
Sat, 13/01/2024 - 00:00
Like sculptures, fossils need curators. A raw lump of stone must be prepared and cleaned before it can be studied as a fossil; scientists of the past may well have inadvertently destroyed interesting surface layers. Still, most of its molecular secrets will have remained locked inside – as long as a fossil isn’t blasted into space, it can be handed down to future generations to explore.
Sat, 13/01/2024 - 00:00
I know a good deal about the Bonhomme Richard. I know that it was originally a French merchant vessel called the Duc de Duras; that it was loaned to the fledgling US navy; and that it took part in the War of Independence. I know it was 152 feet long, weighed 998 tonnes and carried 42 guns. But at the time this replica was created in 1975, I knew only that it was my dad’s obsession.
Sat, 13/01/2024 - 00:00
Apart from getting rid of the Bolsheviks, the aims of the Western intervention were remarkably ill-defined. Sometimes it was to protect British interests and keep the Germans, Turks, Poles, or Japanese imperial or territorial ambitions in check; sometimes to support ‘democratic forces’ in Russia, notably the transient Czechs; and sometimes just to back up the (anti-democratic) Whites.
Sat, 13/01/2024 - 00:00

When Martin Luther King Jr. walked up the steps to the Lincoln Memorial, he delivered a speech that would change history. With passion and eloquence, he showed us a vision of true equality—an America where people of all colors and backgrounds could enjoy life, liberty, and a piece of this sweet Fort Lauderdale timeshare I’m offering.

Seriously, he would have wanted you to sign up right away. It’s a primo bog-side location in the heart of the city’s outskirts.

America was founded on principles of justice. Unfortunately, it took over a century to begin living up to those ideals. Only when Dr. King uttered his famous words, “I have a dream,” did we realize that he probably meant to follow up with, “that you will all go for the Platinum Package, with access to a reasonably well-maintained thirteen-hole golf course.”

That, and the fact that you haven’t given me your credit card number yet, might be the greatest injustice of all.

Fri, 12/01/2024 - 23:30
I usually do animals but I thought this was pretty heartwarming for a cold January night: JV Last at the Bulwark featured this. It’s about a minor league hockey team, the Hershey Bears, which has a fundraising event in which locals bring stuffed animals for donation. When the team scores its first goal they throw them on to the ice. Last wrote: This year, Hershey fans donated almost 74,599 stuffies during the game and you have to see the video to believe it. The rain comes slowly at first and then it picks up. But then it just keeps going, a flood-tide of plush. Watch and bask in the warmth of people being good. It’s out there. We just have to look for it.
Fri, 12/01/2024 - 22:15

Ναι, το ΜέΡΑ25 είμαστε εδώ. Εκτός Βουλής, αλλά με την βούληση να κάνουμε ακόμα μεγαλύτερη διαφορά τώρα απ’ ότι όταν είμασταν στη Βουλή. Ναι, είμαστε εδώ. Με την εκλογική ήττα να μας έχει βελτιώσει. Είμαστε εδώ περήφανοι για το κοινοβουλευτικό μας έργο αλλά και προβληματισμένοι από το γεγονός ότι τόσες και τόσοι που μας εκτιμούν, […]

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