
Mon, 06/03/2023 - 02:30
Shrinking CPAC wants what Trump wants Donald Trump’s fading star has not kept media outlets from covering him the way he wants to be covered. Almost any attention is good attention. The “deeply wounded narcissist” has a bottomless need for it. Almost as much as his followers’ need for retribution against the citified and nonwhite unworthies slowly eating into their political and cultural supremacy. “I believe former President Trump to be a deeply wounded narcissist, and he is often incapable of acting other than in his perceived self-interest or for revenge,” said Ty Cobb, a White House lawyer during Trump’s administration. “I think those are the two compelling instincts that guide his actions.” Trump said it himself at CPAC: “In 2016, I declared: I am your voice,” he said, speaking for just over 100 minutes from a bright blue and red stage in a cavernous ballroom at the closing speech of the CPAC event in Maryland. “Today, I add: I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed: I am your retribution,” he said.
Mon, 06/03/2023 - 01:00
Taking ‘national divorce’ seriously Here’s a chilling thought for a Sunday morning: What if Vice President Pence had done what Donald Trump demanded and supported his Jan. 6 coup? David French ponders the consequences in The New York Times: In that moment, American peace and unity depended on the force of will of one single person, a man who stood up to a president, to the lawmakers in his own party who challenged the election, and to the howling mob that was crying out for his head. Just that is enough to make you pull the covers over your head and go back to sleep. French critiques Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s proposed “national divorce” in light of the last attempt at one in the 19th century. Yes, it’s unworkable. And yes, it’s insane. But what’s sanity got to do with it?
Sun, 05/03/2023 - 12:30
How do I describe Mojo Nixon to the uninitiated? Psychobilly anarchist? Novelty act? Social satirist? Performance artist? Brain-damaged? Smarter than he looks? The correct answer is “all of the above.” “Mojo Nixon” is also, of course, a stage persona; an alter ego created by Neill Kirby McMillan Jr., as we learn in Matt Eskey’s The Mojo Manifesto: The Life and Times of Mojo Nixon (available on digital platforms March 17th). My gateway to Nixon’s oeuvre was via “The Dr. Demento Show”, a weekly syndicated program we aired at the radio station I was working at back in the 1980s. The song was called “Elvis is Everywhere.” Elvis is everywhere, man!He’s in everything.He’s in everybody…Elvis is in your jeans.He’s in your cheeseburgersElvis is in Nutty Buddies!Elvis is in your mom! It wasn’t so much the hilariously absurd stream-of-consciousness lyrics, as it was the unbridled commitment to the vocal that hooked me right away. Who was this guy? Turns out I wasn’t the only person sitting up and paying attention.
Sun, 05/03/2023 - 11:33
‘Proud Zionist’ Elaina Cohen says Starmer ‘crushing spirit of socialism’ and his ‘mission’ claim shows lack of concern for people On Saturday, Labour party pro-Israel hardliner Margaret Hodge wrote in the Guardian that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s ‘deeply anti-democratic’ plan to put his government above the law and the country’s judicial system is destroying the […]
Sun, 05/03/2023 - 10:30
And dreaming about a new flying car initiative Donald Trump gears up for his campaign: Holed up at his resort in Palm Beach, Florida, former President Donald Trump spends many mornings golfing and then, in the afternoons, plots his political comeback. Maybe he’ll shoot videos on policy proposals for his latest presidential campaign. But much of his and his team’s time is spent bemoaning his lack of coverage by Fox News and other cable networks, griping about his 2020 reelection defeat — something he’s very much not letting go — and workshopping new nicknames for his chief rival in GOP politics, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Trump, allies say, seems set on “Ron DeSanctimonious,” even though others around him don’t think it’s a bullseye.
Sun, 05/03/2023 - 09:00
And it’s right wing Via Salon: Domestic extremists killed at least 25 people in the United States last year and all of them had ties to forms of right-wing extremism, including white supremacy, anti-government extremism and right-wing conspiracy theorists, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League.  Domestic extremist-related mass killings have increased in the past 12 years with most of them being tied to right-wing extremists, the ADL found. Researchers say the most concerning incidents are shootings inspired by white supremacist “accelerationist” propaganda urging such attacks.  “White supremacists who consider themselves accelerationist believe that there’s no way they will ever be able to reform or change society to reflect what white supremacists want [and] the only option really is to actually destroy society and from the ashes, build a new white-dominated or white only society,” said Mark Pitcavage, a senior research fellow at the ADL.
Sun, 05/03/2023 - 07:30
This insufferable wingnut James Comer tries to wriggle out of a creepy comment by trying to say that he never said it. But it’s on tape: House Oversight Committee James Comer angrily denied lamenting that Beau Biden, the late son of President Joe Biden, should have faced criminal charges over a campaign finance scandal in which he was found not to have committed any wrongdoing whatsoever. Mr Comer, a Kentucky Republican, made the incendiary comments during an appearance on disgraced ex-Fox News host Lou Dobbs’ podcast last week, citing a years-old campaign finance scandal centered around a powerful Delaware beverage distributor, Christopher Tigani, who was sentenced to prison in 2012 for illegally funneling contributions to First State political campaigns. The investigation which led to his incarceration was led by David Weiss, a veteran prosecutor whom former president Donald Trump appointed as the US Attorney for Delaware in 2018.
Sun, 05/03/2023 - 06:39

Maximillian Alvarez discusses his most recent book on so-called ‘essential workers’ at the start of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, ‘The Work of Living’, with Chris Hedges.

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Sun, 05/03/2023 - 06:24

By Bob Lord / CounterPunch Bernie Sanders and Bill Gates don’t agree on many things, but they both want to see a “robot tax,” a special levy on companies that replace workers with machines. Sanders and Gates may be well-intentioned with this call for a robot tax. But that doesn’t make their call on this […]

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Sun, 05/03/2023 - 06:19
The 12th “Middle East Conference” at the Valdai Club in Moscow offered a more than welcome cornucopia of views on interconnected troubles and tribulations affecting the region.

But first, an important word on terminology – as only one of Valdai’s guests took the trouble to stress. This is not the “Middle East” – a reductionist, Orientalist notion devised by old colonials: at The Cradle we emphasize the region must be correctly described as West Asia.

Some of the region’s trials and tribulations have been mapped by the official Valdai report, The Middle East and The Future of Polycentric World. But the intellectual and political clout of those in attendance can provide valuable anecdotal insights too. Here are a few of the major strands participants highlighted on regional developments, current and future:
The Cradle
The Valdai meeting: Where West Asia meets multipolarity
Pepe Escobar