
Thu, 08/06/2023 - 04:59
Sixty years after Kennedy’s commencement address at American University, crucial lessons must still be learned about how to end dangerous conflicts in a nuclear world. President John F. Kennedy was one of the world’s great peacemakers. He led a peaceful solution to the Cuban Missile Crisis and then successfully negotiated the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Continue reading »
Thu, 08/06/2023 - 04:58
The hubris and arrogance of the nuclear-armed states leaves the world exposed to the risk of sleepwalking into a nuclear disaster. The case for nuclear weapons rests on a superstitious magical Realism that puts faith in the utility of the bomb and the theory of deterrence. Here are four myths about the utility of nuclear Continue reading »
Thu, 08/06/2023 - 04:57
Today, there are strong arguments that Australian security and defence thinking, which was historically race based, is now culturally embedded; that the current situation is close to what race theory describes as ‘racism without racists.’ How, then, might Australian colonial racism have conditioned our security culture to put the ‘A’ in the AUKUS nuclear powered Continue reading »
Thu, 08/06/2023 - 04:56
Why are Australian political leaders so insecure about our capacity to be independent and create a peacebuilding role for our nation when so many Australian military and police personnel have already demonstrated their capacity for strong leadership as peacekeepers? On 27th May in Brisbane’s Anzac Square, I joined with military, police and civic leaders to Continue reading »
Thu, 08/06/2023 - 04:55
“All grimly true, but they can be sure that they won’t be recorded for their crimes in history – because there won’t be any history” (Noam Chomsky) No words can express the betrayal of humanity and nature as represented by the ease in which originally progressive parties and ‘leaders’ can reverse their original environmental credentials Continue reading »
Thu, 08/06/2023 - 04:50
The US military has released video footage of a Chinese navy ship cutting across the path of an American Destroyer in the Taiwan Strait over the weekend, reportedly forcing the US vessel to slow down to avoid a collision. A statement on the incident from US Indo-Pacific Command says the Chinese ship “executed maneuvers in Continue reading »
Thu, 08/06/2023 - 04:23
Chomsky and Pollin: Just Transition Can Stop Earth From Becoming Uninhabitable Noam Chomsky Interviewed by C.J. Polychroniou June 7, 2023. Truthout.  Climate change is “making our planet uninhabitable,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres in late March. Indeed, the threats of the impending climate crisis have become very tangible, and the world’s top scientists are warning that the Earth […]
Thu, 08/06/2023 - 03:48

The FBI aided a Ukrainian intelligence effort to ban Twitter users and collect their data, new leaks show. Twitter declined to censor journalists targeted by Ukraine, including The Grayzone’s Aaron Maté. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has aided a Ukrainian intelligence effort to censor social media users and obtain their personal information, leaked emails reveal. In March 2022, an FBI Special Agent sent Twitter a list of accounts on behalf of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Ukraine’s main intelligence […]

The post Leaks reveal FBI helps Ukraine censor Twitter users and obtain their info first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post Leaks reveal FBI helps Ukraine censor Twitter users and obtain their info appeared first on The Grayzone.

Thu, 08/06/2023 - 03:30
I don’t know what to say about the following. The person speaking gobbledygook may have had a few too many White Claws. You hve to admit, defending the Saudi human rights record and giving them credit for their sportswashing is pretty bold. Meanwhile, guess who else is going to benefit? The surprising deal on Tuesday ending a civil war in the world of professional golf stands to produce benefits for former President Donald J. Trump’s family business by increasing the prospect of major tournaments continuing to be played at Trump-owned courses in the United States and perhaps abroad. The outcome is the latest example of how the close relationship between Mr. Trump, the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, and Saudi Arabia, whose sovereign wealth fund is the force behind the upheaval in the golf world, has proved beneficial to both sides even as it has prompted intense ethical scrutiny and political criticism. Even as it has injected new money and competition into professional golf, Saudi Arabia has been accused of using its wealth to buff its global reputation and obscure its human rights record through sports.
Thu, 08/06/2023 - 03:00

Q. What is the asteroid package?
Congrats on your engagement. Our boutique venue Asteroids4You offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have a celebration that ends with your entire wedding smote by an asteroid.

Q. How do I know the asteroid package is right for me?
Let’s face it, wedding planning exists in a quantum state that is exciting but also painful. Our streamlined package is designed to take all the stress out of wedding planning and replace it with the joy and peace of your imminent demise.

Q. Why can’t I find any testimonials online?
No client has survived to write a review. People tend to find us out of desperation: when they’re on the cusp of leaving the in-law family group chat, being asked for the hundredth time if your cousin’s Tinder date can count as a plus one, explaining electronic RSVPs to your grandparents, etc. We’ve never been short on clients.

Thu, 08/06/2023 - 02:52

“Before the normalization happened, the Israelis would collaborate with the Moroccans, but also wouldn’t feel comfortable going beyond this covert intelligence or military or ad hoc cooperation, but with normalization, this has now reached a whole new level that is unprecedented.” -- Riccardo Fabiani, International Crisis Group

The post Exporting Occupation: Israeli Business is Booming in Morocco-Occupied Western Sahara appeared first on MintPress News.