
Sun, 12/03/2023 - 02:30
More rugged individualism for thee but not me Watching the fallout from the Silicion Valley Bank failure. (I’m not a financial expert.) “And this isn’t a bailout,” Cuban insists. David Dayen replies: Funny story about #2, Mark. The regulators were watching until 2018, when SVB and other banks lobbied to send the regulators home, and convinced Republicans (and 50 Democrats) to do it. Your favorite people warned that it would go badly. It did. The Lever notes that SVB President Greg Becker lobbied against further oversight of his bank: In 2015, SVB President Greg Becker appeared before a Senate panel to push legislators to exempt more banks — including his own — from new regulations passed in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Despite warnings from some senators, Becker’s lobbying effort was ultimately successful.
Sun, 12/03/2023 - 01:25
The American Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) made the unusual step of shutting down the flailing Silicon Valley Bank (hereafter, SVB) during business hours yesterday (Friday). (FDIC Friday usually involves teams swooping in after the close on Friday.) Since I have to write this article quickly in the morning, I am not sure of what the latest developments are for SVB, rather I want to discuss the possibility of contagion....
Bond Economics
Oh No, Panic In Silicon VAlley
Brian Romanchuk
Sun, 12/03/2023 - 01:00
High-flying risk-takers demand their bailout Christopher Walken’s first movie role was in The Anderson Tapes, a 1971 Sidney Lumet caper film starring Sean Connery. Walken played “The Kid,” a junior safecracker. Connery’s team of thieves robs a high-end New York apartment building. It’s Oscars weekend. But that’s not the reason for mentioning the film. When Walken can’t break into a safe in one rich couple’s apartment. ‘Duke’ Anderson (Connery) demands the combination. The man refuses. Duke yanks up the man’s wife by the hair. (I can’t get the clip to load.) “Darling, it’s all right,” the man tells her calmly. “Just hold on. It just hurts right now, but you’ll be all right.” “You bastard!” she shouts. “Tell him!” He doesn’t, so Duke calls in his hitter, “Socks,” points to the rich jerk, and says, “Him!” Threatened with pain himself, the guy folds up like tissue paper. Fiction? Watch how rich libertarians behaved when Silicon Valley Bank collapsed on Friday.
Sun, 12/03/2023 - 00:30
Broadcaster’s sports coverage reduced to regurgitating old podcasts after cowardly decision to buckle to Tories’ manufactured outrage The BBC has pulled its entire Saturday afternoon Radio 5 Live sports schedule – and a big chunk of its morning programmes – as more and more presenters refuse to appear, in solidarity with Gary Lineker, who was […]
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 22:00

Socialist Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant is launching a national coalition called Workers Strike Back to fight for wages, universal healthcare, LGBTQ rights, a clean energy transition, and more.

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