
Thu, 01/06/2023 - 19:08

Once upon a time, the greed of tobacco companies was channeled through libertarian outrage over the restriction of smokers’ freedom to choose cancer. Today, the outrage is serving the interests of bankers panicking at the prospect of central bank digital currencies. ATHENS – When First Republic Bank failed, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation organized a […]

The post Who’s Afraid of Central Bank Digital Currencies? Project Syndicate op-ed appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.

Thu, 01/06/2023 - 19:04

Only a comprehensive reconfiguration of property rights over the increasingly cloud-based instruments of production, distribution, collaboration, and communication can rescue the foundational liberal idea of liberty as self-ownership. Reviving the liberal individual thus requires precisely what liberals detest: a revolution. ATHENS – My father was the epitome of the liberal individual, a splendid irony for […]

The post The Strange Death of the Liberal Individual – Project Syndicate op-ed appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.

Thu, 01/06/2023 - 18:48
But if we have independent reasons to believe that there is more going on in the phenomena under investigation than a mathematical model can suggest – that is, that the phenomena in question are not in fact mechanical in the required sense – then mathematical modeling will prove misleading … Moreover, as will be discussed, […]
Thu, 01/06/2023 - 18:00
Sangyup Choi, Tim Willems and Seung Yong Yoo How does monetary policy really affect the real economy? What kinds of firms or industries are more sensitive to changes in the stance of monetary policy, and through which exact channels? Despite advances in our understanding of the monetary transmission mechanism, existing studies have not reached a … Continue reading What can we learn about monetary policy transmission using international industry-panel data?
Thu, 01/06/2023 - 17:48
Almost anyone can see what a reductive view this is of modern society, even without having read their Rousseau or Rawls. We must not be taken in by the fact that this is called “critical,” that it’s about race, and that it’s titled a “theory.” It is a fragile, performative ideology, one that goes beyond […]
Thu, 01/06/2023 - 11:33
Chomsky: Europe May Face Decline, Deindustrialization by Staying in ‘US-Dominated System’ Noam Chomsky Interviewed by Sputnik  May 31, 2023. Sputnik.  Europe will experience a likely decline and deindustrialization if it chooses to stay within the system dominated by the United States, renowned US academic and philosopher Noam Chomsky told Sputnik. “Europe has a major decision to […]
Thu, 01/06/2023 - 10:00
Here’s a useful quick primer on who won and who lost in this debt ceiling hostage crisis: Don’t say it out loud until the debt ceiling is raised and we can breathe again, but the fact is that the Republicans got rolled. Shhhhh. They’re busy passing around internet memes about how Chik-fil-a is woke and don’t realize that Kevin just put on a very sad little kabuki dance.
Thu, 01/06/2023 - 09:20
Bruno Macaes On Putin And The World Order

Macaes was a Portuguese minister and is now a member of the European Council of Foreign relations. He’s written a few books and at least two of them, on the Belt and Road and on Eurasia in general are insightful, though Bruno is definitely a Eurocrat who sometimes struggles to see the world without Eurocrat lenses. This is particularly true when it comes to Russia (remembering that these books were written before Ukraine, which he did not predict) but there are some points where Macaes “gets it.”

This is primarily when it comes to Putin’s views of the international order:

Thu, 01/06/2023 - 08:30
This one seems bad CNN reports: Federal prosecutors have obtained an audio recording of a summer 2021 meeting in which former President Donald Trump acknowledges he held onto a classified Pentagon document about a potential attack on Iran, multiple sources told CNN, undercutting his argument that he declassified everything. The recording indicates Trump understood he retained classified material after leaving the White House, according to multiple sources familiar with the investigation. On the recording, Trump’s comments suggest he would like to share the information but he’s aware of limitations on his ability post-presidency to declassify records, two of the sources said. CNN has not listened to the recording, but multiple sources described it. One source said the relevant portion on the Iran document is about two minutes long, and another source said the discussion is a small part of a much longer meeting.
Thu, 01/06/2023 - 08:00

YOUNGSTERS in school years 7 to 12 can dip their toes into the world of broadcasting through 104.1 CHYFM Coffs Harbour Youth Community Radio’s July holiday workshops. Station Manager Angie Vaughan has curated two, five-day On-Air Presenter Workshops taking place at the CHYFM studio in July. The workshops are industry-based and delivered by industry professionals...

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Thu, 01/06/2023 - 07:57

COFFS Harbour Neighbourhood Centre, in conjunction with Coffs Harbour Community Drug Action Team (CDAT), is hosting free training for community workers and others who are seeking to upskill themselves across alcohol and drug issues. The training will take place on Tuesday 13 June, from 9:30am – 4:30pm, in the TAFE D block theatre at Coffs...

The post Community Drug Action Team launch free training on alcohol and drug issues appeared first on News Of The Area.