
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 04:40

Joel is driving along a deserted highway. Ellie is in the passenger seat drinking a Diet Snapple.

JOEL: We stay on this road and we’ll reach our destination by nightfall.

ELLIE: All right, cool, cool. But we’re going to stop at rest stops along the way, right?

JOEL: No, too dangerous.

ELLIE: Okay, it’s just that I might need to pee at some point.

JOEL: We just stopped to pee.

ELLIE: Yeah, well, that was fifteen minutes ago. And I’m gonna need to pee again in another fifteen minutes. Sorry, but liquids just run through me at my age.

JOEL: Then stop drinking so many Diet Snapples. Where did you even find those?

Sat, 11/03/2023 - 04:00
Oy vey. This is just brutal I’ll be live-tweeting this morning’s portion of the House “weaponization” hearing featuring testimony from Matt Taibbi Rep. Plaskett begins by asking Jim Jordan if he plans to use information during today's hearing that Democrats have not had a chance to review. Jordan indicates that yes, he plans to do that. Plaskett refers to Taibbi and Shellenberger as "two of Elon Musk's public scribes" who "release cherry-picked, out of context emails and screenshots designed to promote his chosen narrative, Elon Musk's chosen narrative, that is now being parroted by the Republicans." Plaskett to Jim Jordan: "Americans can see through this. Musk is helping you out politically, and you're going out of your way to promote and protect him and to praise him." She then adds, "there are many legitimate questions about where Musk got the financing to buy Twitter." Wow. Plaskett is not messing around at all and Republicans are getting mad about it. LOL — Jim Jordan claims that Matt Taibbi is Democrat so he's not actually there to help Republicans !!!
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 02:30
And your point is? A divorced couple in Virginia is arguing over custody of frozen embryos. Judge Uses a Slavery Law to Rule Frozen Embryos Are Property Frozen human embryos can legally be considered property, or “chattel,” a Virginia judge has ruled, basing his decision in part on a 19th century law governing the treatment of slaves. The preliminary opinion by Fairfax County Circuit Court Judge Richard Gardiner – delivered in a long-running dispute between a divorced husband and wife – is being criticized by some for wrongly and unnecessarily delving into a time in Virginia history when it was legally permissible to own human beings. “It’s repulsive and it’s morally repugnant,” said Susan Crockin, a lawyer and scholar at Georgetown University’s Kennedy Institute of Ethics and an expert in reproductive technology law. And her point is? This is your America on Trumpism, and oh so great again. “I would like to think that the bench and the bar would be seeking more modern precedent,” said Solomon Ashby, president of the Old Dominion Bar Association. The group is primarily African American attorneys.
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 02:18
Along with Eric Tymoigne, I will be on the “pro-” side of a “pro-/con-” Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) panel at the online part of the annual Canadian Economic Association (CEA) conference (on May 30, the live conference is in early June in my old hometown of Winnipeg). As a non-academic non-economist, if I were smart, I would keep my head down and offer fairly cautious remarks from the perspective of an educated outsider (with obvious biases). Whether that happens when I start opening my mouth remains to be seen (“No plan survives contact with the enemy”).
Bond Economics
Yet More Rambling About My Upcoming MMT Presentation
Brian Romanchuk
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 01:43

By Juan Cole / Informed Comment Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Indian Express reports from Iran’s PressTV that the country has discovered a deposit of 8.5 million tons of lithium in the Qahavand Plain of western Hamedan province. There are only 89 million tons of lithium in the world in known deposits so far, with the […]

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Sat, 11/03/2023 - 01:00


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Jean conducts an interview for Lavil.

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Jean Marseille recorded these dispatches on his phone while surviving on the streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, from October through December 2022. As the chaos that followed the assassination of Haitian president Jovenel Moïse in July 2021 devolved into further lawlessness, Jean witnessed firsthand a city in free fall.

Sat, 11/03/2023 - 01:00
What people “hate even more is to be patronized” Andrew L Seidel (“The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism Is Un-American“) notes that the framers of the U.S. Constitution were for the most part not religious men. At least, not in the evangelicals’ sense. Where they referenced morality and religion as necessary to an orderly society, the two were separate things. For men such as themselves, morality was the product of their elite educations and deep inquiry. For the masses, religion was a pale substitute and ripe for abuse and exploitation by the unscrupulous.* To guard against the latter, the framers revered almost as secular saints were elitists in a groundbreaking way by wisely separating church and state. Thus, they wrote “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States” into the U.S. Constitution even before the First Amendment was added. On that note, Tom Nichols in his The Atlantic newsletter addresses the very different elitism of Fox personalities.
Sat, 11/03/2023 - 00:00

Below, please find the definitive right-of-way regulations for New York City’s bike lanes. Any lower-ranked item must yield to any higher-ranked item.

1. Marked NYPD vehicles

2. Unmarked NYPD vehicles

3. Vehicles with a Thin Blue Line flag bumper sticker

4. A dumpster with the Punisher logo on it

5. Film crews for Blue Bloods

6. Vehicles whose owner’s cousin used to work for the city (any city is fine)

7. Amazon delivery trucks

8. Pedestrians walking against traffic

9. Any double-parked motorized vehicle

10. Regular film crews

11. Any motorized vehicle whose driver “just needs to check something”

12. Tourists waiting to cross the street who might not realize they are standing in the bike lane

13. Abandoned vehicles

14. Pizza Rat

15. Revelers and merrymakers

16. Bearded men screaming, “The End is near!”

17. Currently on-fire vehicles

18. Calzone Mouse

19. Street preachers

Fri, 10/03/2023 - 23:00

By Austin Sarat / The Conversation In January 2023 two Democratic representatives, Judith Garcia and Carlos Gonzalez, proposed a bill that would offer prisoners in Massachusetts a new way to win reduction in their sentences: by donating their bone marrow or vital organs. The bill stated that the commissioner of the Department of Corrections should establish both […]

The post Prisoners Donating Organs to Get Time Off Raises Thorny Ethical Questions appeared first on