Of course he doesn’t, he’s a rich guy who really only values important, powerful, rich people. He can’t stand his voters. They are marks to him, just like the rubes who bought his Trump University courses. He posts “something horrible” every day so I don’t know what he might be talking about but if he’s thinking of something else that Scavino might know about that’s “very sexually oriented” — via GIPHY We already know too much. Much too much. 
Sat, 13/04/2024 - 04:58
The Syrian Civil War was the longest and most complex geopolitical conflict to emerge out of the Arab Spring, thus creating a complicated legacy for leftist analysts to interrogate. In this interview, exclusive for Counterpunch, former United Nations special rapporteur, and international relations scholar Richard Falk, breaks down Palestine and Syria and the history and Continue reading »
Sat, 13/04/2024 - 04:57
In Asian media this week: Resistance has regime capital in its sights. Plus: Japan, US, boost Tokyo’s anti-Beijing role; International law ‘backs China’ in islands’ disputes; Tech giants will not solve climate change, social injustice; South Korea voters deliver rebuff to president; Given a chance, Chinese and American folk like each other. Anti-junta forces in Continue reading »
Sat, 13/04/2024 - 04:56
“We are really running out of time. We need to reduce our emissions immediately,” one expert warned. “We cannot expect to save the Great Barrier Reef and be opening new fossil fuel developments.” Marine conservationists warned Thursday that Australia’s Great Barrier Reef may be suffering its worst-ever coral bleaching event amid record ocean heat fuelled Continue reading »