
Fri, 24/07/2009 - 06:27

July 2009

My 14 year old son and I travelled to Thailand to explore the country, experience the culture and meet the locals. Read on for an account of our stravages..

Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 12:27

Well, we survived the flight and made it into Bangkok, we stayed at …

Fri, 17/07/2009 - 20:28

I think this news item from yesterday mostly speaks for itself, but I could not let the incident go by without blogging briefly about it.

There has been so much talk in the last two weeks that Microsoft has changed with regard to its patent policy toward Free Software. We fool ourselves if we trust any of the window-dressing that Microsoft has put forward to convince us that we can trust them in this regard. Indeed, I spoke extensively about this in my interview on the Linux Outlaws show this week.

Mon, 29/06/2009 - 18:41

In an essay last Friday entitled Why free software shouldn't depend on Mono or C#, RMS argued a key point that I agree with: the software freedom community should minimize its use of programming language infrastructure that comes primarily from anti-software-freedom companies, notwithstanding FaiF (Free as in Freedom) implementations. I've been thinking about an extension of that argument: that language infrastructure created in a community process is likely more resilient against attacks from proprietary software companies.

Tue, 02/06/2009 - 07:34

[ This post was not actually placed here until 2011-11-16, but I've put it in proper sequence with when the bulk of it was written. (Some of you may find it new in your RSS feeds as of 2011-11-16, however.) I originally posted it as a comment on an NTEN Blog post. NTEN got really sneaky over the years after I posted this comment. First, somewhere in late 2011, they removed the comments from the blog post which originally appeared on their website. Then, in August 2015, after I found an link that showed the original article, they seem to have made sure the original content was removed from (which a website owner is technically allowed to do, although it's sneaky behavior).

Thu, 28/05/2009 - 12:00

Ev my teenage son is growing up. He dyes his hair and listens to loud music. It beats pooping his pants and chucking tantrums at the sweety counter. I think he is pretty cool. He did not want me to take this picture he knew I was up to something …

Tue, 12/05/2009 - 17:07

I don't think we talk enough in the FLOSS community about the importance of individual support of FLOSS-related charitable organizations. On a recent podcast episode, Karen and I discuss with Stormy Peters how important it is for geeks — who may well often give lots of code to many FLOSS projects — also should consider giving a little bit of financial funding to FLOSS organizations as well.

Of course, it's essential that people give their time to the charities and the causes that they care about. In the FLOSS world, we typically do that by giving code or documentation to our favorite FLOSS project. I think that's led us all into the classic “I gave at the office” feeling. Indeed, I know that I too have fallen into this rut at times myself.

Sat, 25/04/2009 - 02:03

I have faced with much trepidation the news of Oracle's looming purchase of Sun. Oracle has never shown any interest in community development, particularly in the database area. They are the largest proprietary database vendor on the planet, and they probably have very simple plans for MySQL: kill it.

That's why I read with relief this post by Monty (co-founder of the MySQL project) this week, wherein Monty plans (and encourages others, too) to put their full force behind a MySQL “fork” that will be centered outside of Oracle.

Monty is undoubtedly correct when he says I don't think that anyone can own an open source project; the projects are defined by the de-facto project leaders and the developers that are working on the project. and that [w]ith Oracle now owning MySQL, I think that the need for an independent true Open Source entity for MySQL is even bigger than ever before.

Thu, 16/04/2009 - 21:46

There has been a lot of press coverage about the Microsoft/TomTom settlement. Unfortunately, so far, I have seen no one speak directly about the dangers that this deal could pose to software freedom, and what our community should consider in its wake. Karen and I discussed some of these details on our podcast, but I thought it would be useful to have a blog post about this issue as well.

Wed, 08/04/2009 - 23:07

Dave Neary found me during breakfast at the Linux Collaboration Summit this morning and mentioned that he was being flamed for a blog post he made, Copyright assignment and other barriers to entry. Or, as some might title it in a Computer Science academic tradition: Copyright Assignment Considered Harmful. I took a look at Dave's post, and I definitely think it's worth reading and considering, regardless of whether you agree with it or flame it. For my part, I think I agree with most of his points.

Wed, 18/03/2009 - 00:03

Many people have been commenting on and/or asking about my keynote, When Software Is A Services, Is Only the “Network Luddite” Free? from Scale 7x in late February. There is finally a downloadable H264/MPEG-4 AAC version (114MB) available. There is also an audio recording of the same speech available from SCALE's website. Finally, please note that the keynote is substantially similar to my Plone Conference Keynote, which was released as a podcast.

There was also an article in Ars Technica that covered my keynote.

Wed, 28/01/2009 - 02:30

For the past sixteen months, I participated in a bit of a “mini-GPLv3 process” among folks at the FSF, SFLC, the GNU Compiler Collection Steering Committee (GCC SC), and the GCC community at large. We've been drafting an important GPLv3 license exception (based on a concept by David Edelsohn and Eben Moglen, that they invented even before the GPLv3 process itself started). Today, that GCC Runtime Library Exception for GPLv3 went into production.

Wed, 14/01/2009 - 23:12

The decision between the GPL or LGPL for a library is a complex one, particularly when that library solves a new problem or an old problem in a new way. TrollTech faced this decision for the Qt library, and Nokia (who acquired Trolltech last year) has now reconsidered the question and come to a different conclusion. Having followed this situation since even before Qt was GPL'd, I was glad that we have successfully encouraged the reconsideration of this decision.

Years ago, RMS wrote what many consider the definitive essay on this subject, entitled Why you shouldn't use the Lesser GPL for your next library. A few times a year, I find myself rereading that essay because I believe it puts forward some good points to think about when making this decision.

Thu, 25/12/2008 - 10:58

I suppose it's time for me to confess. For a regular humbug who was actually memory-leak-hunting libxml2 at the office until 21:30 on December 24th, I'm still quite a sucker for Frank Capra movies. Most people haven't seen any of them except It's a Wonderful Life. Like a lot of people, I see that film annually one way or the other, too.

Fifteen years ago, I wrote a college paper on Capra's vision and worldview; it's not surprising someone who has devoted his life to Free Software might find resonance in it. Capra's core theme is simple (some even call it simplistic): An honest, hard-working idealist will always overcome if he never loses sight of community and simply refuses any temptation of corruption.

I don't miss the opportunity to watch It's a Wonderful Life when it inevitably airs each year. (Meet John Doe sometimes can be found as well around this time of year — catch that one too if you can.) I usually perceive something new in each viewing.

Wed, 10/12/2008 - 08:52

Today is an interesting anniversary (of sorts) for my cryptographic infrastructure. Nine years ago today, I generated the 1024 bit DSA key, DB41B387, that has been my GPG key every day since then. I remember distinctly that on the 350 MhZ machine I used at the time, it took quite a while to generate, even though I made sure the entropy pool remained nice and full by pounding on the keyboard.

Thu, 20/11/2008 - 21:55

I had yet to mention in my blog that I now co-host a podcast at SFLC. I found myself, as we launched the podcast last week, in a classic hacker situation of having one project demand the need to write code for a tangentially related project.

Specifically, we needed a way to easily publish show notes and otherwise make available the podcast on the website and in RSS feeds. Fortunately, we already had a few applications we'd written using Django. I looked briefly at django podcast, but the interface was a bit complicated, and I didn't like its (over)use of templates to do most of the RSS feeding.

Thu, 13/11/2008 - 23:31

Since the release of GPLv3, technology pundits have been opining about how adoption is unlikely, usually citing Linux's still-GPLv2 status as (often their only) example. Even though I'm a pro-GPLv3 (and, specifically, pro-AGPLv3) advocate, I have never been troubled by slow adoption, as long as it remained on a linear upswing from release day onward (which it has).

Only expecting linear growth is a simple proposition, really. Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects do not always have the most perfectly organized of copyright inventories, nor is the licensing policy of the project the daily, primary focus of the developers. Indeed, most developers have traditionally seen a licensing decision as something you think about once and never revisit!

Sat, 20/09/2008 - 21:35

Today is International Software Freedom Day. I plan to spend the whole day writing as much Free Software as I can get done. I have read about lots of educational events teaching people how to use and install Free Software, and those sound great. I am glad to read stories about how well the day is being spent by many, and I can only hope to have contributed as much as people who spend the day, for example, teaching kids to use GNU/Linux.

What troubles me, though, is the some events today are sponsored by companies that produce proprietary software. I notice that even the official Software Freedom Day site lists various proprietary (or semi-proprietary) software companies as sponsors. Indeed, I declined an invitation to an event sponsored and hosted by a proprietary software company.

Thu, 04/09/2008 - 22:17

Crossposted with

So often, a particular strategy becomes dogma. Copyleft licensing constantly allures us in this manner. Every long-term software freedom advocate I have ever known — myself included — has spent periods of time slipping on the comfortable shoes of belief that copyleft is the central catalyst for software freedom.

Copyleft indeed remains a successful strategy in maximizing software freedom because it backs up a community consensus on software sharing with the protection of the law. However, most people do not comply with the GPL merely because they fear the consequences of copyright infringement. Rather, they comply for altruistic reasons: because it advances their own freedom and the freedom of the people around them.

Tue, 02/09/2008 - 19:05

Twenty-five years ago this month, I had just gotten my first computer, a Commodore 64, and was learning the very basics (quite literally) of programming. Unfortunately for my education, it would be a full eight years before I'd be permitted to see any source code to a computer program that I didn't write myself. I often look back at those eight years and consider that my most formative years of programming learning were wasted, since I was not permitted to study the programs written by the greatest minds.

Fortunately for all the young programmers to come after me, something else was happening in an office at an MIT building in September 1983 that would make sure everyone would have the freedom to study code, and the freedom to improve it and contribute to the global library of software development knowledge. Richard Stallman announced that he would start the GNU project, a complete operating system that would give all its users freedom.

Wed, 20/08/2008 - 20:32

For ten years, I've been building up a bunch of standard advice on GPL compliance. Usually, I've found myself repeating this advice on the phone, again and again, to another new GPL violator who screwed it all up, just like the last one did. In the hopes that we will not have to keep giving this advice one-at-a-time to each violator, my colleagues and I have finally gotten an opportunity to write out in detail our best advice on the subject.

Somewhere around 2004 or so, I thought that all of the GPL enforcement was going to get easier. After Peter Brown, Eben Moglen, David Turner and I had formalized FSF's GPL Compliance Lab, and Dan Ravicher and I had taught a few CLE classes to lawyers in the field, we believed that the world was getting a clue about GPL compliance. Many people did, of course, and we constantly welcome new groups of well-educated people in the commercial space who comply with the GPL correctly and who interact positively with our community.