“Say her name!” Marjorie Taylor Greene shouted from the House floor during President Biden’s State of the Union Address. The same slogan was on the T-shirt she wore under her red jacket, which had a pin with a picture of the person whose name she was referring to — a pin she’d also handed out to colleagues before that session as well as to the president as he passed her on his way to the rostrum. The name was Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student murdered in Georgia, Greene’s home state, on February 22nd. The man accused of killing her, Jose Antonio Ibarra, had been identified as an illegal immigrant from Venezuela. Greene’s theatrics that night were obviously meant to put... Read more
Source: How About These Names, Marjorie Greene? appeared first on
by Daniel Wortel-London
Economies that operate within planetary boundaries are likely to be heavily localized compared to economies today. Planners will need to shift modes of transportation and redesign cities. Businesses will need to shorten supply chains. This is because freight and passenger travel impact the environment extensively. Respecting planetary boundaries requires that we create economies that do not rely heavily on long-distance travel.
To help accomplish this goal,
The post Introducing the Mileage Fee Act appeared first on Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.
Hi, I’m wondering if I could interest you in a brand-new sparkling water brand. I don’t have a name for it, because it doesn’t yet exist. Every aspect of this product is still very early in the planning stage. But I can assure you that the name will probably be something fun and catchy, like Zoinks or Floop. Now that I hear it out loud, we’ll probably end up closer to Zoinks than Floop on the Zoinks-Floop Spectrum.
The IVF vs. embryonic personhood fracas forces Republicans to face the living people harmed by their defense of cellular rights.
The post Pro-Lifers Are Up Against a Real-Life Crisis appeared first on The Intercept.
- by Aeon Video
New court filings say that the city is violating an eight-year-old court order mandating access to education for people under 22.
The post NYC Jails Flagrantly Deny Young People’s Legal Right to Education appeared first on The Intercept.
- by Andrew Mason
- by Anandi Mishra
132 FEMALE golfers from 28 countries arrived on the Coffs Coast this week in preparation for the sixth Australian Women’s Classic at the idyllic Bonville Golf Resort. The 54-hole tournament will run from Friday 5 to Sunday 7 April. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone...
The post All eyes on Coffs Harbour as 132 female golfers compete at Bonville appeared first on News Of The Area.
NSW MINISTER for Lands and Property Steve Kamper declared on Tuesday the State Government is “standing shoulder-to-shoulder” with Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh to deliver plans for the revitalisation of the Jetty Foreshores precinct. Despite intense opposition from the City of Coffs Harbour in recent months, including an attempt to purchase the foreshore land,...
The post Bipartisan support for Jetty Foreshores revitalisation on show appeared first on News Of The Area.
Read Solidarity's monthly round-up from the frontline of workers' struggle.
The post Firies, sparkies and pilots fight cost-of-living pain first appeared on Solidarity Online.