
Sat, 04/02/2023 - 02:47

Almost six years after we unearthed that the British authorities at the Crown Prosecution Service destroyed key emails on the WikiLeaks founder, we can now report that the Swedish Prosecution Authority also destroyed a large part of the documentation. As Assange's life hangs in the balance, will Britain and Sweden finally open an investigation into the destruction of documents?

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Sat, 04/02/2023 - 02:38

The Drupal Association is pleased to announce that it has been selected to host Denaya Dennis, a Fellow from South Sudan in the 2023 Alumni Professional Development Experience (PDE) component of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders from January 23 to March 3, 2023, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State.

Sat, 04/02/2023 - 02:30
“Astonishing labor market growth” Headlines at the New York Times and Washington Post trumpet 25 straight months of job growth. Unexpected jobs numbers Friday show the unemplyment rate falling to 3.4 percent, a rate not seen since 1969. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the economy added 517,000 jobs last month. The labor force participation rate remained stable at 62.4 percent but below pre-pandemic levels. But wage growth is slowing with inflation. Despite claims that employers cannot find workers because “nobody wants to work these days,” restaurants cannot find workers because many have found better jobs with “increased flexibility, stability and often better pay” (Washington Post): Nearly three years since the coronavirus pandemic upended the labor market, restaurants, bars, hotels and casinos remain short-staffed, with nearly 2 million unfilled openings. The leisure and hospitality industry, which before the pandemic accounted for much of the country’s job growth, is still short roughly 500,000 employees from 2020 levels, even as many other sectors have recovered.
Sat, 04/02/2023 - 02:29

Nicaragua ranks first among countries whose citizens feel at peace. Despite this, US media demonizes its Sandinista government, has sponsored violent coup attempts and has hit the country with crippling sanctions.

The post We’re Trying To Crush The Happiest Country On Earth – Lee Camp on Nicaragua appeared first on MintPress News.

Sat, 04/02/2023 - 02:10

On this episode of The Watchdog, Alan Macleod exposes Elon Musk's ties to intelligence agencies and special interest groups, highlighting SpaceX's ties to the CIA and the use of Starlink in advancing US foreign policy.

The post Elon Musk’s Cozy Ties With The Military Industrial Complex, With Alan MacLeod appeared first on MintPress News.

Sat, 04/02/2023 - 01:19

It is nearly 20 years since I blew the whistle on British Government complicity in torture and the extraordinary rendition programme, under which thousands of people were deliberately tortured as a systematic act of government policy. Many of them were killed. I had, and I leaked, substantial documentary evidence to back my claims, of which […]

The post Propaganda and Belief appeared first on Craig Murray.

Sat, 04/02/2023 - 01:00
Reminder: if you are running a summer program or summer school in philosophy, there is a place to list it to make it more visible to potentially interested parties. If you’re running a summer program in philosophy for graduate students or recent PhDs, list it in the comments here. If you’re running a summer program in philosophy for undergraduates, list it in the comments here. If you’re running a summer program in philosophy for high school students, list it in the comments here. Everyone else: if you know students who might be interested in these programs, please pass along the relevant post(s). Thanks!
Sat, 04/02/2023 - 01:00
The other pandemic “I knew there were some crazies out there. But I underestimated how many,” a friend said at an event last night. “Our culture is so sick…” Digby wrote in her last Thursday post. Scanning through Twitter every morning reinforces that assessment. Couldn’t it have just been a dancing fever? Police in Huntington Park, Calif. on Saturday shot and killed a knife-wielding suspect, a double amputee who dismounted his wheelchair to flee on his stumps. The Telegraph reports: Police said they got a call on Saturday that a man was stabbed by another man in a wheelchair. Officers said when they arrived on the scene they found Mr Lowe with a butcher knife. Video footage taken by a passerby which was released online on Monday shows Mr Lowe out of his wheelchair, trying to get away from two officers using his arms to propel himself along the ground. When a third officer arrived, they shot Lowe “around ten times,” killing him, said Lt. Hugo Reynaga. ‘He tried to run away, and every time he turned around and did the motion like he was gonna throw the knife at him, they Tased him,’ said Reynaga.
Sat, 04/02/2023 - 00:05

What is Pirate’s Booty?

Pirate’s Booty is a cheese-flavored puffed corn and rice snack. It is one of the four main Realistic Food Groups, along with Cheese Sticks/Wheels, Applesauce Pouches, and Nuggets. As anyone in the proximity of children can tell you, Pirate’s Booty is a critical component of every child’s dietary habits.

What is a typical serving size of Pirate’s Booty?

It varies. While the nutrition facts state that a recommended portion is one ounce, a serving size might be as small as a single stale piece found in the crack of a car seat or as large as an entire family-sized bag offered as a last-minute/last-nerve dinner replacement.

What nutrients does Pirate’s Booty provide?

Virtually none, but anecdotal evidence has shown that children who aren’t spitting out meatloaf spiked with cauliflower and grownups who aren’t wasting physical and emotional energy trying futilely to cram a cube of butternut squash into their child’s mouth are generally happier and less stressed.

Fri, 03/02/2023 - 23:12

Gordon Brown’s report on the future of the United Kingdom, ‘A New Britain: Renewing our Democracy and Rebuilding our Economy’, is the most comprehensive and radical Labour Party contribution to constitutional reform in a generation. It is also an essential blueprint for the next Labour government, to enable it to seize the initiative and map out what the […]

Fri, 03/02/2023 - 22:50
I’m Just Embarrassed For Humanity At This Point

I was thinking today about China giving up on Zero Covid. They were responding to significant public protests. The CCP isn’t democratic by our standards, but they actually care a great deal about public opinion, especially “expressed” public opinion.

What’s embarrassing, however, is the failure to spend the two years Zero-Covid bought fixing infrastructure. We know, at this point, that ventilation, HEPA filtering and UV radiation work. (This is what the rich gave themselves at Davos, so don’t waste anyone’s time arguing.)

There was a time, basically in the Victorian era, where we rebuilt all of the water infrastructure because we had finally got it thru our thick skulls that disease spread thru water. We did it, and it made a huge difference.

Fri, 03/02/2023 - 22:45

“The United States has detected what it says is a Chinese surveillance balloon that has been hovering over the northwestern United States.” — New York Times, 2/3/23

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For more than sixty years after I floated away over the grey Paris cityscape, dangling from a cluster of balloons, I have been biding time at high altitudes. My singular mission: to exact revenge on the boy who shot down my red balloon with a slingshot.

The good thing about commandeering a squadron of floating balloons for decades is you learn to keep tabs on people. After the red balloon incident, slingshot boy left France and spent many years in California—tech, I think—and recently relocated to Montana (cost of living). He bought a Toyota Tacoma, took up skate skiing, and now runs a kombucha shop in Missoula.

You might think kombucha wouldn’t do well in Montana, but au contraire.