Before WWI, strategically, machine guns were offensive weapons. They were used to expand the European empires against opponents who didn’t have them.
Come WWI, it turned out that they were defensive weapons which made offensive operations very hard if both sides had them.
Armor and air made fast offensive operations possible in WWII, and aircraft carriers made air the queen of the ocean and the king of force projection against nations without large air forces.
Over the past twenty years two major things have changed in military technology. I’ve written about both in the past.
You might be tempted to think that the US and UK would learn from their mistakes in the Middle East. This would, however, be an error. The attack on Yemen shows exactly how much they keep repeating the same mistakes in the increasingly forlorn hope that this time the action will succeed. Yemen has suffered […]
- by Aeon Video
- by Nathaniel Scharping
- by James McElvenny
DiEM25 was born in 2016 to counter the oligarchies that control and influence the lives of European citizens. How has the situation changed in recent years? Our mission has failed. Instead of being democratised, power within the EU has become even more concentrated and opaque. As we had predicted, because it was not democratised, the […]
The post On the state of Europe (its Economy, Treaties, Migration, Italy&Greece) – interviewed by FOTOSINTHESI appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.
In Liverpool last October, the Labour Leader’s Office issued an edict saying that no one at conference could say anything on Palestine other than to echo Keir Starmer’s words condemning Hamas and proclaiming Israel’s right to self-defence. Reading the script provided by Israeli embassies around the world, the UK, US and many other Western governments […]