
Fri, 20/10/2023 - 10:00
If you want to know why half the people in his own party don’t trust him, this is it Philip Bump on Jim Jordan: Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) had a job to do Wednesday afternoon, and darned if he wasn’t going to do it. Cole joined the lengthy roster of Republican representatives given the opportunity to nominate their party’s candidate for speaker before a vote in the House — a roster on which he might admittedly already appear, given that the Republican conference is well into the double digits on such nominations this year. But given that task, his job was to convince the House broadly, his colleagues specifically and the viewing audience potentially of the preparedness of Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) for the job. With that goal in mind, he at one point in his speech hailed the House Judiciary Committee chairman’s moral fortitude. “He is a person of absolute personal integrity,” Cole said of Jordan. “I’ve never once had to question something that he told me. He’s an honorable man.” This is a more important testimonial than it might seem.
Fri, 20/10/2023 - 08:00
That explosion at the hospital in Gaza has inspired a contentious debate about who is responsible and I don’t think people are going to be persuaded either way if it violates their priors. However, I think that spending too much time pointing fingers on that single incident is really counterproductive for both Israeli people and Palestinian people caught in the crossfire. There is much more at stake. Here’s Eric Levitz at NY Magazine: An explosive fell on the parking lot of a hospital in Gaza City Tuesday, killing a large number of Palestinians. Hamas attributed the blast to the Israeli military. Many news organizations and critics of Israel attributed the catastrophe to the Israeli military. This presumption of Israeli responsibility was not unfounded. Israel had struck the hospital just days earlier, according to video footage obtained by the New York Times. The Israeli military had ordered the evacuation of 22 hospitals in northern Gaza last week, according to the World Health Organization. And Israel had dropped more than 6,000 tons of bombs on the Gaza Strip since Hamas’s attack on October 7.
Fri, 20/10/2023 - 07:48
Cooking time: 1 hr. 40 mins.Preparation time: 25 mins.Main cooking utensils: saucepan, covered large casserole (see stage 1)Oven temperature: 325-350°F; then 425-450°F.Oven position: just above center For 6-8 servings you need:¼ cup drippings or shortening2 onions, ¼ cup flourscant 2 cups tomato juice2 tablespoons tomato paste (optional)seasoning, pinch mixed herbs1½ lb. ground raw beef Cobbler:2 […]
Fri, 20/10/2023 - 06:30
He was once the wingnuttiest of wingnuts. Now he’s the establishment. Did he change or did the party? A little bit of both: You’re going to read that the 18-year House veteran is the “adult in the room” compared to other GOP hard-liners — a pragmatist who’s ready to govern and even has Democrats clamoring for him to run the House. But it wasn’t always that way. Part of the reason the North Carolina Republican has any lingering cred with the far right — though it’s fading in the Matt Gaetz era — is that he used to be one of them, even before the rise of the GOP tea party movement. McHenry entered Congress in 2005 at 29 and soon made his name as a self-described “bomb-thrower.” He rose through the House GOP ranks by attacking the government’s economic rescue plans in the wake of the global financial crisis, helping sink the Bush administration’s initial attempt to bail out Wall Street — a failed vote that triggered a market crash.
Fri, 20/10/2023 - 05:00
This is what happens when the monster you created turns on you: In the closed-door meeting, several GOP members urged Rep. Jim Jordan to drop his bid for the speakership, but he is resisting those calls, according to two sources familiar with the matter. Jordan, who sources say scrapped a third vote today after failing to get enough to win the speakership in his first two ballots, is is now leaning toward backing a resolution to expand interim Speaker Patrick McHenry’s powers, sources said, but he wants to see how today’s House GOP conference meeting goes.  Here’s how it went: A closed-door meeting of the House GOP Conference turned heated today, multiple sources tell CNN, a further sign of chaos as Republicans struggle to elect a speaker.  At one point, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, who led the effort to oust Kevin McCarthy as speaker, was told to sit down by McCarthy but refused.
Fri, 20/10/2023 - 04:56
As a postscript to Caitlin Johnstone’s piece in yesterday’s P&I, I wish to comment further on who is responsible for the attack on al-Ahli Arab Hospital on the 17th October. It seems odd to me that Israel, which is admittedly bombing Gaza relentlessly, would claim that Palestinians did it by allowing a rocket to malfunction, Continue reading »
Fri, 20/10/2023 - 04:55
The Victorian government has just acted to ensure that the Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) is neutered by a subtle gambit in the crafting of the advertisement seeking applicants for the position of Commissioner. The first requirement in the ad was for a “leader with demonstrated experience and exceptional capability in: public sector leadership and Continue reading »
Fri, 20/10/2023 - 04:54
If you are a critic of Anthony Albanese’s Labor government, stop whining about it. Do something instead. You can find leverage in the political opportunity structure to pressure the Labor party on three key demands: recognising Palestine; withdrawing from the AUKUS submarine deal, and stopping new fossil fuel projects. Here’s how. Phase 2 of the Continue reading »
Fri, 20/10/2023 - 04:53
Environmental and some health organisations are requesting urgent legislative action to amend part of the EPBC Act of 1999, to include shale and tight gas so it can be applied to assessments of the Beetaloo shale gas development. In 2012, the Australian Government established the Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Continue reading »