
Thu, 21/11/2024 - 00:00

Your families are embroiled in a bitter feud.
Not a red flag. This is a problem that couples have faced throughout history, and most of them have solved it by agreeing to never host an extended family Thanksgiving.

You’re thirteen years old.
Not a red flag, as long as he is also a teenager. But if he is a much older suitor (let’s say, for example, a forty-nine-year-old with a history of never dating anyone over twenty-five), this should probably give you pause.

He was recently in love with your cousin Rosaline, and he has been going on at length about how no girl could ever be as beautiful as her.
Not a red flag. Rosaline’s like a solid nine, so, honestly, you get it.

He crashed your family’s party, and his main reason for doing so was to get another chance at putting the moves on Rosaline.
Not a red flag. Because, again, Rosaline’s a catch. And at the end of the day, you feel confident that fate will be a much stronger force than whatever was drawing him to Rosaline—probably her knockers.

Wed, 20/11/2024 - 23:16
Labor Membership & Power Requires Elite and Mass Support

The Great Depression was cause by a demand problem: there wasn’t enough demand for goods, prices crashed and so did employment.

The policies put in place by the New Deal were almost all intended to increase demand and prices. Farm support, social security and so on. Elites were slaughtered by the great crash of 29 and the Depression. Not all supported the New Deal, in fact many don’t, FDR bragged they hated him. But obviously FDR had elite support.

This chart shows what happened:

Wed, 20/11/2024 - 20:49
Clarté Lund bjuder in till en samtalsserie i tre delar om visionär ekonomi. Det första panelsamtalet berör ekonomisk politik och det nya omtalade balansmålet i det finanspolitiska ramverket. Varför fick vi inte ett underskottsmål och vad för konsekvenser får detta för ett Sverige med enorma investeringsbehov? Med hjälp av sakkunniga panelister kommer vi att fördjupa […]
Wed, 20/11/2024 - 17:25

In a bid to “keep Ukraine fighting,” a covert cell of British military strategists and spooks plotted to destroy “media outriders” that threatened their narrative. Among their top targets was The Grayzone. Leaked documents obtained by The Grayzone have revealed the existence of a British military-intelligence cabal, which plotted since the onset of the Ukraine proxy war to prolong the conflict “at all costs.” Known as Project Alchemy, the secret cell was convened under the watch of the British Ministry […]

The post Leaked files expose high-level UK military plot to destroy The Grayzone first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post Leaked files expose high-level UK military plot to destroy The Grayzone appeared first on The Grayzone.

Wed, 20/11/2024 - 12:52
Up to 50,000 Māori mobilised and walked to the New Zealand Parliament in Wellington to to protest the treaty principles bill, which Amnesty International states should never have been introduced. Bob Carr states what he told us last week about AUKUS is now confirmed. A member of Knesset is forcibly removed for speaking out against Continue reading »