
Thu, 02/05/2024 - 07:07
. It’s hard not to agree with DeMartino’s critique of mainstream economics — an unethical, irresponsible, and harmful kind of science where models and procedures become ends in themselves, without consideration of their lack of explanatory value as regards real-world phenomena. Many mainstream economists working in the field of economic theory think that their task […]
Thu, 02/05/2024 - 06:06

In the digital age, staying updated with the latest marketing strategies and tools is crucial for every marketing professional. DrupalCon Portland 2024 might not be an event that was on your radar as a marketer, but this year is different. DrupalCon Portland 2024 has worked hard to curate some of the best speakers in the content management space for its new marketing track. This conference is transforming from a developer-focused conference to a full blown web conference, providing marketers an opportunity to enhance their expertise, network with industry leaders, and gain insights into the latest trends and technologies. Here's what you can gain from attending, along with a sneak peek into some of the key sessions that promise to enrich your marketing prowess.

Thu, 02/05/2024 - 05:00
Greg Sargent at TNR: Because Donald Trump must always be seen as wielding absolute mastery over his hapless, flailing opponents, he and his propagandists want you to believe his hush-money trial in Manhattan has proven nothing but a smashing political success for him. On Monday night, Trump posted a video on social media featuring Fox personality Jesse Watters gushing that his trial may win him the White House. Trump also promoted a video of Fox’s Jeanine Pirro insisting that it showcases his ability to “withstand pressure.” Other Fox figures have spun Trump’s buffoonish outbreaks of narcolepsy in court as proof he’s Owning the Libs: Certain of acquittal, he can do some power-napping while showing the trial the contempt it deserves. Greg points out that Trump doesn’t seem quite as sanguine. According to the NY Times he’s been talking trash about Todd Blanche, his previously favorite attorney, because he isn’t being aggressive enough. (He’s also not happy with attorney’s fees…) Apparently, he’s venting that he doesn’t have “a Roy Cohn” again.
Thu, 02/05/2024 - 04:57
AUKUS and associated propaganda might make men feel safe but will do nothing for women. A recent Australian Institute of Criminology report showed an increase in the numbers of women being killed by partners, current or former. See: AIC Reports Statistical Report 46 Hanah Miles and Samantha Bricknell Homicide in Australia 2022-23. The researchers interpreted Continue reading »
Thu, 02/05/2024 - 04:57
From Columbia University in New York to the University of Texas at Austin, from Emory University in Atlanta to the University of Califiornia at Berkeley, American students are protesting the genocide in Gaza. They are scorning the moral bankruptcy of governments which supply arms to Israel which simultaneously pretend support for humanitarian aid. These significant Continue reading »
Thu, 02/05/2024 - 04:57
India, regarded as a friendly nation by Australia, operated what is being called a “nest of spies” in this country, the ABC reports, adding that the group was kicked out in 2020 after the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation discovered what they were up to. The ABC report came on the same day that the Washington Continue reading »
Thu, 02/05/2024 - 04:56
Polling is over in Solomon Islands. There might be recounts. And there will certainly be electoral petitions in which losers challenge results in court. But that’s all for the future. For now, results have been announced for all 50 of the country’s electorates. And the MPs-elect will be the people who choose the country’s next Continue reading »
Thu, 02/05/2024 - 03:30
Yesterday, the Democratic leadership announced that they would vote to save Mike Johnson if Marjorie Taylor Greene went ahead with her threatened motion to vacate the chair. Marge is having a temper tantrum over it: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene announced Wednesday she will move ahead with her attempt to oust Speaker Mike Johnson from the House’s top job — though her plan seems doomed to fail. The Georgia Republican, who first introduced a motion to vacate the speaker’s chair in March, held a high-energy news conference outside the U.S. Capitol to say she will trigger a vote on the House floor next week. “Mike Johnson is not capable of that job,” she said. “He has proven that over and over again.” Greene, joined by Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, aired a litany of grievances she has with Johnson, who she described as a Democratic speaker working against former President Donald Trump’s agenda.
Thu, 02/05/2024 - 03:00

Dear Policyholder,

As your automobile insurance carrier, we want to thank you for your continued trust in NOTONUS. We regret to inform you that we have elected to raise your rate—a difficult decision, but one that we feel is justified given the considerations outlined below.

Reasons for your premium increase are as follows:

Thu, 02/05/2024 - 02:00
Donald Trump has said many things that should have chased him out of politics a long time ago. But in an interview with Eric Cortellessa of Time Magazine this week he finally said something so outrageous that it could make a difference in this upcoming close campaign. When asked if states should monitor women’s pregnancies so they can know if they’ve gotten an abortion after the ban, Trump replied: “I think they might do that. Again, you’ll have to speak to the individual states.” In other words, he’s fine with whatever medieval torture a state might want to inflict. That wasn’t all. He went on to say that states prosecuting women who get abortions is none of his concern and said that he would reveal his position on a possible national ban on the widely used drug Mifepristone in two weeks. (The two weeks have passed and when Time approached him to see if he had an update he extended it.) He may be waiting to see if the Supreme Court lets him off the hook with a ruling in the FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine case which they heard last month.