War, what is it good for? Well, the media for starters. Shortly after the Biden administration responded to the killing of three American soldiers in a drone attack on a base in Jordan by bombing 85 Iran-connected targets in Iraq and Syria, the Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) asked in a headline: “Is the press dragging America to war again?” Again? I thought. Shouldn’t that be “still”? That headline was on a recent Media Today newsletter by Jon Allsop who regularly covers what could be considered the favorite topic of journalists: themselves. He was mulling over media criticism of how the government had (or hadn’t) disclosed information about that just-launched bombing campaign, as well as its goals, while considering the accusation that... Read more
by Daniel Wortel-London
The daily news regularly features commentary about the outrageous and growing income inequality in the USA. The data support the outrage:
- In 1965, the CEO-to-worker salary ratio at the average U.S. company was 21-to-1. Today that ratio is 344-to-1.
- In 2022, CEO pay at 100 S&P 500 companies averaged $15.3 million, while median worker pay averaged only $31, 672, according to an Institute of Policy Studies analysis.
The post Introducing the Salary Cap Act appeared first on Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.
Do as thou will, so long as your activities increase biodiversity and biomass, reduce pollution and heat, and replace any resources used.
Want to live in the howling wilderness? OK. But only if you can increase the number and amount of lifeforms, and reduce pollution by being there. If you can’t do all three, you don’t get to live in the wilderness.
Freedom today is based on money. If you have enough money, you can do what you want, if you obey the law. The more money you have, the fewer laws apply to you: either they are laws which if violated are punished with fines, which you don’t care about, or they are laws which are effectively not enforced against the rich.
The New Green Age, instead of having a zero tolerance policy for minor infractions, will have no tolerance for people who damage the ecosphere or the climate.
Defne Sheridan is a producer. She lives in New York and Los Angeles.
No, you read her bio correctly. It goes like this: Defne Sheridan is a producer. She lives in New York and Los Angeles. You might be wondering how that works logistically. But if you have to ask how someone can live in both New York and Los Angeles, then you are not ready to live in New York and Los Angeles. Shhh.
Again: Defne Sheridan is a producer. She lives in New York and Los Angeles. Sometimes Defne says she lives in Los Angeles and New York to switch things up. No matter which order the cities are in, Defne and her long-tailed chinchilla inhabit both in an equally spiritual way.
Defne transcends time and space and has a presence in New York and Los Angeles. Sometimes her art needs sun, so she goes to LA. Sometimes her art needs rain, so she goes to New York. Sun and rain, rain and sun, back and forth, for meaning-making.
- by Aeon Video
- by Francesco Dimitri
It was the Summer of 1983 and the Featherstone Rovers loose-forward Keith Bell was preparing for his testimonial season. Back then, rugby league was a part-time game, and a ten-year celebration was the ultimate accolade for loyalty and commitment to the hardest of sports. In an age where players worked around shifts and received £50 […]
Western media promoted a UN report as proof Hamas sexually assaulted Israelis. Yet the report’s authors admitted they couldn’t locate a single victim, suggested Israeli officials staged a rape scene, and denounced “inaccurate forensic interpretations.” On March 4, the United Nations released a report into sexual violence which has supposedly taken place amid the Israeli war on Gaza. The report was immediately celebrated in mainstream media outlets as proof of what scores of Israel lobbyists and journalists under their sway […]
The post Western media concocts ‘evidence’ UN report on Oct 7 sex crimes failed to deliver first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Western media concocts ‘evidence’ UN report on Oct 7 sex crimes failed to deliver appeared first on The Grayzone.
Θεωρητικά, η ΕΕ ενστερνίζεται τον φιλελευθερισμό της ελεύθερης οικονομία. Στην πραγματικότητα, ξεκίνησε ως καρτέλ παραγωγών άνθρακα και χάλυβα που, ανοιχτά και νόμιμα, έλεγχε τις τιμές και την παραγωγή μέσω μιας πολυεθνικής γραφειοκρατίας στις Βρυξέλλες. Ο Μάνος, αγρότης έκτης γενιάς από τη Θεσσαλία, μου το έθεσε ωμά όταν του ζήτησα να μου εξηγήσει γιατί ήταν διατεθειμένος […]
The post Πώς το καρτέλ της ΕΕ ένωσε τους τσιφλικάδες του Βορρά με τους αγρότες του Νότου | 247 News appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.
The Grayzone has obtained slides from a confidential Israel lobby presentation based on data from Republican pollster Frank Luntz. They contain talking points for politicians and public figures seeking to justify Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip. Two prominent pro-Israel lobby groups are holding private briefings in New York City to coach elected officials and well-known figures on how to influence public opinion in favor of the Israeli military’s rampage in Gaza, The Grayzone can reveal. These PR sessions, convened […]
The post Leaked Israel lobby presentation urges US officials to justify war on Gaza with ‘Hamas rape’ claims first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Leaked Israel lobby presentation urges US officials to justify war on Gaza with ‘Hamas rape’ claims appeared first on The Grayzone.