
Thu, 28/09/2023 - 19:54

DrupalCon Lille is in less than three weeks with more than a thousand in-person attendees and leads of various key initiatives there. Meet the leaders of improvements to Drupal core and and advance the platform together! Here are some chances to meet them and connect.


The Driesnote on Tuesday at 1:30pm will of course include an update on some key initiatives as well as other exciting insights into where Drupal is headed.

The Drupal Initiative Leads keynote on Thursday at 1:30pm will feature Mike Herchel (New toolbar), Sascha Eggenberger (Admin UI improvements), Chris Wells (Project Browser), Suzanne Dergacheva (Promote Drupal), Felip Manyer Ballester ('s Drupal 10 port), Fran Garcia-Linares ('s Gitlab). Meet them after the keynote on Friday to get involved in their respective initiatives!

Thu, 28/09/2023 - 19:03

The economist and author’s latest book considers how 21st-century capitalism resembles feudalism, and offers an alternative Yanis Varoufakis – former Greek minister of finance, economics lecturer and prolific writer of books – has often admitted that the left is good at critiquing capitalism but not so good at suggesting alternatives. “When Margaret Thatcher coined ‘Tina’ […]

The post The MONTHLY reviews my TECHNOFEUDALISM appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.

Thu, 28/09/2023 - 16:01
Efter att ha misslyckats med att få in Sverige i euron på demokratisk väg försöker nu marknadsliberaler andra metoder. ”Jag ser inget behov av en ny folkomröstning om euron” säger Liberalernas ordförande Johan Pehrson.  I en debatt i TV4 Nyhetsmorgon (14/9) tog även Timbros nya chef PM Nilsson av sig masken. Han hade pratat med […]
Thu, 28/09/2023 - 15:54

As Canada’s top officials express embarrassment for honoring a WWII Nazi collaborator in parliament, the leader of the country’s military, Gen. Wayne Eyre, refuses to apologize for his standing ovation. The Canadian military has trained Ukraine’s notorious neo-Nazi Azov Battalion for years. Canadian politicians have been in frantic damage control mode since feting a former member of the Waffen-SS during a parliamentary reception for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on September 22. The Speaker of Canada’s House of Commons, Anthony Rota, […]

The post Nazigate: Canada’s top general won’t apologize for applauding Ukrainian Waffen-SS vet first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post Nazigate: Canada’s top general won’t apologize for applauding Ukrainian Waffen-SS vet appeared first on The Grayzone.

Thu, 28/09/2023 - 14:32
I read an interesting report this morning, which resonated with some other work I had been looking into earlier in the week. The Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS) released a report yesterday (September 27, 2023) – Inequality in Australia 2023: Overview – which shows that “The gap between those with the most and those…
Thu, 28/09/2023 - 09:30
This is truly astonishing: This is a really good exchange. MAGA's current rage at the top brass is all about the fact it wouldn't back the coup. — Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) September 27, 2023 Fox didn’t question any of the kids table about this at the debate last night. In fact, they didn’t mention anything about Trump at all, not the indictments, the fraud verdict, the rape trial or any of it. And the kids table didn’t offer anything. What cowards. All of them.
Thu, 28/09/2023 - 09:00
I’ve watched all the interviews with Cassidy Hutchinson and they’re just riveting. I thought this one with Lawrence O’Donnell was very good: She is brutally honest about her own culpability and the emotional journey she’s been on in emerging from Trumpworld. You have to remember that she was only 24 years old on January 6th. There are a whole lot of more experienced, wealthy men in her situation who are despicable cowards. Watching Nicole Wallace interview her I see more skepticism. As a Never Trumper from 2016, who left the Republican party, Wallace saw the danger from the beginning and she isn’t open to the idea that you can still be a Republican and not be an enabler of Trump and Trumpism. Hutchinson still is. When you look at it from Wallace’s perspective, Hutchinson is still mind-bogglingly naive. It doesn’t take anything away from her courage. But the veil hasn’t entirely lifted.
Thu, 28/09/2023 - 07:30
Probably not. And that’s a problem. The new, large sample Economist/YouGov poll has Biden up 5 points over Trump 45-40. The new, large sample CNN poll of NH has Biden up over Trump by 12 points, 52-40. In dozens of specials across US this year Dems are outperforming 2020 by 8 pts. Have a nice day. — Simon Rosenberg (@SimonWDC) September 27, 2023 You can feel the febrile excitement in the media when a poll comes out that shows Trump beating Biden. They simply can’t help themselves. That poll that came out over the weekend was admittedly an outlier and they did it anyway. It’s going to be close. We have to face that fact. But the idea that Trump is running away with it is ridiculous. We’re not that far gone …. yet.
Thu, 28/09/2023 - 06:00
The Democratic Party is far from perfect to be sure. There are times when they frustrate me beyond reason. It wasn’t all that long ago that I pretty much held mot powerful Democrats in contempt at least part of the time. But they have improved in recent years and I think it’s important to recognize that. The party has dropped much of its reflexive centrist dogma and, at least is more flexible ideologically. That the old dog Joe Biden could change his spots says everything about where it was and where it is today. And let’s get serious. Compared to the neo-fascist MAGA party they are sane which, at this point, is all that really matters. Here’s a Never Trumper: On Monday I argued that the Democratic reaction to Menendez—which has picked up steam since then—was a sign of a reasonably healthy institution. In response I’ve been told that I overstated the case. That the Democrats’ reaction is highly contextual. That if Menendez was a D in a state with a Republican governor who would appoint his replacement, then Democrats would be just as corrupt and unhealthy as Republicans. It’s really all about power. Both sides.
Thu, 28/09/2023 - 04:57
It was a short stint, involving a six-member delegation of Australian parliamentarians lobbying members of the US Congress and various relevant officials on one issue: the release of Julian Assange. If extradited to the US from the United Kingdom to face 18 charges, 17 framed with reference to the oppressive, extinguishing Espionage Act of 1917, Continue reading »
Thu, 28/09/2023 - 04:56
Journalists from The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and Sixty Minutes have at last exposed the efforts by Mike Pezzullo, Secretary of Home Affairs, to influence government in favour of conservative politicians and by insisting that press freedom be stifled. In addition to undermining Ministers and public servants, this powerful Secretary has for years displayed Continue reading »
Thu, 28/09/2023 - 04:55
The Government has foreshadowed that it will soon release its new migration strategy. Most of what has been leaked to date is sensible fine tuning of employer sponsored visas which will have little impact on net migration levels. But I fear the migration strategy will be largely silent on the big issue of net migration Continue reading »