
Fri, 20/10/2023 - 00:00
Leaflet drops informed people that because of the actions their leaders had taken, or because there were insurgents hiding among them, they should immediately leave a proscribed area. Continuous air strikes then prevented people from returning until the government’s demands were met, effectively blockading them from their own homes and livelihoods. Casualties were viewed as the responsibility of the victims, who were considered to have been amply warned.
Thu, 19/10/2023 - 23:00

Listen up, core-heads. Are you ready to get shready? Because this insane lower torso circuit is guaranteed to DESTROY your abs by forcing them to recognize how infinitesimally small they are compared to the vast, lonely expanse of the universe. Just as dark matter dominates the endless nightmare of stilted space, this workout will dominate your midsection with a mix of heart-pumping resistance movements and classic existential works designed to make your abs ponder the futility of believing in God. Your core will be ABsolutely crestfallen.

Thu, 19/10/2023 - 21:05

The Drupal Association is saying goodbye to three board members and welcoming four new members who will join the Drupal Association Board.

First off, the Drupal Association extends a sincere thank you to Mike Herchel, Ryan Szrama, and Board Chair Baddý Sonja Breidert for their service and dedication not only to Drupal but to the Drupal community. Thank you for everything you have done while on the Drupal Association Board! Your time spent on the board made such a difference to the future of the Drupal project, and we thank you all for participating with grace, thoughtfulness, and insightful contributions.

We are also excited to announce that Baddý will continue as a non-voting Immediate Past Chair on the Executive Committee for one year.

Thu, 19/10/2023 - 19:00
Simon Lloyd, Daniel Ostry and Balduin Bippus How much capital flows move exchange rates is a central question in international macroeconomics. A major challenge to addressing it has been the difficulty identifying exogenous cross-border flows, since flows and exchange rates can evolve simultaneously with factors like risk sentiment. In this post, we summarise a staff … Continue reading The granular origins of exchange-rate fluctuations
Thu, 19/10/2023 - 13:15
The Australian Bureau of Statistics released the latest – Labour Force, Australia – for September 2023 today (October 19, 2023). My overall assessment is that the the labour market is now looking subdued although relatively stable. The decline in full-time employment is a worry. Almost all the net change in employment over the last six…
Thu, 19/10/2023 - 11:30
The putative GOP nominee shows his priorities Trump: They want to keep me here instead of campaigning in Iowa… They want me to be here *3 minutes later* Reporter: Will you be back tomorrow? Trump: Probably not. We’re having a very big professional golf tournament at Doral, so probably not — Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) October 18, 2023 And he doesn’t have to be at the trial ever. He just wants the attention he gets at the Courthouse. It’s his current version of chopper talk.