
Sat, 19/08/2023 - 04:55
Pearls and Irritations is a unique source of independent comment and analysis. Readers know that they will learn more and have a better and different understanding of important policy issues than is available from the mass media. It is therefore gratifying that readership has grown tenfold over the last six years, with monthly ‘views’ now Continue reading »
Sat, 19/08/2023 - 04:54
Along with a new scheme for first home buyer assistance, Federally-led rental reform is now on the PM’s agenda. But this week’s National Cabinet and Party Conference housing announcements need to be integrated into a coherent and ambitious long-term strategy. Anthony Albanese has signalled backing for ‘harmonising’ tenants’ rights, country-wide, importantly including enhanced security of Continue reading »
Sat, 19/08/2023 - 04:53
Beyond rent controls: can we have a market where tenants are treated with respect?; Reconstructing Australia’s economy from the wreckage left by the Coalition; and, Vale Mary-Louise McLaws, a voice of reason when reason was in short supply. Read on for the Weekly Roundup of links to articles, reports, podcasts and other media on current Continue reading »
Sat, 19/08/2023 - 04:50
US Secretary of State Tony Blinken tweeted in celebration of Pakistan’s preparations for “free and fair elections” on Wednesday, a week after it was revealed that the US pressured Pakistan to oust its popular democratically elected prime minister Imran Khan last year. “Congratulations to new Pakistan Interim Prime Minister @anwaar_kakar,” tweeted Blinken. “As Pakistan prepares Continue reading »
Sat, 19/08/2023 - 03:30
Ron DeSantis comes from a long line of failed Great Whitebread Hopes I should probably be ashamed to admit this but my favorite part of any presidential election season is the Republican primaries, especially the debates. Since they rarely have an incumbent president running (because they have only had three Republican presidents in the last 35 years) it’s usually a free for all that features some very eccentric fringe characters as well as the precipitous fall of at least one highly touted conservative hero that everyone in the political establishment assumed was a shoo-in just months before. I think back to 1992 which featured what we all thought was a completely beyond-the-pale Pat Buchanan speech at the RNC that the late great Molly Ivins famously quipped “sounded better in the original German.”(That speech now sounds like virtually every GOP candidate running for any office.) In 2008 the open primary swoon offered up the excitement of yet another Hollywood actor/Republican politician in Senator Fred Thompson who had the entire political press corps in a swoon, convinced that he was the next Ronald Reagan.
Sat, 19/08/2023 - 03:00

I awake to my wife hovering over me in bed. She says she loves to watch her prince in slumber, especially when I stop breathing and then gasp like an injured goose. She purrs that she could spend all night adoring my smacking mouth, the drool escaping my slack jaw, and the way my neck turns like I’m trying not to get splashed by something. She’s never sounded so horny.

- - -

A huge bang jolts me from sleep as my bedroom door flies open. My wife is in crotchless panties and says she couldn’t enjoy her wine downstairs watching The Crown because my chainsaw snoring pierced her like Cupid’s shaft.

- - -

I’m staying overnight in the sleep lab. I text my wife a picture of myself in a medical tunic with a nasal cannula and electrodes wired to my face and head, with the caption “Feeling sexy haha.”

She replies with a juicy peach emoji and photos of duck lips, tongue, and a full nip. “Show me what you’re really hooked up to.”

I text back, “They aren’t studying my dick?”

Fri, 18/08/2023 - 23:00
And you are not Neighbors shared champaign* out in the street when after several day news outlets finally called the 2020 election for Joe Biden. They weren’t celebrating Biden’s victory. It was a “Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead” moment. America was done with Donald Trump. The problem was Donald Trump was not done with America. Nearly three years later, the country is still attempting to clean up behind Trump even as he continues to trash the place. And getting special treatment while doing it. Fred and Mary Anne never gave little Donny a time out. They farmed out disciplining Little Lord Flauntleroy at 13 to a military academy. Too late, of course. Never in the field of bad parenting was such political carnage foisted on so many by so few. The 77-year-old brat continues to receive special treatment to this day, explains Dahlia Lithwick: The irony is lost on nobody that most of the conspiracies of which Trump now stands accused involve variations on speech acts that included threats and intimidation, lies, and bullying—the same actions he takes up with increasingly reckless zeal on social media against the machinery of the justice system itself.
Fri, 18/08/2023 - 22:20
Culture, identity, ethnicity, gender, and religiosity should never be accepted as a basis for intolerance in political and civic aspects. In a modern democratic society, people belonging to these different groups must be able to rely on society to protect them against the abuses of intolerance. All citizens must have the freedom and right to […]
Fri, 18/08/2023 - 22:00

“Divide and conquer.”

“War room.”

“Crack the whip.”

“Let’s drill our vertical bores into sacred Native American land and leak noxious fossil gases into the atmosphere.”

“We as a company must come together to sweep any human rights abuses under the rug so that our CEO, a powerful figure of corruption and sin, can continue hiding his illegal income in a private offshore bank account.”

“Yes, our company sponsors concentration camps, but in this highly competitive and globalized economy in which we operate, it’s either enslave or get enslaved.”

“What if there was no end to the suffering?”

“The poor were created for one purpose, and that is labor. Just like a rifle or a sword, they are unfeeling weapons—instruments of cruelty that do not deserve freedom.”

“Circle the wagons.”