
Tue, 07/03/2023 - 00:00

“Michael Knowles—right-wing political commentator associated with the Daily Wire—said ‘for the good of society… transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely’ at the Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday afternoon.” – The Daily Beast, 3/5/23

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I, Jay Ludlow Martin, previously known as Laura Jayne Martin, until a legal name change, which likely still has not been corrected on my insurance card because of incompetence on the part of the insurance company—however, they did manage to pay for my top surgery, so fine, whatever—of New York, New York, revoke my former Wills and Codicils and declare this to be my last will and testament.

Mon, 06/03/2023 - 23:00

By Unicorn Riot Atlanta, GA – Atlanta-area forest defenders, community activists and their allies from around the country and the world are initiating a ‘week of action’ against a proposed ‘Cop City’ urban warfare campus and a movie industry facility that would demolish much of the largest urban forest in the country.  The upcoming week […]

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Mon, 06/03/2023 - 22:43
Kendall’s attack on Tory killing of over 40,000 care home residents in the pandemic doesn’t go far enough – and it ignores Labour’s cheerleader role as Johnson-Hancock policies caused even more deaths Right-wing Labour MP Liz Kendall has tweeted a video of herself pointing out the Tories’ lie about throwing a ‘protect ring’ around care […]
Mon, 06/03/2023 - 22:15

Despite decades of Indigenous activism and resistance, UC Berkeley has failed to return the remains of thousands of Native Americans to tribes. The university is still discovering more human remains.

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Mon, 06/03/2023 - 20:24
The UK is a signatory of the 1951 Refugee Convention, along with a number of other international instruments providing for humanitarian protection. The Convention provides that someone who is a refugee – a status that they have on the basis of their objective circumstances, having a well-founded fear of persecution on specific grounds and being […]
Mon, 06/03/2023 - 19:00
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Mon, 06/03/2023 - 18:25
Under det dryga decennium som jag har kritiserat vinstintresset i skolan har Thorengruppens härjningar varit en följetong. Redan 2011 kom Skolinspektionen med sin första dräpande rapport om allvarliga missförhållanden. En lärare vittnade senare för mig om hur gruppen startade yrkesgymnasier utan så mycket som en svets eller hammare i lokalerna. Alla har vetat hur illa det har varit. Ändå […]