Well met, hale wanderer! You have journeyed through the Fiendish Greenwood, over the Sea of Knives, and across the Barren Plains of Evermore to reach the citadel ahead: the Academy of Arcane Knowledge!
Owing to my ragged cloak and even more ragged beard, you no doubt believe I am merely the town fool. But to enter the Academy and gain True Understanding, thou must first answer my Riddles Three! For I am the Riddle Master of this enchanted sanctuary!
Riddle the First: What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?
“Man,” you surmise? For he crawls as a baby, walks as an adult, and uses a cane as an elder? Correct! Perhaps thou do possess the wisdom necessary to pass…
Riddle the Second: It has a bed but never sleeps. And the one that uses it never knows that he’s using it. Of what do I speak?
“A river,” you guess? You betray your befuddlement! The answer is “a casket”!… er—wait.
I think I said the first part of the riddle for “river”—the bed part—but the second part for “casket.” I did, didn’t I?
Shit. Fuck.