
Fri, 09/02/2024 - 10:00
Some psycho busy-body might decide she needs to have her genitals checked. This makes me see red. And it’s all in the name of “protecting” girls: A Utah high school student needs police protection after a state school board member publicly singled out and suggested the student was transgender — without evidence — inciting threats from her followers on social media. Natalie Cline later apologized — but not before many commenters personally attacked the player, the student’s school district had to provide extra security for her,and the lawmaker who wrote the state’s anti-transgender athlete bill weighed in sharing private information possibly in violation of her own measure. The latest post from Cline, who has repeatedly come under fire for her controversial posts, came late Tuesday, setting off 16 hours of hateful speculation that continued even after she deleted it Wednesday afternoon. It also prompted a strong statement from Utah Gov. Spencer Cox and Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson condemning Cline’s “unconscionable behavior” and calling for the school board to take action against her.
Fri, 09/02/2024 - 07:00
If you want analysis of today’s Supreme Court arguments in the Colorado Ballot case, just turn on any cable news show and you’ll get a snoot-full. They all pretty much come to the same conclusion: Trump will win this one, the only question is whether it will be unanimous or near unanimous. The justices were all “skeptical” apparently. Here’s Ian Millhiser at Vox which I think represents the overall view. But he makes the case that Trump’s lawyer was absolutely terrible and it won’t make any difference: Two things were obvious Thursday morning in the Supreme Court, where the justices pondered whether former President Donald Trump is disqualified from seeking the presidency because of his role in inciting the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol. One is that Jonathan Mitchell, the lawyer representing Trump, was in way over his head. During Mitchell’s time at the podium, the justices took turns ripping apart his arguments — or even criticizing him for abandoning stronger legal arguments in favor of weaker ones.
Fri, 09/02/2024 - 06:51

DrupalCon Portland 2024 promises to be an unmissable event for web developers, designers, and business professionals invested in the Drupal ecosystem. As one of the most significant gatherings in the Drupal community, the conference offers a variety of benefits that extend beyond just technical knowledge. From networking opportunities to staying ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape, attending DrupalCon Portland can be a game-changer for professionals. Let's explore 6 of the top benefits of being part of this transformative event!

Cutting-Edge Insights

DrupalCon is renowned for bringing together thought leaders and experts in the Drupal community. Attendees will have the chance to gain insights into the latest trends, innovations, and best practices in web development, ensuring they stay at the forefront of the industry.

Fri, 09/02/2024 - 05:36
by Gary Gardner

Here’s some bad news for folks who see a circular economy as a way out of the polycrisis: Trends in global materials use, which recently bent modestly in the direction of circular flows, are flattening once again. The Circle Economy Foundation in Amsterdam reported in January that secondary materials amounted to only 7.2 percent of all materials in the global economy in 2023, down from 9.1 percent in 2018.

The post Two Cheers for Circularity appeared first on Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.

Fri, 09/02/2024 - 05:30
The WaPo’s Jeff Stein: Due largely to an unexpected surge in immigration, the U.S. economy will be about $7 trillion larger – & federal revenues about $1T bigger – the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday  That impact is over 10 years, to be clear. It does not take into account any legislation that Congress may or may not approve  Here’s the CBO statement… CBO Director Phillip Swagel: “More workers means more output, and that in turn leads to additional tax revenue”  Who knew that immigrants during full employment would be so good for the country? Why, these people are paying taxes and everything! I’m sure you have noticed that none of the objections to “the invasion” include the usual lament of “they’re stealing out jobs!” because even they know how fatuous that is in this situation. They have exposed their true reason: they aren’t white. The anti-immigrant fervor is all about allowing people who don’t look like them to come into the country and put taco trucks on every corner. This is what they hate. And it’s obvious.
Fri, 09/02/2024 - 05:00

Hold up, hold up, hold up. I gotta spill the tea, bruh. I’m lowkey freaking out. I don’t wanna get all extra, but:

I got new Tupperware.

I know, man. I know. It’s bussin’.

No, no, no, no, no. Not from my mah’s. Hold up. Listen, yo. I’m not talking finish-your-ice-cream-leftover-homemade-gravy-in-a-Talenti-container-shit. Big facts. This stuff I got from the store is better than a used Talenti container, bruh. No cap. Even the good ones that hit different and haven’t been through the dishwasher yet. It’s straight fire. The GOAT, bruh. The GOAT.

Fri, 09/02/2024 - 04:57
There can be no meaningful peace without full recognition of Palestinian sovereignty. Only new leadership and new vision, on both sides, will help. No issue of foreign policy that does not involve direct Australian military participation has caused as much division as the current Gaza War. There are several reasons for this. Since the creation Continue reading »
Fri, 09/02/2024 - 04:56
100 Fossil Fuel CEOs directly and knowingly threaten all life on Earth. As a medical oncologist and palliative care physician I feel a strange resonance with the modern killing fields of petromachy (the oils wars), where the true enemies, behind the mephitic black liquid, are the demonically evil, amoral, virulent, cunning, banal, and totally self-obsessed Continue reading »
Fri, 09/02/2024 - 04:54
“If wars can be started with lies, peace can be started with truth,” Julian Assange: Petition EN5846 to the House of Representatives calls on the Australian government to suspend Australia’s ‘autonomous sanctions’ on Syria. A considered, conscientious response to the petition could have major implications for Australia’s foreign and defence policies. The US-led unilateral coercive Continue reading »
Fri, 09/02/2024 - 04:54
Rogue State – noun. “A nation or state regarded as breaking international law and posing a threat to the security of other nations.” (Oxford English Dictionary). Three unrelated statements have been issued recently that will change the way we look at the United States forever – or at least they should. They point to a Continue reading »
Fri, 09/02/2024 - 04:53
From the time Kevin Rudd romped into office as Australia’s first Labor Prime Minister since Paul Keating, the life of Australian Prime Ministers has been dangerous. Party hacks, factional gangsters, and pollsters shadow, stalk and linger, attempting to note signs of the weakness. A decline in the polls is treated as genuine political calamity, the Continue reading »
Fri, 09/02/2024 - 04:52
It matters for Australia that Biden not be re-elected to the US presidency. A Trump administration might mean domestic chaos, violence, and division for the Republic, however, the danger is that Biden would be more likely to lead the world into catastrophic war. Another Trump imperium would be sadly the least worst, yet still terrible, Continue reading »