Kit Klarenberg explores the sudden vanishing act of Western media and political attention after new intelligence challenges the narrative surrounding Alexei Navalny's death.
The post Inside Job? Ominous New Questions Surround Navalny’s Death appeared first on MintPress News.
Monday is your new Saturday morning, the start of the weekend. Once your kids are at school, you have a lazy morning of self-care (clearing your inbox) followed by brunch with friends (an all-hands meeting in the conference room with stale bagels). You round out the afternoon by spending time in nature (dozing off in a desk salad).
Tuesday is Saturday afternoon. After a slight interruption to your weekend (Monday evening with your kids), you’re ready to get back to the fun. You host a boozy book club (your colleague stops by your desk to comb through the latest all-company memo for hints that layoffs are coming). Tired, you decide to take in a matinee (mandatory webinar on cybersecurity).
Wednesday is spa day (pooping in the office bathroom stall with no interruptions). You deserve it!
Thursday, you have a sunny date in the park (meeting with HR to discuss an unfortunate misunderstanding of your office’s policy against filling the bathroom with lighted candles). Against a soundtrack of soft jazz music (buzzing fluorescent lightbulb and stern reprimands), you feel your stress melt away.
Reflections on a philosopher who believed we can solve the problem of consciousness.
The post I Never Stopped Learning from Daniel Dennett appeared first on Nautilus.