
Sat, 15/10/2022 - 12:32
Dear ES/PE community members, find below an abundant list of great academic opportunities: 14 job openings, 13 postdoc positions, 11 calls for papers for conferences (some are fully or partly funded) and special issues, 5 visiting positions, a PhD fellowship, and a grant in economic sociology, political economy, and related fields, with October 15 — […]
Sat, 15/10/2022 - 00:00

The Australian Council of Trade Unions is sponsoring a series of webinars for union members, delegates, officials, and leaders on the current crisis in the cost of living in Australia. The surge in inflation since economic re-opening after COVID lockdowns has obviously intensified that crisis. But the seeds for it were planted long ago: by a decade of historically weak wage growth, a speculative property price bubble, and a systematic efforts to weaken collective bargaining and unionisation.

The post Webinar on Wages, Prices, and Power appeared first on The Australia Institute.

Fri, 14/10/2022 - 21:13

The logical outcome of the UK’s current political situation is for a large section of Conservative Party MP’s to defect to Keir Starmer’s well right of centre, pro-Brexit, New Labour Party. Every now and then a number of Westminster MPs change party, to long term political effect. In 1886 The Liberal Unionists, opposed to Gladstone’s […]

The post The Great Crossing appeared first on Craig Murray.

Fri, 14/10/2022 - 17:40
An obsession with economic growth is driving us towards catastrophe. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 12th October 2022 As a founder member of the “Anti-Growth Coalition”, I’m delighted to discover how fast it has, ahem, been growing. From small beginnings on the political margins, our grouping, according to the prime minister, now ranges […]
Fri, 14/10/2022 - 15:25

In the past twelve months low-income earners have seen their real wages fall faster than ever before, their mortgage interest rates rise faster than ever before and, here’s the real kicker: their average tax rates actually increase. To be clear, someone working on the minimum wage has seen the amount of tax they pay rise

The post Even if you were a neoclassical ideolouge, Stage 3 ain’t it appeared first on The Australia Institute.

Fri, 14/10/2022 - 05:55

New research published by the Australia Institute, in partnership with RMIT, shows there is legal ambiguity surrounding the non-consensual removal of a condom during sex, also known as stealthing, that could be fixed through nationally consistent laws. The report Stealthing: Legislating for Change finds that while an overwhelming majority of Australians support criminalisation, many Australians do not

The post Push for Nationally Consistent Laws to Prevent Stealthing: Research Report appeared first on The Australia Institute.

Fri, 14/10/2022 - 04:31
In this strategic analysis, Institute President Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, Senior Scholar Gennaro Zezza, and Research Associate Nikolaos Rodousakis discuss the medium-term prospects for the Greek economy in a time of increasing uncertainty-due to the geopolitical turbulence emanating from the Ukraine-Russian conflict, with its impact on the cost of energy, as well as the increase in international prices of some commodities.
Fri, 14/10/2022 - 03:04

Looking up, as have been most indicators since the rate hikes, which continue to add serious amounts of interest income paid by government (deficit spending) to the economy: Calculated Risk: Leading Index for Commercial Real Estate “Rises” in September ( Still high enough for the Fed to keep raising rates, etc: Higher than expected: New […]