
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 09:00
The judge in the NY case is big mad: The judge overseeing Donald Trump’s bank fraud trial threatened to throw the former president in jail—and hit him with punishing fines—for “blatantly” violating a gag order by refusing to delete a website post attacking court staff. Justice Arthur F. Engoron, striking a serious tone, began Friday at trial by laying out the high stakes and demanding that Trump’s lawyers explain themselves. “In the current overheated climate, incendiary comments can and in some cases already has, led to serious physical harm and worse. I will now allow the defendants to explain why this blatant violation of the gag order would not result in serious sanctions, including financial sanctions and/or possibly imprisoning him,” Engoron said. The case that Engoron is presiding over—Trump’s New York bank fraud trial—is a civil matter, meaning jail time wasn’t ever supposed to be in the cards, only stiff fines and a threat to ruin his real estate empire. But now, Trump appears to be facing a very real threat of spending time in jail if his antics continue.
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 08:00
The wives of Republican congressmen aren’t the only ones MAGA is targeting with threats and intimidation We already knew they liked to go after cops. But going after their families is a new frontier: The federal prosecutors who have brought charges against hundreds of Jan. 6 rioters are seeing an uptick in violent threats and harassment directed toward their office, the office’s lead prosecutor told congressional investigators. Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney for Washington, said the threats come from around the country and have become “pervasive,” though he did not elaborate on their substance or whether any law enforcement agency is investigating them. Graves’ comments, documented in a transcript obtained by POLITICO, came in a closed-door interview on Oct. 3 with the House Judiciary Committee about the Hunter Biden probe. In the interview, Republican investigators pressed Graves on allegations that his office refused to assist the U.S. attorney in Delaware who is leading the probe into the president’s son. Graves declined to answer some of the investigators’ questions about his personnel, citing threats to his office.
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 06:30
The “adults” in the room unfortunately keep spitting up their formula And listen to this hopeless drivel: Raju: You think this looks good? — Acyn (@Acyn) October 20, 2023 Raju: How does it make the Republican party look? Scott: I think it makes congress as a whole look very bad… The Democrats are not innocent in this. They’re not. Raju: Matt Gaetz and the Republicans started this. — Acyn (@Acyn) October 20, 2023 They actually think people are going to believe that the Democrats should have saved the man who opented a bogus impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden and eagerly licks Trump’s boots every chance he gets (not to mention the years and years of grotesque lying and derision) from their own right wing freaks? Really? They believe this? It would be nice is once, the reporters wouold ask them point blank why they believe the Democrats should have saved the Republican speaker from right wing Republicans. How would they explain that?
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 05:00
What’s happening in the House is taking us over the cliff This post by Lee Drutman says it all: The US House is now in uncharted territory. Yes, you probably know this from following the ongoing drama over the vacated House speakership. As of this writing, we are now 17 days into this manufactured crisis. But how uncharted? And if we’re off the map, where are we headed? And are we off to “There be dragons” land? (Possibly, yes) In the pixels ahead, I’ll visually map where we are.  As we’ll see, there are some historic parallels. But not enough to feel like we’ve really been here before.   Here’s what’s distinct about this moment, based on the best metrics we have.
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 04:57
As an Australian with First Nations and coloniser blood running through my veins, I’ve always believed in the promise of a fair and just Australia, one that can celebrate our 65,000 years of history, reconcile our colonial past and build a better future for all. But the Voice referendum has cast a shadow on that Continue reading »
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 04:56
Gravity-defying Western double-standards are now on worldwide display, as the US and its liegemen line-up to support a vengeful Israel to the hilt. Which prompts this question: what is the difference, today, between the universal human rights gospel of the Global West and a Potemkin Village? Answer: Increasingly little. As the United States expanded its Continue reading »
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 04:55
Anthony Albanese pictured with the Australian parliamentary delegation meeting with the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in 1998. In Gaza’s hour of need, what would President Arafat today make of Albanese’s one sided support for Israel’s ‘right to defend itself, a right denied to Palestinians in decades of Israeli occupation. Continue reading »
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 04:55
In Asian media this week: War is ‘against the Palestinian people’. Plus: Voice defeat ‘undercuts regional stance’; Indian court rejects same-sex marriage; Xi marks BRI anniversary with new funding; Democracy ‘put to the test’; Gaol and caning for rape. Indonesia and Malaysia, the Muslim-majority countries in the region, support the Palestinians in the Israel-Gaza war, Continue reading »
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 04:54
On Saturday, 14 October, Australians did themselves no favours. Again. The world is perplexed and dismayed by Australians’ decision to deny Aboriginals a Voice to parliament. Comments frequently heard include “sad” and “incomprehensible”; others use stronger terms. Still others just shake their heads in sorrow. Conversations with Europeans and Americans has been at once predictable Continue reading »
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 04:53
The Voice vote — a setback for reconciliation and for Australian democracy. Businesses behaving badly. Stan Grant and John Coltrane. Read on for the Weekly roundup of links to articles, podcasts, reports and other media on current economic and political issues. The Voice How we voted. Seven reasons we voted “no”. How Dutton is changing Continue reading »
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 04:51
The former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison continues to maintain his role as the country’s noisiest anti-Beijing figure. Still a federal member of the New South Wales seat of Cook (when will “sod” and “off” make union regarding him?), he is showing electors, each and every day, why his resignation is in order. Those bothering Continue reading »
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 04:50
China’s stance on war is very clear, in fact, it could not be more clear. In every conflict on the globe China calls for peaceful resolution and dialogue to resolve differences rather than force. A recently released White Paper, on the White Paper, on the Belt and Road Initiative, emphasised this calling for global peace, Continue reading »
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 04:47

MintPress News founder Mnar Adley shares her personal experience in and about Palestine, along with her historic and journalistic expertise. Scheer offers his closeness in covering the issue, stemming from firsthand reporting on the ground at the end of the Six Day War, and Adley brings it to the modern-day state of affairs, coming back from Palestine merely a month ago.

The post What About a One State Solution With an Equal Vote for Every Palestinian and Israeli? appeared first on MintPress News.

Sat, 21/10/2023 - 04:45

It’s come to my attention that you’ve plowed through two seasons of LOST in five days. You think it’s “a pretty cool show,” and you’re probably going to finish it later this month. Well, that’s not going to happen, mister. You have just watched forty-nine episodes of endless mysteries where every “answer” leads only to more questions, and the fact that you aren’t furiously pissed off and cursing J. J. Abrams proves you aren’t mature enough for this seminal life experience. This isn’t just “some piece of content to binge.” This is LOST.

I am instituting a new policy: You can watch only one episode each week. And in between episodes, you will obsess and theorize and stew and vent and wonder why the hell you even bother watching this show before inevitably returning next week. Just like we did when I was your age.

Sat, 21/10/2023 - 03:00
Trump and his co-defendants should be worried There’s a lot going on in the world and here at home at the moment so it’s not surprising that Donald Trump and his legal problems aren’t front and center in our political coverage. Trump himself is very upset by this, lamenting on Truth Social earlier this week that he’s forced to appear at the Courthouse in New York where his fraud trial is being held (he isn’t) and complaining that nobody’s paying attention to him, posting, “despite my being here, the talk is all about Biden getting ready to fly to the Middle East…” But even though nobody is paying close attention to all his troubles at the moment, there is quite a bit of news on the Trump legal front and some of it may have some very unpleasant consequences for the former president. The fraud trial is not going particularly well for him with his CFO possibly having committed perjury on the stand which could mean his plea deal with the Manhattan Disctrict Attorney in the Trump Organization case is in danger. Weisselberg went to jail for five months in that case but could easily see more time if that’s proven.
Sat, 21/10/2023 - 02:53

I hadn’t planned on writing anything about current events, thinking it best to let Israelis and Palestinians speak for themselves. But this week a family member told me about a conversation he’d had with non-Jewish friends in Britain who were worried about speaking about the catastrophe unfolding in the Gaza Strip for fear — unwarranted, […]