
Tue, 02/01/2024 - 08:36

Our 9th most-read article of 2023.

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Originally published July 7, 2023.

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The two-hour drive on winding mountain roads is pleasant, since my twin preschoolers have only ever listened to hip indie music, so we never have to subject ourselves to a constant loop of “Baby Shark.” I whisper, “Good luck,” to the other families who are stopped along the side of the road so their kids can throw up from motion sickness. They must not know about ginger candy.

When we arrive at the campsite, my kids get to work constructing elaborate pinecone bird feeders while my husband and I put up the tent. Having two kids so they can keep each other entertained works just as well as people said it would. They always play together peacefully and never fight over toys or get into a screaming match over who gets the biggest stick they find.

Tue, 02/01/2024 - 07:30
That used to be the mantra. Now nobody mentions it. Trump should not be allowed to claim that he had the best economy the world has ever seen. It wasn’t bad, at least until the pandemic, which he made worse.His trade policies were destructive and he was basically riding on the belated recovery of the Obama years. But this one is better. Way better. Trump is testing his ability to persuade people to once again believe him or their lying eyes. It certainly works very well on the cult and no doubt will be successful. The question is whether or not he has the power to make people who don’t support him believe the same. A lot of that depends on the media. If they step up we might be ok.
Tue, 02/01/2024 - 06:00
Remember when Republicans thought they were finally rid of Trump and said things like this? It didn’t last: There has never before in history been a bigger group of craven opportunists or gutless cowards. Rubio’s not the only one, of course. The whole party has fallen into line behind the man most of them (aside from the truly dumb ones like Oklahoma Sen. Markwayne Mullin or Rep. Virginia Fox) know very well is a liar a cheat and a criminal. This is what it’s going to take a long time to fix not the righteous application of the rule of law.
Tue, 02/01/2024 - 05:00
At least for a little while I’m pretty sure this will be reversed but in the meantime it’s nice to know that won’t have to go into my local Starbucks and see someone playing cowboy with a gun in his holster while a cop stands by at the door as I did a couple of months ago. It was an incredibly unnerving moment. I left as did a bunch of other people and the barristas were obviously nervous. This is no way to live. A California law that bans people from carrying firearms in most public places will take effect on New Year’s Day, even as a court case continues to challenge the law. A U.S. district judge issued a ruling Dec. 20 to block the law from taking effect, saying it violates the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and deprives people of their ability to defend themselves and their loved ones. But on Saturday, a federal appeals court put a temporary hold on the district judge’s ruling. The appeals court decision allows the law to go into effect as the legal fight continues. Attorneys are scheduled to file arguments to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in January and in February. The law, signed by Democratic Gov.
Tue, 02/01/2024 - 04:58
Labor will have – already has – squandered its time and its opportunities. It needs leadership of guts and vision, not timidity, caution and mortal terror of offending anyone. The holiday season, about midterm in the life of the Albanese government is a good time for academics and journalists to begin making notes, commencing diaries Continue reading »
Tue, 02/01/2024 - 04:57
The release of some of the cabinet documents from 2003 calls attention to how the war power is exercised in Australia. In 2023 the major parties recommended against assigning a greater power over war-making to the parliament. There was agreement, however, that decisions to make war should remain within the Prerogative to be exercised by Continue reading »
Tue, 02/01/2024 - 04:57
Israeli President Isaac Herzog, presumably the moral arbiter of his nation, was photographed signing a bomb as a gift for Gaza. In a vigil outside the US Embassy in Jerusalem, Israeli citizens have condemned their government’s endless killing of men, women and children in Gaza and on the West Bank. One participant in the vigil, Continue reading »
Tue, 02/01/2024 - 04:56
The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Matt Keogh, should refresh the Council of the Australian War Memorial, which at present looks like a cosy club of well-connected conservatives and ex-military types. He can do this by replacing up to five Council members when their terms expire between February and April 2024. Mr Keogh is the minister Continue reading »
Tue, 02/01/2024 - 04:55
To ensure Aboriginal Peoples’ freedom from genocide and ecocide, we need decolonisation. For some, post the Australian 2023 Referendum, questions arise: where to next? More of the same isn’t an option; the evidence surrounds us as to why more genocide in all its forms, including assimilation and the ecocide of our territories doesn’t work. But Continue reading »
Tue, 02/01/2024 - 04:52
They span three generations and give their country reason to be enormously proud, writes Rick Sterling. All have depended on freedom of the press, which is now at stake. Australia has produced extraordinary journalists across three generations: Wilfred Burchett (deceased in 1983), John Pilger (passed away December 2023, 84 years old) and Julian Assange (51 Continue reading »
Tue, 02/01/2024 - 04:50
The Bill Gates Problem is Hitting the Mainstream. Is one of our favourite billionaire philanthropists losing the support of the MSM? Bill Gates, who once could do no wrong, has had numerous disparaging articles written about him in recent weeks. These all stem from a new book written by author Tim Schwab (no, nothing to Continue reading »
Tue, 02/01/2024 - 03:04
Geopolitics of knowledge is a fact. Only few (conservative) colleagues would contend otherwise. Ingrid Robeyns wrote an entry for this blog dealing with this problem. There, Ingrid dealt mostly with the absence of non-Anglophone colleagues in political philosophy books and journals from the Anglophone centre. I want to stress that this is not a problem […]
Tue, 02/01/2024 - 01:38

Our 10th most-read article of 2023.

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Originally published January 10, 2023.

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1. Digging for Clams

What the hell is Betsy doing in the bathroom for so long? Digging for clams?

2. Spelunking

My Tinder date was so pathetic I would have had a way better time spelunking—and I have a hook for a hand!

3. Tickling My Fancy

Oh, hi, Mom. No, I’m not busy, just tickling my fancy. What, you too?

4. Flicking Fiona

What the fuck? Are you flicking Fiona? Both hands on the wheel, bitch. We’re on the freeway!

5. Slugging the Sister

Some say roof repair and slugging the sister make a dangerous combination, but I call that shit multitasking.

6. Damning the Beaver

Who can blame me for damning the beaver? That was the most boring Christmas pageant ever!

Tue, 02/01/2024 - 01:00
Yes, they’ll howl. The Truth hurts. A couple of items this morning remind us what lies ahead. There’s dread and there’s hopium, depending on how one reads the tea leaves. Roy Edroso considers the rise of Unpopularism. Republicans have decided that their path to power is to give people what they don’t want: I talk a lot about abortion rights here for a bunch of reasons, but the relevant one here is the lengthening string of goose-eggs Republicans have suffered in the repro rights referenda that came after they destroyed Roe v Wade. Even in Kansas and Ohio they couldn’t win. Yes, a few right-wing pundits who survived Covid with their olfactories intact can smell the stink that isn’t issuing from Trump’s Depends, but they are the exceptions. Their pro-life palaver started as a sop to one specific religious constituency, but over time it has become the symbol of the Republican Party’s whole anti-choice, anti-consent, anti-democratic ethos.
Mon, 01/01/2024 - 19:00
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