
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 09:14
Preparation time: 15 min.Chilling time: 2 hrs. Elegant enough for company but inexpensive enough for every day, this delicious dessert is easy to make. Unmold it in your nicest glass dessert dishes and top with delectable Creme Francaise. For 4 servings you will need:1 cup soft pitted dried prunes1 cup water1 envelope unflavored gelatin¼ cup […]
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 08:30
Another GOP train wreck is coming to town They just can’t help themselves: Members of the House Freedom Caucus are making it harder for leadership to avoid a government shutdown, announcing on Monday that they’ll oppose a stopgap funding bill unless it caves to their terms.  The HFC is demanding more funding for border enforcement, cuts to the Department of Justice and FBI, and an end to “woke” policies at the Department of Defense. “We refuse to support any such measure that continues Democrats’ bloated COVID-era spending and simultaneously fails to force the Biden Administration to follow the law and fulfill its most basic responsibilities,” they said in a statement. “Any support for a ‘clean’ Continuing Resolution would be an affirmation of the current FY 2023 spending level grossly increased by the lame-duck December 2022 omnibus spending bill that we all vehemently opposed just seven months ago.” Congress is unlikely to complete its work on appropriations bills by the deadline on Sept. 30, with leadership calling for a continuing resolution to provide themselves with more time.
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 07:00
This is a very useful piece about the timing of good economic news from Bill Scher: Despite near-record low unemployment, respectable Gross Domestic Product growth, wages outpacing inflation, and disposable personal income rising, Joe Biden’s job approval numbers have been stuck in the low 40s. Even more perplexing, approval for his handling of the economy is usually a tick worse than his overall job approval. In turn, several commentators are openly wondering: Why hasn’t Biden gotten credit for the improving economy? But the better question is: How long does it take for any president to get credit for an improving economy? We don’t have a pat answer because every president’s economic circumstances differ. But we have evidence to suggest that credit does not come quickly. Ronald Reagan experienced a sharp recession early in his first term, from July 1981 to November 1982, with the unemployment rate peaking at 10.8 percent a month after the recession officially ended.
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 06:24
Donald’s Trump’s threats on social media MIGHT finally lead to legal consequences for him. Woo hoo! Today it was revealed that in Trump’s pretrial conditions in the Georgia RICO case he is forbidden from making any “direct or indirect threat of any nature against the community or to any property in the community,” including in “posts on social media or reposts of posts” by others on social media. Wow. It took a long time to get here, especially considering all the other times he intimidated and threatened witnesses on social media. Remember Alexander Vindman? Marie Yovanovitch, US Ambassador to Ukrainian? But now, because he’s under pretrial conditions and protective orders issued by a judge in our legal system, he MIGHT be charged with witness tampering. It’s one of the reasons that we needed to get him in this position. It’s the difference between lying to the media and on social media to the public, vs lying in court under oath. Keep Normalizing Jail For Trump Every time these conditions are set I watch the cable hosts and legal analysts talk about how pretrial jailing is not going to happen.
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 05:00
He’s full of it: Vivek Ramaswamy is once again Just Asking Questions about what happened on 9/11. In an interview with the Atlantic, the GOP presidential candidate spontaneously turned to the subject during an exchange about whether Americans know the “truth about what really happened” during the January 6 assault on the Capitol. “I don’t know, but we can handle it,” said Ramaswamy. “Whatever it is, we can handle it. Government agents. How many government agents were in the field? Right?” He then pivoted to September 11, 2001, when terrorists hijacked four jetliners and crashed them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania — killing close to 3,000 people. “I think it is legitimate to say how many police, how many federal agents, were on the planes that hit the Twin Towers,” he said. “Maybe the answer is zero. It probably is zero for all I know, right?” “I have no reason to think it was anything other than zero.
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 04:59
Government ministers and senior officials are conditioning Australians to become frightened, very frightened. The Home Affairs minister Clare O’Neil warns they face a “dystopian future” from cyber-crime, foreign interference and threats to our democracy. What she didn’t say is that Australia can no longer be called a liberal democracy because it has numerous harsh laws Continue reading »
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 04:58
Since the Robodebt saga there have been many calls for a more independent public service that can be trusted to provide competent advice frankly and fearlessly. In that case a key issue is how departmental secretaries are appointed and dismissed. The Robodebt saga has prompted numerous articles discussing the need for an independent Australian Public Continue reading »
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 04:57
I hesitate to stray into the florid world of military strategists, senior public servants, cabinet ministers and assorted think tanks, but what on earth is going on with Australia’s so-called defence policy? The Albo government seems hellbent on turning Australia into a militarised outpost of the US whose ‘pivot’ to the Asia-Pacific region has led Continue reading »
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 04:55
Pearls and Irritations is a beacon of thoughtful, thought provoking, thoroughly researched and expertly presented, articles about issues so often ignored by the mainstream media. There is always something to be learned, independent perspectives that no one else will report, or an unexpected take on an old story. Pearls and Irritations never disappoints. For more Continue reading »
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 04:54
Mothers, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, daughters, and allies, you are out here on a chilly winter’s day because of your love and rightful concern for children and the next generation’s future. I wish to honour your concern by introducing you to a bold approach. In the context of the extreme changes in the climate system we’ve Continue reading »
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 04:53
There are solid grounds for suspecting that the appointment of Ms Kathryn Campbell, of Robodebt notoriety, to the Department of Defence’s AUKUS division did not meet the normal standards required for other appointments in the public service. Those responsible for the appointment of Ms Campbell and the suspension of her salary have got little to Continue reading »
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 04:51
The central and tragic truth of the Israel-Palestinian conflict is that two peoples, the Jewish people and the Palestinians, have deep, centuries-long historical ties to a territory no larger than half of Tasmania. Both peoples want their political independence and to live in peace and freedom. It would be contrary to the great principle of Continue reading »
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 04:50
‘Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad’ What a pity it is that we no longer believe in capricious gods because that would offer a good explanation for the otherwise quite perplexing habit of governments, with intelligent and informed people theoretically at their disposal, to embrace policies which are manifestly an example of Continue reading »
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 03:30
Aka “I know you are but what am I” The following discussion is hardly anything new to those of you who’ve been following the netroots, blogs, online left, what-have-you for the past couple of decades. There was once an obsessive focus in those groups on “messaging” and how to combat what seemed to be the right’s mastery of the form. Nobody talks about it much anymore but it’s still an issue and this article is a decent reminder of that: By almost any measure, the struggle for political dominance in the US seems deadlocked between Republicans and Democrats. At times, the two parties resemble a pair of punch-drunk boxers, slugging away at one another in a contest that neither can end. But there is one political battleground where Republicans triumph virtually every time — and control of this arena could determine who wins the White House in 2024. Republicans are masters of verbal jiu-jitsu. It’s a form of linguistic combat in which the practitioner takes a political phrase or concept popularized by their opponent and gradually turns into an unusable slur.
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 03:00

Introducing CarbonCore BoroTex with GroundToClouds Terra-Teflon Technology. What’s it mean? It means if you don’t have it, you’re not ReallyOutdoors.

It’s finally here, even though we can’t describe what this bullshit really is. We’re kidding, totally fucking around with you; we can tell you exactly what it is. It’s an uncompromising flex that won’t bend. It’s soaking wet but bone dry. It’s long but short, hot but cold. It’s faster speed with slower torque than ever before. It’s a total contradiction at all times; totally the same and totally different. Simply put, it is everything we say it is, plus the opposite of that, in case you want that instead.

Wed, 23/08/2023 - 02:00
They’re doubling down: Just two days after the Georgia indictment, one of Trump’s most enthusiastic backers took the stage at a conference in Missouri to again spread election misinformation. Mike Lindell, the owner of MyPillow who is a vocal promoter of the myth that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, kicked off an event on purported election crimes with a video about fraud. It included footage from November 2020 that purported to show a Fulton County, Georgia, election worker pulling a briefcase of ballots from under a desk to surreptitiously add them to the tally. As evidence has since shown, the worker, Ruby Freeman, was simply doing her job — pulling out a standard government container full of real ballots that had to be counted. Three different counts of the Georgia vote, including one by hand, showed the ballots were tallied properly and the results were accurate. But Freeman and her daughter, who also worked in the elections office that night, were targeted by Trump and his allies and accused of helping throw the election to Biden, compared to drug dealers and deluged with threats. The women testified before the congressional Jan.
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 00:30
“a friendlier Nazi Germany” Amanda Moore went undercover in late 2020 as a far-right extremist. She attended the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and Turning Point USA’s Student Action Summit. By August 2021, she was attending a Proud Boys riot in Portland with a neo-Nazi. The far-right threat, Moore felt, was “misunderstood by much of the press and far more dangerous than what was being reported.” What began as an idea for a podcast and a couple of blog posts became an 11-month journey into the heart of American darkness. The press underestimates the white-nationalist threat because these groups are careful to conceal their real agenda. They work as congressional campaign staffers and work to form congressional caucuses, all while “meeting with leaders of far-right political parties in Italy and Hungary” and heading up local Young Republican clubs. “Some have worked hard to scrub themselves from the Internet or to curate their online personas; others operate in the shadows, so that people do not even know to look for them,” Moore explains in The Nation.