“Meet the ‘pursuer of nubile young females’ who helped pass Arizona’s 1864 abortion law.” — Washington Post
We here at the GOP take values very seriously. We try to project a certain image to the public so that they’ll associate us with morality. So, it’s time for us to ask an important question. Is reinstating this misogynist 1864 law written by a child rapist bad for our brand?
Mai Tran began catsitting in 2021 while Tran was on pandemic unemployment, often staying overnight in people’s homes. Tran has now cared for twenty-two cats and traveled to ten apartments all over New York City, observing the interior lives of cat owners and appeasing their neuroses. From home vet visits to black eyes to refugee cats, Chronicles of a Catsitter documents the most memorable days on the job.
“The Arizona Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a 160-year-old near-total abortion ban still on the books in the state is enforceable, a bombshell decision that adds the state to the growing lists of places where abortion care is effectively banned.” — NBC
1. Property Statue 32: Successions of power must follow equal primogeniture, meaning the firstborn, regardless of gender, inherits the kingdom.
2. Section 42: If any person shall willingly and knowingly be present at the fighting of any duel or aid or give countenance thereto, such person shall be punished by imprisonment in the Territorial prison for any term not exceeding three years nor less than one year.
3. Marriage Decree Law: The Eldar, an immortal Elvish race, may only marry once.
4. Section 3: All marriages of white persons with negroes or mulattoes are declared to be illegal and void.