
Fri, 22/12/2023 - 08:30
What’s this I hear about Trump running away with the general election? Nobody on your TV is going to tell you this, so I will: Polls mean nothing right now, as you know. But these are no more meaningless than any of the others. The sad reality is that this race is inexplicably close and Democrats are going to have to work their asses off. Too many people have forgotten what a nightmare Trump was and unfortunately tens of millions of people loved him then and love him now. (That’s what should keep us up at night…) Still, considering the relentless doom and gloom about Biden over the past few months, I think we should take heart in the fact that despite the sour mood in the country at least half the people haven’t lost their minds. Happy Hollandaise!
Fri, 22/12/2023 - 05:30
It couldn’t happen to a nice bunch of zealots I’m sure you’ll recall that the NRA recently had a little “controversy” when it turned out that their revered leader Wayne LaPierre was livin’ the life of a Clarence Thomas on the members’ dues. Well, things have gotten even worse: While the events contributing to the NRA’s freefall have been well-documented, a review of the gun rights group’s tax filings and political spending over the last 15 years provides some of the clearest evidence of its downfall—showing just how badly the legal setbacks and mismanagement have ravaged the once-formidable gun lobbying giant. The NRA’s most recent tax return, filed in November of this year for 2022, reveals dramatic declines along almost every conceivable metric: revenue, assets, member dues, lobbying, and political spending—with conversely sharp increases in legal costs and deficits. And as the NRA’s power and influence has waned, gun violence has perversely soared, particularly suicides, especially in the wake of the pandemic.
Fri, 22/12/2023 - 05:30

Mary, sorry we’re late. Traffic was completely donkey-to-donkey. I told your father not to follow the same damn star everyone else was, but who listens to me?

Oh wow, there are lots of animals here. That doesn’t seem very sanitary. My rule was no pets in the house, and you and your siblings were no Messiahs, believe me.

What do you mean, “no room at the inn”? Did you even try the Bethlehem Marriott? Very nice place. I guess my genius son-in-law didn’t think to write ahead. I told you to marry that scribe. Oh—hello, Joseph. I didn’t see you there behind the ox. Wait, Joe, don’t go anywhere. Find a place for my Dolce and Galilee bags.

Now let me see my only Begotten Bubelah! Aw, my grandson is gorgeous. But he doesn’t look like the Son of God. Don’t get me wrong; he’s perfect. I guess I expected something else.

And what’s our Redeemer’s name? “Jesus”? Sounds like an exclamation. I guess “honor thy father and mother” means nothing to this generation. But I suppose an entirely new, odd name is also an interesting choice.

Fri, 22/12/2023 - 04:59
Last week the self-appointed “strategic” experts’ in the Opposition predictably were quick off the mark to criticise Prime Minister Albanese for taking time to carefully consider a US Navy approach (in public) for an RAN ship to be deployed to yet another US “coalition of the willing” in the Middle East. This time to mount Continue reading »
Fri, 22/12/2023 - 04:58
In the next federal election, people will not forget the Liberal Party’s disgraceful policy of supporting Israel’s crimes, violation of international laws, and betrayal of Australia’s values and principles to appease Israel and its extremist lobby, especially in the five marginal seats held by the Liberals – Banks (NSW), Sturt (SA), Deakin (VIC), Menzies (VIC) Continue reading »
Fri, 22/12/2023 - 04:57
Chris Bowen would have us believe that actually mentioning the words ‘fossil fuels’ and a transition away from them was a “turning point” in the history of COP negotiations. What is he smoking? Way back at the first COP in 1995 that might just have held true. But 28 years later this agreement – riddled Continue reading »
Fri, 22/12/2023 - 04:55
On the Australian economy, bulls and bears cannot both be right. 2024 will decide the fate of both economies and markets, a hard, soft or no landing. Global Outlook Bulls argue that the worst is over since the back of inflation has been broken. While elevated interest rates will not fall until next year, they Continue reading »
Fri, 22/12/2023 - 04:55
It’s becoming a force of habit. Initially, grand plans and hopes for those in defence. A future weapons program in the offing able to add new capabilities. Much anticipation and the inking of signatures with the relevant manufacturer. Then, mounting costs, technical faults, the disappointment, and revision. In the case of the Future Submarine deal Continue reading »
Fri, 22/12/2023 - 04:52
‘In the document drawn up by a top secret and high-level working group that met in Washington in September 1957, Mr Macmillan and President Eisenhower were left in no doubt about the need to assassinate the top men in Damascus.’‘Documents show White House and No 10 conspired over oil-fuelled invasion plan’, The Guardian, 27 Sept Continue reading »
Fri, 22/12/2023 - 04:51
Although the trial of the former media magnate Jimmy Lai Chee-ying on charges involving sedition and collusion with foreign forces, was scheduled to begin on Dec 18, there were last-minute attempts from abroad to disrupt it. The Five Eyes intelligence alliance comprises Australia, Canada, the UK, the US and New Zealand, and its two senior Continue reading »
Fri, 22/12/2023 - 04:50
Settler colonial states have a terminal shelf life. Israel is no exception. Israel will appear triumphant after it finishes its genocidal campaign in Gaza and the West Bank. Backed by the United States, it will achieve its demented goal. Its murderous rampages and genocidal violence will exterminate or ethnically cleanse Palestinians. Its dream of a Continue reading »