
Wed, 18/01/2023 - 17:28

The “We Quit” declaration by Extinction Rebellion in Britain that it will step back from disruptive, direct action to build a 100,000-strong rally has ignited a debate about the best approach to fighting climate change.

The post Climate: we can unite direct action with mass mobilisation appeared first on Solidarity Online.

Wed, 18/01/2023 - 12:00
A primer Paul Waldman with a very helpful reminder: Like many billionaires, Elon Musk apparently sees himself as a genius not only in areas where he has real experience but in all things, including politics and government. Which is why he tweeted this about the omnibus spending bill Congress passed last month: This is a common type of misinformation, one that swirled about with particular intensity regarding the omnibus bill. Not that Musk doesn’t believe it; I’m sure he does. His tweet shows how easy it is to be seduced by ideas that have intuitive appeal but are completely wrong. Let’s begin with Musk’s assertion and work our way through some other widespread but pernicious ideas about how politics works: “If members of Congress read bills before voting on them, legislation would be better.” How could anyone oppose that? But the truth is that most legislators usually don’t read the text —and that’s fine. It isn’t because they’re lazy. It’s because legislation involves a specialized type of language, written by experts for purposes that have nothing to do with understanding and wise decision-making.
Wed, 18/01/2023 - 11:47

Radhika: Hi everyone, and welcome to this Geopolitical Economy Hour. I’m Radhika Desai. Michael: And I’m Michael Hudson. Radhika: Every fortnight we are going to meet for an hour to discuss major development in the fast-changing geopolitical economy of our twenty-first-century world. We’ll discuss international developments. We’ll discuss their roots in individual countries and regions. Continue Reading

The post Introducing the Geopolitical Economy Hour first appeared on Michael Hudson.
Wed, 18/01/2023 - 11:33


Wed, 18/01/2023 - 11:00

Jo and the Third Doctor reunite for three new adventures Big Finish have revealed the cover and story details for Doctor Who: The Return of Jo Jones. Taking place decades after her departure in The Green Death, the new box set, due out next month, sees Katy Manning’s Jo Jones (nee Grant) reunite with her […]

The post Doctor Who: The Return of Jo Jones appeared first on Blogtor Who.

Wed, 18/01/2023 - 09:31
Okara is the soy bean residue from making tofu (bean cake). It is usually available at tofu shops. Okara itself is an excellent ingredient used as an extender for making meat loves or hamburger patties. Highly nutritious and uses what might ordinarily be wasted. 2 cups okara (soy bean residue)⅓ cup boneless chicken meat, chopped2 […]
Wed, 18/01/2023 - 09:12

 Given the almost cartoonishly elitist nature of this jamboree, it seems only natural that the organisation has become the subject of all sorts of conspiracy theories regarding its supposed malicious intent and secret agendas connected to the notion of the “Great Reset”. In truth, there is nothing conspiratorial about the WEF, to the extent that conspiracies imply secrecy. On the contrary, the WEF — unlike, say, the Bilderberg — is very open about its agenda: you can even follow the live-streamed sessions online.

Wed, 18/01/2023 - 09:00
Talk about optics … yikes. It’s not just optics. It’s very dangerous propaganda: I assume that Desantis thinks he can gather unassailable wingnut cred by doing all this stuff and then tack to “the center” and pretend he isn’t insane in a general election. But I don’t think that’s possible these days. This stuff lives on the internet forever. On the other hand, he may just be betting that between election suppression and propaganda a majority will sign on to this extreme far-right agenda. Maybe he thinks he can ride this insanity all the way to the White House. After all, Trump wasn’t exactly a middle of the road guy. However, the voters who loved Trump loved him because of his attitude, fame, wealth and other intangible personality traits. (Why, I’ll never understand.) And he went after specific people they didn’t like. DeSantis is a simple bully who instead of entertaining his audience with colorful insults and childish nicknames, is systematically attacking institutions and ideas, using the power of his state government to shut down dissent.
Wed, 18/01/2023 - 08:13

That the LAPD is confidently deploying this public relations tactic nearly three years after George Floyd’s death is a grim reflection of how little has changed.

The post LAPD Held Down Keenan Anderson, Repeatedly Tased Him — Then Suggested His Death Was His Own Fault appeared first on The Intercept.