
Thu, 25/08/2022 - 09:17
by Julien Etienne* It is startling to see that regulation scholarship continues projecting a business-as-usual picture, when current trends and scientific insights into the foreseeable future all point to radical change. Indeed, scientists have been documenting the extremely rapid decline in biodiversity and acceleration of climate change. They project that these trends will continue to […]
Thu, 25/08/2022 - 06:30

We've been doing live streams of our songwriting sessions from our studio on our Twitch channel. We just turn on the camera and try out ideas and see where they take us.

Here is a clip from one of those sessions we posted to our YouTube Channel.

Rumble Fish Style (Live Stream Clip)

One of the things I wanted to try was something that sounded like the soundtrack for the 1983 movie Rumble Fish.

Tue, 23/08/2022 - 22:08
Aug 22, 2022 ROBERT SKIDELSKY The widening gaps in policy formation nowadays reflect the division of labor and increasing specialization that has taken us from the sixteenth-century ideal of the Renaissance man. And today’s biggest policymaking gap has grown so large that it threatens global catastrophe. LONDON – Just as the insistent demand for more … Continue reading Mind the Policy Gaps
Tue, 23/08/2022 - 06:34
China’s successful technological development path stands in contrast to the corporate financialization model in the United States

In our INET working paper, "China’s Development Path,” we employ the “social conditions of innovative enterprise” framework to analyze the key determinants of China’s development path from the economic reforms of 1978 to the present. First, we focus on how government investments in human capabilities and physical infrastructure provided foundational support for the emergence of Chinese enterprises capable of technological learning.

Mon, 22/08/2022 - 16:23
As environmental breakdown threatens to render large parts of the planet unfarmable, how can mass starvation best be averted? By George Monbiot, published on, 22nd August 2022 This is my response to the open letter from my friend Jyoti Fernandes, published on the website of the Landworkers’ Alliance. Dear Jyoti, I’m not sure whether […]
Sun, 21/08/2022 - 01:40
Dear ES/PE community members, find below an abundant list of great academic opportunities: 20 postdoc positions, 14 calls for papers for conferences (some are fully or partly funded) and special issues, 7 job openings, and 6 PhD fellowships, a grant and an award in economic sociology, political economy, and related fields, with August 22 — September 25 deadlines. Share […]